Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
They were holding like half the galaxy, nobody could contest them.
But what happened? They imploded. They became so big that people started searching for content by infighting and all other alliances had a desire to kick ass of the biggest alliance there is.
Why would you think this wont happen in AOC too? It will.
It's a self-correcting system, because nobody likes snobby authority figures.
This happened in darkfall a few times but something i noticed was more common was some members in zerg guilds would get better at the game over time, get bored of zerging, and leave.
If you have the highest end game city and people don't want to support you, nor have a guild of equal size to the node to back you. You need to rethink your position as a leader. That fault is on you for not being strong enough with politics. If you can't handle having such a large city stick to a smaller one.
Please god no.
Was one of the most fun siege experiences having a place to defend and having it being a balanced shift as far as player numbers were concerned and at a proper time. I spent many hours getting people together, the right people and forming a plan. Was apart of the first siege on the server on defending side as well.
*Though like the rest of new world it was plagued with issues and bugs which also ruined it.
Are you a guild leader / plan to be one?
In Albion Online territories were mainly conquared and controlled by top guilds and alliances why the whole system was eventually revamped and especially seasoned. Therefore, it can go either way in Ashes and at least there is the risk that the system will not balance itself.
anyone wanting it to be more difficult is a solo player that is worried about groups and knowing they cant beat them. Literally the opposite of what AoC wants with it being a social mmorpg.
Ah yes. The inability to read and comprehent. That's ok. Ima not waste my time writting again what I will alrdy have. I guess Ill claim the title of solo player for myself.
I hope they clarify how sieges will work in the game. If there are no balancing mechanics in place, large guilds should be able to squash nodes that can't field a competitive number of defenders. (This is both good and bad IMO.)
Of course, politics might turn the tide. If you can attract enough allies to help defend, then you might discourage the attack from proceeding at all. That's not necessarily a good thing for gameplay since no exciting fight would occur.
They already have said based on the size you will need a certain number of players. If its a town / city that could just be a 50v50 fight. Also remember there can be multiple guilds as residents doesn't mean only one guild lives there.
So balanced is pretty easy based on the size of the node you need more or less players from 50-250.
I can read just find, I'm 100% fine with making things more difficult for solo players IN the form of tons of group content in the game where life is easier if you are in a group. When you play league and Dota you are playing 5v5 matches you can't que solo in a 1v5
Seeing groups form small 10 man guilds or super guilds is all better and more fun content for me, running solo unless you are god tier (which i hope some of those pop up that are also very social) doesn't add overall content to a mmorpg.
I hear BDO is a good single player mmorpg where you don't need to talk to anyone and run around circles for 1000's of hours killing mobs alone forever.
Theses 2 information down below is in the "Castle Sieges" link I would imagine its for all sieges though tbh don't quote me on it....
Sieges occur once a month within a server prime-time window.[3][4][5] (Video referring to this with time stamp down below)
The minimum goal is for 250x250 players to be on a single battlefield. It is hoped that this can be increased to 500x500 over time.
Am I still the solo player?