Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Lost Ark's success and the importance of combat



  • BalanzBalanz Member, Alpha Two
    I am greatly reassured about combat, than you. I am content to watch Alpha 2 and see.

    I was greatly disappointed about being physically unable to play Elite Dangerous.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Balanz wrote: »
    I am greatly reassured about combat, than you. I am content to watch Alpha 2 and see.

    I was greatly disappointed about being physically unable to play Elite Dangerous.

    As a player of that game, I find this interesting, so I hope you'll indulge me.

    I definitely can see how any levels of difficulty with one's hands would make combat in that game borderline impossible. It's hard enough as it is in tighter situations. My question is not about that experience specifically but I'll use it as example.

    Would the game's combat be as fun if it were different to the point where you could play it? You wished to play, and I am assuming (so please forgive if wrong) that the issue was combat, as most of the rest of it is sort of autopilot-trading.

    Assuming that you didn't wish to avoid combat, would it have been as fun to play if it were changed to be playable for you?
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • BalanzBalanz Member, Alpha Two
    Azherae wrote: »
    Would the game's combat be as fun if it were different to the point where you could play it? You wished to play, and I am assuming (so please forgive if wrong) that the issue was combat, as most of the rest of it is sort of autopilot-trading.
    I play almost no computer games, and the only MMO I ever played was original EverQuest, which I rage quit on March 20, 2004.

    I am reassured that combat will be similar in pace to original EQ, or perhaps a bit faster, which is fine for me. I was turned off by PvP, but am so impressed by the ambition and design of Ashes, that I will give it my best. However, I had been under the impression that in the last couple decades, combat in general had gotten much faster, and figured that would be the case with Ashes as well, especially because of its strong emphasis on PvP. I am glad to see that my assumption was mistaken.

    As for Elite Dangerous, the point was that I could not control the ship well enough on a PS4 to get past the Tutorial, so I never actually got to play. I wanted to explore and trade.

  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Balanz wrote: »
    Azherae wrote: »
    Would the game's combat be as fun if it were different to the point where you could play it? You wished to play, and I am assuming (so please forgive if wrong) that the issue was combat, as most of the rest of it is sort of autopilot-trading.
    I play almost no computer games, and the only MMO I ever played was original EverQuest, which I rage quit on March 20, 2004.

    I am reassured that combat will be similar in pace to original EQ, or perhaps a bit faster, which is fine for me. I was turned off by PvP, but am so impressed by the ambition and design of Ashes, that I will give it my best. However, I had been under the impression that in the last couple decades, combat in general had gotten much faster, and figured that would be the case with Ashes as well, especially because of its strong emphasis on PvP. I am glad to see that my assumption was mistaken.

    As for Elite Dangerous, the point was that I could not control the ship well enough on a PS4 to get past the Tutorial, so I never actually got to play. I wanted to explore and trade.

    Got it, thanks for the data. I actually forgot that they make you do the tutorial fully that way, it's been a while.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    Alacrite wrote: »
    It's okay to not like esports but ur objectively wrong, especially when a major component of AoC is competition. MMORPGs are just a bunch of games combined in one, and gatekeeping types of players, especially ones that are combat focused, kinda defeats the purpose of the game

    Specific parts of some MMOs have been a part of some esports leagues.

    WoW isn’t an esport, WoW arenas are.

    That said, I do not want open world combat in Ashes to be impacted by arena sport.

    I see this similar to the way I see MMA. MMA is a sport not a combat art. Sports have rules. Combat does not.
  • AlacriteAlacrite Member, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    You are objectively wrong. Competition is not synonymous with sports.
    Games with rules inherently have gatekeeping.

    .............. ok. i called u the gatekeeper. not the mmo. its clear you just have a strict bias against ppl who are just good at video games. no point in further debate if thats ur world view.
    CROW3 wrote: »
    Alacrite wrote: »
    It's okay to not like esports but ur objectively wrong, especially when a major component of AoC is competition. MMORPGs are just a bunch of games combined in one, and gatekeeping types of players, especially ones that are combat focused, kinda defeats the purpose of the game

    Specific parts of some MMOs have been a part of some esports leagues.

    WoW isn’t an esport, WoW arenas are.

    That said, I do not want open world combat in Ashes to be impacted by arena sport.

    I see this similar to the way I see MMA. MMA is a sport not a combat art. Sports have rules. Combat does not.

    WoW has an esport. because people invest time in the game and when they get good at it, they naturally compete. Ashes literally has arenas, with leaderboards.

    I'm not even arguing for an esports scene. people who are good at video games will give good feedback on the mechanics of video games.

    Also, we're talking about a video game, which is literally built on rules. so confused on what u guys are on.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I am not an Ashes dev, so I can't be a gatekeeper forAshes.
    I didn't say anything about people who are good at video games.
    I said that esports should not impact the design of RPGs, especially MMORPGs, because RPGs are not sports.
    MOBAs are great for esports.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Alacrite wrote: »
    Ashes literally has arenas, with leaderboards.

    Well, it literally doesn’t. But arenas are in scope. The point was simply that an MMO isn’t an esport, but one small part of it could be. But I wouldn’t want that small part to be the determining yardstick for combat in the world.

    Does that help?

  • AlacriteAlacrite Member, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    I am not an Ashes dev, so I can't be a gatekeeper forAshes.
    I didn't say anything about people who are good at video games.
    I said that esports should not impact the design of RPGs, especially MMORPGs, because RPGs are not sports.
    MOBAs are great for esports.

    yeah i brought up using the feedback of pro gamers and u keep talking about esports. we're not talking about the same thing.
    CROW3 wrote: »
    Alacrite wrote: »
    Ashes literally has arenas, with leaderboards.

    Well, it literally doesn’t. But arenas are in scope. The point was simply that an MMO isn’t an esport, but one small part of it could be. But I wouldn’t want that small part to be the determining yardstick for combat in the world.

    Does that help?

    u should check out the wiki regarding arenas. no one ever said anything about esports determining all of combat. well, except for you two
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I didn't use the word "all".

    What you seem to want to say is that you hope that the people in Alpha 2 represent the majority of the actual playerbase as they give their feedback on combat.
    Alpha 2 will include streamers and content creators.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Alacrite wrote: »
    no one ever said anything about esports determining all of combat. well, except for you two

    I’d normally go back and point out where the inferences are in your previous statements, but I literally don’t care.

  • AlacriteAlacrite Member, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    I didn't use the word "all".

    What you seem to want to say is that you hope that the people in Alpha 2 represent the majority of the actual playerbase as they give their feedback on combat.
    Alpha 2 will include streamers and content creators.

    that part wasnt meant for you.

    but yes, i do think the development would benefit from a wide variety of players giving feedback. i do want that spectrum extended to streamers/creators/pros.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Atama wrote: »
    I just can't compare Lost Ark with AOC. Lost Ark is a mobile first game, AOC is not. It just screams mobile, and i just shrug when i see games like these. I've tried it, and i love the sound effects of spells, but that's about it. It's really difficult to compare the two. It's a completely different style of game.

    Except Lost Ark isn't mobile at all. It's only available on Windows. Did you confuse it with another game?

    It's as much a mobile game as the Diablo series, which it resembles in many ways,

    Very aware it isn't a game available on mobile. But it's designed to be mobile friendly. You can't place Ashes of Creation on the app store. But with Lost Ark, you actually could. Which is why i don't agree that you can compare the two. And to be honest, Lost Ark is one completely poorly designed game. The UI is horrendous.

    You don’t like Lost Ark. Got it. Thousands of players disagree with you. I don’t find the UI to be “horrendous”, though it’s not great. But it’s an Eastern MMO, they all have bad UIs.

    As for it being designed to be mobile friendly; over 2 years after release it can be played on mobile. You saying it’s a “mobile first” game is objectively wrong.
  • Lost ark combat is good, probably the most enjoyable thing about the game. The super wide angle view does seem to have been geared towards a mobile audience though. Not too surprising really.
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