Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Thoughts on the Green Zone
What green zone?
The only safe places are: Player stalls, Player housing and Freeholds. In other words: only when your character is on your own property.
There aren't any PvP or PvE-only zones. It's PvX everywhere.
The corruption system will prevent people from killing mindlessly, but allows people to fight over whatever they want if they are willing to take the risk.
That's a good slogan.
There is no green zone
I think he's talking about that Matt Damon movie.
@ OP It wasn't very good.
yeah I would give it a 4/10 no where as good as black hawk down
I could see this changing. Might be a lot of dead mayors and attempted robberies.
Shady folks just waiting at the bank for a high roller....
I could see this changing too. Cities might end up being classic safe zones.
The city is not safe take this *hand scroll of fireball*
Maybe the mayors could have choices between roving patrols or guards stationed at the banks and markets, or both.
You mean the Green Mile ... ?
Oh wait ...
i read that: "Battlegrounds are where PvP battles occur in the open world.[1] These are open world PvP zones that flag players as Combatants (purple)."
Which made me wonder, "shouldn't any/all areas cause people to flag as Purple? If not, what areas do not flag, and what are those areas called?"
I played Darkfall since EU Beta. I'm glad this forum isnt as toxic as Forumfall.
Again, i'm sorry i'm a scum bag and pissed everyone off. I need to better myself at knowing everything. sorry
Battlegrounds are areas around castles, node cities, maybe some guild hideouts during siege time, when a siege has been declared. Also around caravans.
While inside such areas you automatically flag purple and can be killed without your killer gaining corruption.
Those situations have nothing to do with the corruption system (green purple red players).
There will also be some instanced battlegrounds of team v team type for people to casually PvP and blow off some steam, which hopefully wont have material rewards, turning them into a game within the mmo, like most mmos do for the last 10 or so years.
Why this strong need for a safety bubble at the expense of it being 10000% not fun or meaningful?
I am not toxic. I am just full on attacking this mentality of some people that are so averse to being attacked by other gamers.
i'm just trying to even understand the purpose of green in the first place.
people should be able to kill each other mindlessly anywhere anytime with zero repercussions.
That would turn the whole world into a big boring battlefield instead of an mmo.
Mmo is more than just combat. It's about character progress, gearing, exploration and organization.
If those arent protected you end with something boring. Like what Cyrodiil is in eso.
I agree - I might initially think you'd need a little protection in place to keep some 200 person guild from taking over something like a bank .. but then I'm guessing that would turn into a pretty spectacular fight
As to your second point? No, no they shouldn’t.
I'd totally go there.
Sounds like a great time
We shall make a great bbq party at your place.
I'll bring the pork chops.
I will bring the beer
That beer looks so good.
Also, that 50/50 chance of death gives the beer a unique flavor and it's a surprise mechanic at the same time as well. That's truly impressive !
Everyone should try that amazing beer at least once.