Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Killing your friend to lower their corruption



  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    Hunh. When I wrote that comment it was directly under Mag7spy's post, but...
    I might have gotten interrupted for a while at work before I hit the post button.
    Fixed now.

    You should literally always quote a post you are replying to, if you are replying to a specific post.

    People will not and should not assume you are talking to the post directly above yours.

    I mean, it is a single click, it's not like it's hard.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Also when you hit max level if you don't delevel than xp lost might not matter to people potentially.

    Experience debt has negative effects associated with it. Tou are less effective in combat, and are subject to a lower drop rate from mobs you kill.

    This is the actual penalty, the experience is simply the mechanism by which you remove that penalty.
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    Glad you are finally self-reflective.

    You are not the brightest.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    Still self-reflective. Do continue.
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    Still self-reflective. Nice.

    You literarily don't understand what people are saying as well as assuming things and changing the topics to fit your narrative lmfao. Guess it is the best you can do on a forum though.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    OK, Mr. Pot.
    And... we're done.
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    OK, Mr. Pot.
    And... we're done.

    Talks random shit, then says we're done. Typical degenerate forum behavior. Hope you mean it this time being "done"
  • I'll throw my 2 cents here.

    Yes, open world, unprovoked PK will be a thing. However, one of the biggest downsides of it, in my opinion, is the reputation damage you get by doing it.

    Considering this game is meant to be played for years, by acting like a clown and killing players left and right, people will hear about it. People might not want to trade you stuff, won't trust you with caravans etc etc. Also, when joining a guild, this reputation might make it so some guilds will not allow a player to join.

    Actually, just had an idea. What if there is a register in a city with all the times a player went corrupt. So anyone could check if a player has a history of acting like a clown.

    Could be interesting, needs more thinking about tbh.
  • AsgerrAsgerr Member, Alpha Two
    Schmuky wrote: »
    Actually, just had an idea. What if there is a register in a city with all the times a player went corrupt. So anyone could check if a player has a history of acting like a clown.

    Could be interesting, needs more thinking about tbh.

    What happens to the registry once the node is destroyed in a node war? Do we lose track of the records? If so will this incite PKers to gather in a Guild and in transfer nodes just so they can erase the records from their previous node?
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Schmuky wrote: »
    I'll throw my 2 cents here.

    Yes, open world, unprovoked PK will be a thing. However, one of the biggest downsides of it, in my opinion, is the reputation damage you get by doing it.

    Considering this game is meant to be played for years, by acting like a clown and killing players left and right, people will hear about it. People might not want to trade you stuff, won't trust you with caravans etc etc. Also, when joining a guild, this reputation might make it so some guilds will not allow a player to join.

    Actually, just had an idea. What if there is a register in a city with all the times a player went corrupt. So anyone could check if a player has a history of acting like a clown.

    Could be interesting, needs more thinking about tbh.

    But going red occasionally, to get resources or just kill enemies or sabotage nodes, is literally the point of being able to do this.

    The feeling of 'open world risk' that many wish for, doesn't exist if there isn't at least some subset of people out there willing to go Red for items or to bring down a well-financed Node.

    I'm not saying one way or the other that the game will have a specific outcome, but why should any player 'have a negative reaction' to a person 'just' because they have gone red 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times? Some people may just go 'well that's why we play this game, of course you go red 20 times a month'.

    What does a guild even suffer from 'taking people who go red whenever they want to' if there are many other similar guilds in an area?

    I hope that the plan to make it clear what servers have higher tendencies toward owPvP for later joiners, works out well, for this reason.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • Asgerr wrote: »

    What happens to the registry once the node is destroyed in a node war? Do we lose track of the records? If so will this incite PKers to gather in a Guild and in transfer nodes just so they can erase the records from their previous node?

    it should be stored within the city and would only be available there. So the PKers could move to another city where no-one knows them.

    And if a bunch of players decide to attack a city, its called content for all, so yes, that is a valid way to erase your record, burn the building where they are housed:)))

    And if all PKers go in a guild, fantastic. Now we know who and where they are. Have all guilds declare war on them, see how long they last.
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    I've pked random people for no reason in BDO besides the fact they were the same class as me. I've camped people in the world and forced them to respawn by camping their corpse so they would ahve to spend money to get back in the area.

    That person may remember and they may care doesn't mean it will ever effect your reputation unless there is a reason. IE you are killing a guild alliance member or such or some special circumstance.
  • Mag7spy wrote: »
    I've pked random people for no reason in BDO besides the fact they were the same class as me. I've camped people in the world and forced them to respawn by camping their corpse so they would ahve to spend money to get back in the area.

    That person may remember and they may care doesn't mean it will ever effect your reputation unless there is a reason. IE you are killing a guild alliance member or such or some special circumstance.

    See? You go into the Pkers guild, and now you are at war with everyone, no need for corruption anymore, easy
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Schmuky wrote: »

    See? You go into the Pkers guild, and now you are at war with everyone, no need for corruption anymore, easy

    The real question is, is it actually 'everyone'.

    Is it even 50%?

    We could take a poll?

    How many PvP-ers will bother to go to war with another guild for being PK-ers, as opposed to 'realizing that because they too, are sometimes PK-ers, discourage or fight any 'Alliance of Justice' that forms?
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    Schmuky wrote: »

    See? You go into the Pkers guild, and now you are at war with everyone, no need for corruption anymore, easy

    Getting simply pked doesn't always start wars. First that guild has to approve of the war and the consequences that come with it. So just because a member dies doesn't mean they will dec, there is a BH system after all.

    Killing can start a war but there needs to be more of a spark than just that and it depends the person you attack as well. Even then there is the corruption system to prevent you from mass killing. So simply the weight of a kill might not normally be enough fuel to start a war and simply part of the game.
  • I kinda meant that all PKers go in a guild that is perpetually at war with everyone, not just 1 case of PK
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    I've pked random people for no reason in BDO besides the fact they were the same class as me. I've camped people in the world and forced them to respawn by camping their corpse so they would ahve to spend money to get back in the area.

    That person may remember and they may care doesn't mean it will ever effect your reputation unless there is a reason. IE you are killing a guild alliance member or such or some special circumstance.
    I think that's more of a "BDO has no community" issue (most likely because of the channels) rather than a "PKing has no social consequences" one.

    If someone was PKing a lot in L2, the upper echelon of players would usually know them or at least of them. Usually that'd get that PKer invited to a more aggressive guild (especially if he PKed someone high lvled) and would definitely not get him invited into the more "moral highground" guilds.

    And this was usually the case because you'd spend days/weeks in one/two locations when farming. And you'd see the same people. So anyone doing anything out of the norm would stand out a lot. And if it was "the new guy" doing those things - he'd immediately get known for doing that stuff.

    There is a fairly high chance that the same situation might happen in Ashes due to how nodes will work. But a lot will also depend on how leveling up will be set up. I still find it difficult to imagine a long-time-to-lvl mmo w/o grinding, so I can't really say how it'll go down.
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    Azherae wrote: »

    The real question is, is it actually 'everyone'.

    Is it even 50%?

    We could take a poll?

    How many PvP-ers will bother to go to war with another guild for being PK-ers, as opposed to 'realizing that because they too, are sometimes PK-ers, discourage or fight any 'Alliance of Justice' that forms?

    If they aren't pking me or my guild I don't really care what they do. If they are red and can drop loot I might bring some friends to kill them.

    If they are skilled I'd recruit them.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »
    I think that's more of a "BDO has no community" issue (most likely because of the channels) rather than a "PKing has no social consequences" one.

    If someone was PKing a lot in L2, the upper echelon of players would usually know them or at least of them. Usually that'd get that PKer invited to a more aggressive guild (especially if he PKed someone high lvled) and would definitely not get him invited into the more "moral highground" guilds.

    And this was usually the case because you'd spend days/weeks in one/two locations when farming. And you'd see the same people. So anyone doing anything out of the norm would stand out a lot. And if it was "the new guy" doing those things - he'd immediately get known for doing that stuff.

    There is a fairly high chance that the same situation might happen in Ashes due to how nodes will work. But a lot will also depend on how leveling up will be set up. I still find it difficult to imagine a long-time-to-lvl mmo w/o grinding, so I can't really say how it'll go down.

    In this case I can offer my own anecdote that it isn't about BDO lacking community.

    It's because 'randomly being killed is part of the game' and certain red players are 'expected to be red'. It's probably moreso that there's no benefit to hunting them down.

    I believe I can say this because you CANNOT be killed in PvP in BDO until level 50, and you have to choose to level to 50.

    Remember what happens in threads with certain people (including myself) when someone indicates a possibility that lower level gatherers will be somehow protected from PK due to giving additional corruption. Now apply that to a game where lower level gatherers are ACTUALLY protected from PK and can't even be targeted.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »
    I think that's more of a "BDO has no community" issue (most likely because of the channels) rather than a "PKing has no social consequences" one.

    If someone was PKing a lot in L2, the upper echelon of players would usually know them or at least of them. Usually that'd get that PKer invited to a more aggressive guild (especially if he PKed someone high lvled) and would definitely not get him invited into the more "moral highground" guilds.

    And this was usually the case because you'd spend days/weeks in one/two locations when farming. And you'd see the same people. So anyone doing anything out of the norm would stand out a lot. And if it was "the new guy" doing those things - he'd immediately get known for doing that stuff.

    There is a fairly high chance that the same situation might happen in Ashes due to how nodes will work. But a lot will also depend on how leveling up will be set up. I still find it difficult to imagine a long-time-to-lvl mmo w/o grinding, so I can't really say how it'll go down.

    I'm saying its more based on the situation, how often do you get pked by a red playing in Aoc, how oftena nd quickly are they hunted, etc.

    If it isn't a common thing there might not be much point having a whole guild war over a random pk as the person can only do it so much (if it is easy to remove corruption though it might be a different topic). The reason why you don't need a whole guild war over it is because you can go and kill them yourself and bring your friends if they are still red and fix the issue.

    I'm saying there has to be a bit more meaning for a guild war to start over some random pkers. I've had a perma dec in BDO on my guild when we hunted some guy in every channel in the game multiple times. Mainly because his guild camped our own guildy, it is things like that i see starting more guild wars. Now if the same guy or guild is pking you or talking crap or controlling a area that would start a guild war.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Some guilds will consider guilds with high Corruption scores to be KoS.
    Just as some guilds will consider Tulnar guilds KoS or Py’Rai guilds KoS.

    And the motivation will primarily be because they love guild wars.

    And, yes, sometimes a guild war will start because someone in your guild PKed a member of their guild. Just like gangs in real life.
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    The reason why you don't need a whole guild war over it is because you can go and kill them yourself and bring your friends if they are still red and fix the issue.
    In my experience this is exactly what starts a war though :D You get PKed. You ask your friends to help kill the dude (if he was stronger than you). The dude brings his friends. And after an hour or so you have several dozen people on both sides just fighting each other w/o any real reason.

    Now AoC's war deccing will be way more difficult and pricey than L2's and it'll be more of a prime-time thing, so I highly doubt guild wars will be that big of a thing. If anything, I feel like Node Wars and Enemy of State will be a much bigger impact on day-to-day PKers/PvPers. Or at least the "just push a button and you got yourself a war" from this article kinda implies that it's gonna be easy to declare a war, even if the war itself will be more of a prime-time event. Obviously this all will be tested and might get changed.

    Overall, more and more I get a feeling that Ashes will have a "day&night" cycle, with days (prime-time) being lawful "proper" wars and fights, while nights (off-time) will just devolve into utter chaos. And as someone who can play at literally whatever time of day - that sounds like a lot of fun :)
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