Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Class Popularity Data Collection



  • BalanzBalanz Member, Alpha Two
    May I suggest at minimum, you break it up into two questions, Primary and Secondary Archetype, and add "I don't know" as an option.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Yeah, that's at least a bit easier for me to answer since 4/5 of my alts will be Bard/x.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ignithar wrote: »
    Balanz wrote: »
    What I can tell you is that no social scientist would ever ask a survey question with 64 different choices. I am afraid you will learn nothing.

    Well, I'm not nor do I want to be a social scientist. Either I'll be satisfied by the results I get or I won't be. It's not the end of the world if I'm not. Like I said, I just don't have the time or spare energy to deal with what you suggested.

    If I'm going to collect data at all, this is the only way it's going to happen unless something significant about my life changes.

    Oh, I was just about to offer you all my datasets from the threads as 'last year's', but then you'd have to sort them all even more than I did, to match up to your own data collection.

    Either way, I already have scripts for this, so maybe we could just make one of those threads again and see what results we get this time? It's definitely been about a year.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • Secondary archetype choice is questionable as we don't even know the augment schools, let alone what the augments would do. I know I will play rogue but what would my secondary archetype be? How would I know when there is barely any information on it yet. This makes the information from this poll meh at best.

    Only 8 primary class + dunno, 9 options would yield more relevant data.
    "Suffer in silence"
  • Balanz wrote: »
    From what I know of surveys, 64 choices is way too many, and I think you will learn a lot less than you think.

    If I were designing the survey, it would be more along the lines of:

    Some players prefer to focus on a "Main" character, with possibly one or more "Alts," or alternate characters.

    Which of the following best describes how you anticipate playing Ashes of Creation:

    A. I will focus on my Main Character, to the exclusion of Alts.
    B. I will mostly focus on my Main, but have a few active Alts.
    C. I will have several Alts, and switch which is my Main as suits me.
    D. I will have many Alts, none of which I would consider my Main.

    Have you decided what the Primary Archetype of your Main will be?

    A. Yes, I am pretty sure what Archetype I will play.
    B. I have a pretty good idea what Archetype I will play.
    C. I have narrowed it down to two or three Archetypes.
    D. I haven't decided yet.

    What Primary Archetype are you most likely to play as your Main?
    A. Bard
    B. Cleric
    C. Fighter
    D. Mage
    E. Ranger
    F. Rogue
    G. Summoner
    H. Tank
    I. Don't know/Undecided.

    What Secondary Archetype are you most likely to play as your Main?
    A. Bard
    B. Cleric
    C. Fighter
    D. Mage
    E. Ranger
    F. Rogue
    G. Summoner
    H. Tank
    I. Don't know/Undecided.

    What is your current Pledge for Ashes of Creation?
    A. Lurker or no Pledge.
    B. Beta 2
    C. Beta 1
    D. Alpha 2
    E. Alpha 1
    F. Pre Alpha
    G. Star Citizen

    I would also gather some basic demographics.

    But without knowing how focused they are on playing a specific Main, the data you are acquiring is pretty much useless.

    is anyone else afraid that they are being way too ambitious with the number of classes for launch? its extremely cool but I'm scared that he balancing will just be a night mare and impossible to nail down. Also if the game starts with 64 classes how is it expected to grow in the future ? add even more classes and complicate all the problems even more ?
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    It's 8 Primary Archetypes. Each with 8 class kits.
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