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Instead of daily login, monthly pass

RamirezRamirez Member
edited March 2021 in General Discussion
Lately playing albion online and i think monthly/season pass is much better then daily reward..

How this works? So every month or season you have like a "battle pass" with diferent tiers.

Everything you do that give exp contribute to unlock the diferent offer tiers, this way you are rewarded for being an active player, but not punished for missing the game 2 or 3 days...


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    Season Passes have been heavily looked down upon by the gaming community for quite a while now, due to the fact that companies use it for the sole purpose to drive more sales and 'squeeze the cash cow'. I agree that rewards should be tied directly to your accomplishments and dedication within the game itself. But that is all that it should be, in my opinion.

    The multiple 'tiers' sounds a bit convoluted. I'm going to assume you're referring to the different cosmetic tiers currently on the shop? Maybe you can be more elaborate with an example.
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    Hellfar wrote: »
    Season Passes have been heavily looked down upon by the gaming community for quite a while now, due to the fact that companies use it for the sole purpose to drive more sales and 'squeeze the cash cow'. I agree that rewards should be tied directly to your accomplishments and dedication within the game itself. But that is all that it should be, in my opinion.

    The multiple 'tiers' sounds a bit convoluted. I'm going to assume you're referring to the different cosmetic tiers currently on the shop? Maybe you can be more elaborate with an example.

    I m talking about free season pass , the game is already p2p and have cosmetic shop so don't need another paywall

    About tier what i m saying is tier 1 you need 10000 xp to accomplish, then you unlock tier 2 that you have better reward but need double the exp until the final reward, in Albion normally is an mount with abilitys that you can keep or sell for millions...

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