

  • Ye well in AoC there wont be many instanced dungeons and groupfinder queues.

    Even if people have to yell in town "group looking for tank" versus sit in a auto fill queue, a tank shortage is still going to be a tank shortage. I don't see how ashes will be different than any other MMO here.

    Never had a tank shortage in L2. Tanks were awesome to play in an mmo without instances or PvE gear. They were far from unpopular.
    AoC WILL BE different from all the mmo out there that are designed (and design classes) around treadmill instanced gameplay.

    I guess I just don't share your optimism.
  • edited August 2022
    @NiKr @George_Black

    I believe one of the main reason there wasn't a lack of tanks in L2 was due to how kinda of OP they were individually(also being a top class for olympiads) and also how you had tanks ranging from very agressive like SK HK and more defensive like PK and ET and how you had freedom to build them in those regards, even tho eventually tanks lost a bit of value due to the off tanking capabilities of SWS and BD that were present in every single party but then regaining value with their OP party buffs, potential to counter kamaels and extra skills at Gracia Final.
    Aren't we all sinners?
  • Squeezy wrote: »
    Some of this lack of tanks concern is a community and people problem.
    People tend to have little patience in those games because they have made players disposable. If someone new tried to tank instead of helping them and guiding them along we see far to often the "Get out of here noob!" Mentality.
    Not having a dungeon finder should help. Is easier to lift up a newer player then spend the next hour looking for an established one.

    I disagree here, dungeon finder definitely makes players disposable and I'm not at all arguing for a dungeon finder queue system. But, for example in WoW classic TBC, there is no dungeon finder, and IT STILL can easily take a group of 3 dps and 1 healer an hour to find a tank.

    It does indeed take some time. However that is how I started healing way back in Guild Wars. Couldn't find a healer so I did it. Need more people to take the initiative and just do it.

    I am hard core against anything almost in anyway resembling GW2's failure of a class system. Roles should be important. NOT a bunch of dps with a self heal dancing around a loot pinata.

    Yeah, that was one of the reasons I didn't bother with GW2. They just made it too different to the GW1 that we loved and played for hours on end. Why change a winning formula?!
    This link may help you:

  • maouw wrote: »
    Do you think the fact that you can only have 1 active main tank at a time is what causes the scarcity?

    I feel like that pressure on 1 person's shoulders is what scares people off from picking up the role.

    Nah, people just like to be the big chunky hero that's doing all the damage. It's the team-players that don't have to be the quarterback that allow themselves to play Tank and Healer.

    This link may help you:

  • daveywavey wrote: »
    Squeezy wrote: »
    Some of this lack of tanks concern is a community and people problem.
    People tend to have little patience in those games because they have made players disposable. If someone new tried to tank instead of helping them and guiding them along we see far to often the "Get out of here noob!" Mentality.
    Not having a dungeon finder should help. Is easier to lift up a newer player then spend the next hour looking for an established one.

    I disagree here, dungeon finder definitely makes players disposable and I'm not at all arguing for a dungeon finder queue system. But, for example in WoW classic TBC, there is no dungeon finder, and IT STILL can easily take a group of 3 dps and 1 healer an hour to find a tank.

    It does indeed take some time. However that is how I started healing way back in Guild Wars. Couldn't find a healer so I did it. Need more people to take the initiative and just do it.

    I am hard core against anything almost in anyway resembling GW2's failure of a class system. Roles should be important. NOT a bunch of dps with a self heal dancing around a loot pinata.

    Yeah, that was one of the reasons I didn't bother with GW2. They just made it too different to the GW1 that we loved and played for hours on end. Why change a winning formula?!

    It really was sad. I enjoyed the diversity of the classes and gameplay for some of them was a lot of fun... But completely watering down the roles like that was a bummer.
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