Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Discussion: "Auction House" Do we REALLY need one?



  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Dolyem wrote: »
    Checked the wiki. So theres different types that I assume you have to choose to build. Looks like at baseline its only raw/processed resources that you can sell.

    Auction house locations

    -Auction houses accompany unique node buildings in Economic nodes.[1]

    -Markets in Village level economic nodes have auction houses that allow raw resources and processed goods to be posted.[1]
    -Exchanges in Town nodes have expanded auction houses that allow all goods/items to be posted.[1]
    -Economic nodes that have reached the metropolis stage unlock the linked economy superpower.[1]
    -Up to two economic metropolises may be linked in this manner.[3]
    -Metropolis level economic nodes enable worldwide sale prices for auction houses across Verra.[1]
    Items listed in one linked economic node can be bid on from any other linked economic node.[1]
    -Linked economies also connect an economic metropolis and its vassal economic nodes.[10][1]

  • MaiWaifuMaiWaifu Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I read a quote somewhere in this thead that lv6 eco nodes can link up with the othrr lv6 eco nodes of the server, unifiying the AH.
    And that is a problem because I can see people focusing only on making lv6 eco nodes to try to reduce the distance to the nearest AH (which is link to all the rest).

    I think this would only be a temporary issue.

    Players will eventually want to experience different content they will need siege these nodes to develop different nodes.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    MaiWaifu wrote: »

    I think this would only be a temporary issue.

    Players will eventually want to experience different content they will need siege these nodes to develop different nodes.

    Natural gameplay event? People who want to keep the AH fighting against those who want to form a different Metro, both sides trying to convince the people who just 'want a different Econ Metro somewhere else'.

    "Driver of change".
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    edited September 2022

    I see. from the wording here it would suggest that you can see and bid on the listings, but this does not say that the item is sent to you. If it is, then thats bad. if it isn't, well they still have to go and pick up the item even if they purchase it.

    Basically the utility seems to be that you can look at more options however I could of course be wrong. We need more Steven insights.
    Commissioned at
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Sathrago wrote: »

    Do you mean share as in they can see each others listings or share as in items get magically teleported across the world to each other at no risk? Because my assumption was the former being the game plan.

    All's well.
    Purchases of materials and gatherables will be automatically deposited within the listing node's local warehouse. Players will need to travel to that warehouse to retrieve them. Players wishing to move these items elsewhere will need to utilize the caravan system or other type of transportation.[5][3]

    (ref: Auction House)
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited September 2022
    Azhrae once again you are so caught up in your delusion that you any meaningful answers to provide. It seems that you want to keep this up, so pay attention because I had enough of you mudding the waters with useless technobubble. Here is the topic:
    Sathrago wrote: »
    look ill put it simple. If not having AHs causes this game and its players to create 3rd party addons and websites that are annoying to engage with just to sell to other players like Path of Exile, I would much rather have the issue of AHs being a thing.
    Sathrago wrote: »
    If the players opt-in to a 3rd party addon that can take their listings and place them on a virtual market it should be possible. all the addon would require is the item id and the prices listed for buying/selling. It would literally be on your screen so im sure someone can take that information (plus location), load it up into a website, and create a global market for each server with just that. I expect this to happen even if there is an in-game AH.

    to clarify I understand that "addons" are not allowed according to steven. What im talking about would be more like ACT for ff14. Its not in the game with you, its a 3rd party program that extracts information and slaps it into an excel spreadsheet to tell you the dps. Another program that does something like this is PoE Overlay.
    This is the discussion for which you felt like you to quote me on.

    Let's start with this and I hope you are still paying attention, resisting your urges to skip to the point where, without having read anything, you get to type more irrelevant stuff.
    If you really wanted to weight in on this, instead of showcasing your collection of relevant IT words, you would have read that I was talking about players OPTING IN, or creating bannable third party programs to simulate an AH. These players having listed their goods can be easily viewed by a GM and get banned.

    Now, you claim that SOME PLAYER can walk around town and collect "dATa" and in real time display them on a website, in order for people to view what each town has to offer and exactly where to find them. The sellers themselves are not at faulty and should not be banned. A few issues with this useless scenario you conjured.
    1. This isn't an illegal AH, it's the same as the marketplace section on every mmo forum. Any player or any shopper can post anything they want. It's not relevant to the discussion.
    2. There is no way to track in real time all those sellers and available items, before those items are sold. You dont believe me? Look at Chances are that if by using this site I get to that NPC seller, the item I want hasn't been there for hours. It's useful but not accurate. Not only these are a few NPC AH, as opposed to the numerous sellers that AoC will have in each town (which you claim that somebody can just walk by and collect the info and store it for real time use), not only there won't be teleports in AoC, the main thing with such websites is that those mmos allow them. Zenimax has allowed TTC to do this.

    Do you thing that IS will allow such websites to exist? And if IS "can't track them all", how on earth will players track them in order to MAKE USE OF THIS ILLEGAL SYSTEM? It will be pointless, just as the vast majority of your input.
    Do you want to go back to the topic at had, in which players OPT IN to cheat in order to get their goods advertised, and by advertising their goods they advertise that they cheat, or do you want to make up another scenario?
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    At Worst, I think... maybe only allowing 1 Eco Node Metropolis to have a AH in the server. So it becomes the defacto place everyone has to travel to if they choose to want to use a AH to sell their wares.

    Personally - I would like to see player made bazaar, markets, stalls.

    I'd like to see freeholds having NPCs of different types who can sell weapons/armor/resources types

    I'd like to see a place that is created organically by the players - a place where everyone meets up maybe, once a week or bi-weekly or monthly to sell all the big ticket items.
    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • SinedkoSinedko Member, Alpha Two
    edited September 2022
    If many eco metropoloi share the same AH instead of being isolated then it is a problem.

    A simple fix is for every eco node to have its own AH without being able to link in with others.

    Actually this was implemented in New World, and it failed, so they remove it ... :D i think we should learn from experience.
  • SinedkoSinedko Member, Alpha Two
    novercalis wrote: »

    No because people will make reputations. I will eventually learn/know who my processors, smithies, specific stall sellers who sells potions, herbs, ores, coals, etc... people specialize in stuff all the time in mmorpg that has stalls open. IE - Ragnarok online

    no issue in stall, but please, dont require player to stay in stall, that was in silkorad and it was not good, you needed to have 2 acc to actually sell something if you wanted to play, later on even silkorad implemented the AH, all the games that i played, didnt have AH or have localised AH and then implemented the global one, based on user feedback
  • SinedkoSinedko Member, Alpha Two
    Remember that in New World, there was as well localized storage and localize AH in every city, it failed, why? Because players was only in two areas, other was useless completely, even if you own the area, it was completely useless.

    Then they come with global economy and it helped the useless locations, because you can actually be there, otherwise we have focus on the few locations and that it.

    And this will repeat there, but we have few systems that will help in this, e.g. caravans, so maybe it will be better, but for sure i will let the super power of Eco node as its. This will be the reason people want that kind of node.

    I'm not for general AH, or against localized AH or storage, but speaking from experience, the local one failed in every game i played, even the stalls that player actually needed to stay there in order to sell something.

    If you really want to have stalls, its OK, but hopefully they will implement npc, that will stay in you stall and you will sell items even if you play the game.
  • WarthWarth Member, Alpha Two
    I read a quote somewhere in this thead that lv6 eco nodes can link up with the othrr lv6 eco nodes of the server, unifiying the AH.
    And that is a problem because I can see people focusing only on making lv6 eco nodes to try to reduce the distance to the nearest AH (which is link to all the rest).

    @George_Black the linked AH just lets you buy stuff. That bought stuff will still be in the warehouse of the node it was bought from. Players still need to go there, pick it up, and transport it to the node you want it in (probably the node with your freehold/workbenches).
  • This content has been removed.
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Sinedko wrote: »

    no issue in stall, but please, dont require player to stay in stall, that was in silkorad and it was not good, you needed to have 2 acc to actually sell something if you wanted to play, later on even silkorad implemented the AH, all the games that i played, didnt have AH or have localised AH and then implemented the global one, based on user feedback

    personally in favor of player being in stalls

    Crafters / Smithies / processors are stuck in town to make goods.
    Gathers gotta go out
    adventurers gotta go out

    every players in AoC has a job and selling needs to be a job in of itself.

    if that means a 2nd account - so be it - hey more money for AoC which is a plus and allows keeping payroll for GMs or take the time to sell.

    So in old MMO games of he late 90s - IE Everquest - players wont sell stuff until sunday. Every Sunday every player in the world converge to a zone - East Commonland and met up at the Tunnel and the tunnel became a bazaar for every players to sell their stuff.

    There is nothing stopping us from doing that - if you want to sell 24/7 - buy a 2nd account

    You cant have your cake and eat it too - so you need to decide how you wish to play the game. Is today a sell day or crafting day or gathering day or exploring day or pvp day.

    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    novercalis wrote: »

    personally in favor of player being in stalls

    Crafters / Smithies / processors are stuck in town to make goods.
    Gathers gotta go out
    adventurers gotta go out

    every players in AoC has a job and selling needs to be a job in of itself.

    if that means a 2nd account - so be it - hey more money for AoC which is a plus and allows keeping payroll for GMs or take the time to sell.

    So in old MMO games of he late 90s - IE Everquest - players wont sell stuff until sunday. Every Sunday every player in the world converge to a zone - East Commonland and met up at the Tunnel and the tunnel became a bazaar for every players to sell their stuff.

    There is nothing stopping us from doing that - if you want to sell 24/7 - buy a 2nd account

    You cant have your cake and eat it too - so you need to decide how you wish to play the game. Is today a sell day or crafting day or gathering day or exploring day or pvp day.

    No and no. There should be no reason for someone to be paying two subs to do things in game. If you want bad design for your amusement as a rper leave that to your own experience and only have your shop selling when you are in the area.

    Anyone advocating for bad gameplay for rp purpose is silly.
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    If what you want is the ability to set and forget sales 24/7 but not have an AH, the next best thing is having the stalls set you up in an "npc" mode. Anything on sale during that time would automatically make the transaction once someone agreed to it for the set price. There would be no need for the player to stay logged in 24/7 which should make it more manageable when considering server stress.
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  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited September 2022

    How could a program track what people are selling in their stalls?
    I get it in esos case, where the traders are localized AH, but I dont see how this can be the case for player made shops.

    It doesn't have to track it directly. If there is no API then the site would feature what people post to it.

    If enough people post to it and the site is well enough organized, supported and easy to use; it will eventually became the "place to go" to shop. It will save people the time of traveling all over. The convenience will justify not getting the strictly best deal

    Edit: in other words merchants themselves will try to get a leg up on the competition by making thier stuff easier to find
  • Diamaht wrote: »

    It doesn't have to track it directly. If there is no API then the site would feature what people post to it.

    If enough people post to it and the site is well enough organized, supported and easy to use; it will eventually became the "place to go" to shop. It will save people the time of traveling all over. The convenience will justify not getting the strictly best deal

    Edit: in other words merchants themselves will try to get a leg up on the competition by making thier stuff easier to find

    Yep. Just like for Warframe.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited September 2022
    Diamaht wrote: »

    It doesn't have to track it directly. If there is no API then the site would feature what people post to it.

    If enough people post to it and the site is well enough organized, supported and easy to use; it will eventually became the "place to go" to shop. It will save people the time of traveling all over. The convenience will justify not getting the strictly best deal

    Edit: in other words merchants themselves will try to get a leg up on the competition by making thier stuff easier to find

    That is a bannable offense. Every trader posting info that can be traced realtime and updated based on sales will be banned, if AoC chooses to enforce no AH beyond Economic Node.

    And if we are talking about a si.ple post, not a program, why would people need a site for this? There are forums.

    You are getting confused about what was discussed.
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    That is a bannable offense. Every trader posting info that can be traced realtime and updated based on sales will be banned, if AoC chooses to enforce no AH beyond Economic Node.

    And if we are talking about a si.ple post, not a program, why would people need a site for this? There are forums.

    You are getting confused about what was discussed.

    That's a lot to put on Intrepid to track external websites for in game banning. Also I don't think that would go over very well.

    I know what you mean Black, but I'm telling you that is how it will likely play out. The examples are out there.

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