Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Class Popularity Data Collection

Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
edited December 2023 in General Discussion


  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Shall we assume that you are asking for data about our MAIN character, rather than all the alts we will also play? If someone is going to play their cleric 50%, Archer 30% and other characters 20%, how shall we respond? Which characters we play on for how long will also change over time. One person may have two accounts with different Main characters on each and play both accounts simultaneously. What then?
  • Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
    edited December 2023
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Interesting poll, thanks for putting it up.
  • Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
    edited December 2023
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ignithar wrote: »

    If enough people express interest in the results, I plan to run one every month. If that happens, I'll make a public spreadsheet available for anyone to use for their own data analysis.

    Ooh data.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • AlacriteAlacrite Member, Alpha Two
    I like the idea. Idk if people have a solid choices for secondary archetypes since they're changeable. Would be nice to kinda have a poll within a poll for that reason, if that makes sense.

  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Azherae wrote: »

    Ooh data.

    Azherae's favorite
  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I have a few that I like the idea of, but I don't actually know how the primary and secondary archetypes will interact. So I'm not really sure yet.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I currently have 5 alts and I'm not sure which will end up being my main.
    I probably won't know that until after launch.
  • Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
    edited December 2023
  • TheDarkSorcererTheDarkSorcerer Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    @Vaknar Hey there, would love to request an added poll option on this forum when starting a new thread. A question option would be great too :)

  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @Vaknar Hey there, would love to request an added poll option on this forum when starting a new thread. A question option would be great too :)


    They have open positions for website front end and back end. I would be surprised if Vaknar had someone other than Margaret he could send that message to. Doesn't hurt to ask I guess but.... rains on the parade
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • LeiloniLeiloni Member, Alpha Two
    I'm not sure on my secondary class due to lack of information but for now I'm considering Cleric/Mage.
  • TheDarkSorcererTheDarkSorcerer Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    JustVine wrote: »

    They have open positions for website front end and back end. I would be surprised if Vaknar had someone other than Margaret he could send that message to. Doesn't hurt to ask I guess but.... rains on the parade

    By looking at the bottom right, it seems they are outsourcing this forum template from Vanilla Forums. So i'm sure they could just have them add that function :) But I'm gonna let Vaknar speak for it. I've just seen a couple of people posting these great polls, but they take you to a third party site instead of staying here and it's a turn-off to click the link hah.
  • Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
    edited December 2023
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2022

    By looking at the bottom right, it seems they are outsourcing this forum template from Vanilla Forums. So i'm sure they could just have them add that function :) But I'm gonna let Vaknar speak for it. I've just seen a couple of people posting these great polls, but they take you to a third party site instead of staying here and it's a turn-off to click the link hah.

    Ah. I see. It doesn't say that on mobile (the powered by vanilla bit,) and the mobile has parity difference as is so I just never considered that as a mobile only user, (I use the desktop version very rarely for said features.) Just thought it was their own design work not matching up for some reason.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • BalanzBalanz Member, Alpha Two
    Especially since we know so little about secondary archetypes and augments, asking our primary and secondary archetypes separately, with "Undecided" as an option, would be more revealing.

    For example, I am nearly certain my Main will be a Summoner. However, I am very unclear about my preferred secondary archetype.
  • Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
    edited December 2023
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    Heck we know so little about summoner let alone their augments. I would easily say summoner but it could turn out to be a noob trap or only really effective in pve class like in some other games with pet classes which would probably make me consider something else entirely.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
    edited December 2023
  • BalanzBalanz Member, Alpha Two
    From what I know of surveys, 64 choices is way too many, and I think you will learn a lot less than you think.

    If I were designing the survey, it would be more along the lines of:

    Some players prefer to focus on a "Main" character, with possibly one or more "Alts," or alternate characters.

    Which of the following best describes how you anticipate playing Ashes of Creation:

    A. I will focus on my Main Character, to the exclusion of Alts.
    B. I will mostly focus on my Main, but have a few active Alts.
    C. I will have several Alts, and switch which is my Main as suits me.
    D. I will have many Alts, none of which I would consider my Main.

    Have you decided what the Primary Archetype of your Main will be?

    A. Yes, I am pretty sure what Archetype I will play.
    B. I have a pretty good idea what Archetype I will play.
    C. I have narrowed it down to two or three Archetypes.
    D. I haven't decided yet.

    What Primary Archetype are you most likely to play as your Main?
    A. Bard
    B. Cleric
    C. Fighter
    D. Mage
    E. Ranger
    F. Rogue
    G. Summoner
    H. Tank
    I. Don't know/Undecided.

    What Secondary Archetype are you most likely to play as your Main?
    A. Bard
    B. Cleric
    C. Fighter
    D. Mage
    E. Ranger
    F. Rogue
    G. Summoner
    H. Tank
    I. Don't know/Undecided.

    What is your current Pledge for Ashes of Creation?
    A. Lurker or no Pledge.
    B. Beta 2
    C. Beta 1
    D. Alpha 2
    E. Alpha 1
    F. Pre Alpha
    G. Star Citizen

    I would also gather some basic demographics.

    But without knowing how focused they are on playing a specific Main, the data you are acquiring is pretty much useless.
  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Well for primary archetype I'm looking at either tank or summoner
    For secondaries with tank either cleric, summoner, or double tank
    For summoner either cleric, rogue, tank, or double down on summoner.

    The secondary decision kind of depends on what kind of builds I can come up with that are the most effective/fun.
  • Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
    edited December 2023
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    Might be a lot of data to interpret, but that is a survey I would be more likely to answer. Even every month.
    But, hopefully, you will get enough participants for the data to be meaningful.
  • BalanzBalanz Member, Alpha Two
    What I can tell you is that no social scientist would ever ask a survey question with 64 different choices. I am afraid you will learn nothing.
  • ZahieZahie Member
    Need an option for "don't know".
  • Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
    edited December 2023
  • 1sab3la1sab3la Member
    Ignithar wrote: »

    Well, I'm not nor do I want to be a social scientist. Either I'll be satisfied by the results I get or I won't be. It's not the end of the world if I'm not. Like I said, I just don't have the time or spare energy to deal with what you suggested.

    If I'm going to collect data at all, this is the only way it's going to happen unless something significant about my life changes.

    Might want to ask later. I answered but I think the very few who do or will might change by beta and by release. Also the pool even in a active game would be tiny.

    You already know some basics you can collect from previous games and game types of popular choices. I would trust past data at this point more than whatever I see listed in the survey.
  • Fire_WizardFire_Wizard Member
    edited December 2023
  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ignithar wrote: »

    I know many people are going to change their minds. That's the point of tracking it by month in the first place - so I can see in what way general sentiment changes over time and potentially link that to the release of new development information or changes during testing phases.

    There is little to no "past data" to speak of. I have only found one previous attempt to collect class popularity data for Ashes, and it wasn't satisfactory. If you mean MMOs in general, most of those are very different games with possibly very different player bases.

    Watching that trend will be exciting once they start releasing class info for real, as people start bouncing to flavor of the week.
    I'd love to see you track it and display it.
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