Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Node Progression Status

While playing the alpha-1 my guild and myself have been grinding in one area primarily to increase the node's level. (we consist of a steady 18-20 players) We have put forth almost all of our effort in a single node and progressed it to level 2. To give a little more perspective, we are guild level 5 now, and have taken down all the world dragons on about a daily basis, minus Elder dragon of fire cleared 1 time so far. Has anyone else wanted to see the node's progression or how much is left before the next level? I think this would increase certain guilds and player to focus their efforts more on their node or nearby nodes so that later they do not become vasseled. What are your thoughts?
It might be cool to have to level up some sort of skill (or maybe an unlock) to get detailed info such as a progress bar or % value. Just a bit more content or ways to encourage social interaction.
For background this was my comment in the map size thread. The conversation was about map size and node control:
To answer your question I don't think we should have a node progression bar, but if the clerk or other NPC could indicate the status of a node with maybe text indicating low/medium/high progression xp, vassal state, or locked status. That way you could check on the node when you're in town but still keep some of the mystery I think is lost by putting a progress bar.
After reading the Dev discussion on guilds, I get the impression a fair amount of people (myself included) play in smaller guilds 20-30 players. Those players want to make a difference and using your alpha guild as an example, I think reaching village (level 3) should be attainable for guild of this size.
Finally, the nodes begin locking out other nodes as soon as level 1, and the wiki says this model will be tested in Alpha 1 ( To me this system feels strained since I cannot see to which node my effort contributes. I would suggest nodes can freely develop until level 3, but I think there were technical concerns with that approach. So my backup request is a territory overlay for the map similar to the nodes video series so players can see which node controls certain terrain.
One thing we need to keep in mind, is that in practice, most nodes will probably not be leveled up by individual guilds. Also, isn't control of the node (ie: mayor) separate from leveling the node? I would probably put separate these 2 problems.
1) Is it feasible for smaller guild to significantly influence the node progress? (How long does it take to get to level 3 with 100s of players vs 10s of players?)
2) Is it feasible for smaller guilds to gain control over a node after it has been established? (The running theory is that the different node types will allow this to happen)
There should be some interesting experiments in the future around these topics. Based on experience from other games; smaller, more organized guilds should be able to put up a fight against the 'zerg' guilds.
If we are supposed to have more than on village, then we could check and see if it is bugged or if we're just too close. But without knowing we can't continue to test what may need to be tested.
Current Member of the Gray Sentinels.
even though it would be great to have "visual progression" it would take vastly more resources and time than putting up a simple % notification.
Could be a feature added later but gameplay value you get is kinda low compared to them working on other more important components with their limited resources.
I think personally I would like to be able to tell couple of things:
1. is node making progress? Can I make a rough estimate on how long it will take to get to the next stage? (am I slowly moving the needle forward towards a goal)
2. is the node locked out and prevented from leveling? (Should i be preparing to siege other nodes instead)
3. What stage the node currently is
I think that a basic % done underneath node name
Winstead - lvl 3
This % doesn't have to be real time and could be on some length of delay. Though should have a system where if a node levels up there is a lock out period where they are given x time to shore up defenses before they can be attacked.
This is a great point. Scope creep is a real thing when making any kind of software. We need to make sure we focus more on realistic goals for the base game, so the game can actually release, and iterate from there.
Currently the simplest compromise seems to be to provide any details locally by talking to an NPC. Which I think is totally acceptable for launch. The big question is just what details should those be?
Second post in from Noaani nails it pretty good.
"Also, since housing in a node is first come, first served, Intrepid have stated that they don't want to give an indication of where a node is in terms of progress. "
Large Guilds will find a way to cheese these kind of things locking out the ability of anyone finding a house.
Imagine logging out one night only to have your friends tell you it leveled 15 minutes after you logged out, Or conversely logging in and 10 minutes later it levels as your still standing there and get a great choice. It all risk vs reward.
City hall is a government building within a node.[29]
We want the City Hall to be the place where big decisions are made for each Node. It should be where the “ruling class” comes together and decides what to do (these decisions can quickly make them the “old ruling class” too).
Mayors and node governments use City hall to visualize and control activities within their node. These capabilities will also be available via mobile/web inteface.[2]
Status of the node's economy.
Status of upcoming elections.
Status of trade agreements.
Status of caravans.
Players can interact with the node board to get a list of its citizens.[18]
Clicking on a citizen will reveal information about their guild, society, religion, and property ownership.[18]
Early view.
Current Member of the Gray Sentinels.
You mean for when they will level?
That won't be a thing to stop people from gaming the system with node housing.