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Places in MMORPGs you liked the most?



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    Tangled Depths in Guild Wars 2. Complex and beautiful, just how I like it.
    Thief of Time
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    maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited April 2021
    Personally nostalgic for me, the inside of the slime trees in old-school Maplestory made you feel so small but they were cosy:

    I REALLY enjoyed Kingdom Hearts II.8's Castle Town frozen in time that Aqua wanders through, especially all the fractured pieces of the village and crystal shards everywhere @o@

    Also cannot fault the vertical cliffs in Genshin Impact (ignoring the game's other faults) it just works so well with gliding too (you can go on top of those cliffs on the side, they are 100% climbable):

    Finally, I know it's not an MMO but meteor falls was SO COOL in pokemon emerald. It had these pools of mineral water in cascading steps down the side of the cave:
    I wish I were deep and tragic
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    KotterKotter Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Everquest 2's Permafrost zone for the music alone.
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    @Hedgemon played this with my brother waaaaaaay back and recently played it online through this client haha, but i stopped bc it had so many crashes. Used to spend hours in the hero creator, even though there was only a few options.
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