Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Backpacks not Inventories.
Literal backpacks. Get people to carry your stuff for you. Be hindered in combat if you don't take it off.
Catch people trying to steal your stuff. Hide your gold somewhere in a hole. Stronger people can carry more. Carry stuff in a cart from one place to another. Build minetracks from the quarry/mine to the processing area or animal harnessed cart.
Most characters are stronger than your average person so it's not a big deal for the Tank to be using a backpack larger than himself; so what's the issue?
Designing a game around stacks of 1000 wood or whatever isn't respecting your time it's making the whole game solo-able lol; no point to it. Most people are useless to others in an MMO; why wouldn't you make it a cooperative game by having constraints.
Everyone complains about lack of meaningful socialization but this is the solution they're anxious about promoting.
And if backpacks are a thing, so should pockets. Keep keys and whatever in pockets. On your belt. Whatever. Small items should get their own space for better organization and no competition with "Inventory" where you have to pick out which item is the key or small note amongst 50 other items.
Catch people trying to steal your stuff. Hide your gold somewhere in a hole. Stronger people can carry more. Carry stuff in a cart from one place to another. Build minetracks from the quarry/mine to the processing area or animal harnessed cart.
Most characters are stronger than your average person so it's not a big deal for the Tank to be using a backpack larger than himself; so what's the issue?
Designing a game around stacks of 1000 wood or whatever isn't respecting your time it's making the whole game solo-able lol; no point to it. Most people are useless to others in an MMO; why wouldn't you make it a cooperative game by having constraints.
Everyone complains about lack of meaningful socialization but this is the solution they're anxious about promoting.
And if backpacks are a thing, so should pockets. Keep keys and whatever in pockets. On your belt. Whatever. Small items should get their own space for better organization and no competition with "Inventory" where you have to pick out which item is the key or small note amongst 50 other items.
Whole game lacks cohesive and deep design.
When I play mmos Im looking for class identity, guild gameplay, exploration, some challenging quests and economy.
Im not looking for a survival experience. Nothing wrong survival games. The are good because they make you feel the rush and urgency by being detailed in what they do. They are also minimalistic in things that other games focus on. When you have the complex designs of mmos you cant stiffle them with the limitations of survivals.
They dont go together.
The class identity is lacking based on alpha 1 footage. Tank had an instant throwing weapon that bounced around and then did AoE damage for instance. The class identity is at the very least not elaborated upon and given depth and character. It's the most basic idea of "class identity" one can come up with.
There is no complex design in Ashes of Creation classes and the complex design of other MMOs is mostly superficial or in fact simple.
The issue I still have is when people are thrown at a problem. With a competent enough person it takes just 1 maybe 2 + an assistant; when it takes 10+ people you generally wind up with an inferior product and wasted money.
The 'master artist' parallel works just fine here; a Master creates Masterpieces in minutes, but took them years to become a Master. Hopefully top pros are hired.
And hopefully Sharif's design capabilities are top pro or will become top pro.
Look, I answered you reasonably and calm. Dont get me started on how out of touch you are. Give your feedback sure, but dont go around saying "superficial" and what not like an idiot who doesnt understand that A1 of an mmo isnt your early access/unfinished games that you can buy in steam for the last 5 years because you are bored out of your mind and most studios are willing to take advantage of you.
Class identity is still intended.
There were "no classes" in Alpha 1. The combat system hadn't been seriously designed yet, nor the class loadouts. Beyond "everything is subject to change", the combat system was not supposed to show anything close to final. It was a technical test, not a game design test.
That said, if you're looking for a low identity, high 'maintenance complexity' game, and think you've found it in Ashes, I think (and hope) you've been decieved.
But @Sapiverenus may have the record for the lowest ratio of likes to posts on the boards. His ratio is .022 (two percent as many likes as posts).
We can compare this to @SongRune at 93.2 (almost every single post has received at least one like) and @George_Black at 1.0 (rounded, with 2.5k posts and likes), which show that Song and George make posts which are respected and liked by the board population.
Gratz Sap, you stand out!
Now on topic. Alpha 1 was not intended to be a completed game, it was not intended to be 'fun' and it was not intended to be an example of what AoC will be like when it was released. They made that very clear to those of us who volunteered for the test. I think you misunderstood the purpose of Alpha 1, Sap.
The Wiki (found at will give you far better information about the game's "deep design."
I'm not sure what you're regurgitating here but I don't buy or play games. It's just shoddy work.
Why does everyone pat themself on the back for saying something lol
You deserve 100 likes for this comment LMAO
The dev time is taking forever and yall act like everything is fine. If Sharif is really burning money like he says he is then the time to wrap up is closer than you think and the game will release unfinished.
Who said I'm looking for a low class identity game. That's what Ashes is looking to be released as and I don't like it.
If you like Ashes and the caravan and node progression system and hate "maintenance complexity". . . do you love "simple maintenance" and think Ashes adding a bunch of RPG elements somehow simplifies the MMO genre? The more basic the better?
What's appealing to you and what do you expect from Ashes.
Umm.. there are backpacks and associated gear planned.. refer
So your contribution is "looking for easy ways to salvage a failed project"?
I find such a mindset unproductive. If they are failed as you describe, pivoting to survival genre doesn't retain their audience, nor will they do well enough to go beyond mediocre within the pivoted genre. This is literally what New World did. If they are not failed, then it is distraction, unhelpful noise that diverts community focus and discussion from subjects relevant to the type of game they have indicated they hope to make, and which the specific audience they've attracted as a result is interested in.
I understand (conceptually) the extreme pessimistic view that Ashes has run out of money and failed already, but if it's dead, let it die. Nobody needs another New World.
and they rage
I never said to pivot to the survival genre lol. And they already have backpacks apparently.
There needs to be more game; there needs to be a lot of things this is just a drop in the bucket.
I don't know if they ran out of money they may have 5 people on their team lol who knows what's true.
"I like the idea its fine, because the implications of inventory management means more interaction with the other game systems."
exactly. and whatever else too.
I do like the idea of having a separate storage for things like keys as one inventory slot for such a small item that doesn't stack takes up too much space. Even if it's something you add onto crafted belts, a key ring, that allows you to store several keys on it at a time.
Having just 1 constraint is an oversimplification. It's like; tic tac toe was fun for a minute. Give me something with depth lol. That's why most people choose real life over games lmao there's actual stuff going on.
Having "infinite power" is just a quack. Yeah I can delete game.exe. Owned. Pwned. I win. lmao
Stalking backpackers and rummaging through their shit then escaping while they fight something sounds great what are you talking about lol
The rest of the world is Law of the Jungle; or Law of Corruption I guess. Horror game themes. Nature fantasy zones that are deadly and hate you tree cutters. Mineral resources with Mineral enemies that WWE smackdown your raid. Mental attacks because it's Corruption. Ambushes. Poison. Plants that kill you when eaten. Players probably too busy to rob you because they need your help to survive. Fields of farming that must be defended if you hope to survive. . . enemy NPC civs that literally seek people and nodes out to destroy.
You may have not noiticed Alpha 1 had placeholder systems. it had 3 classes with a few skills for testing purposes only. Dont take what you see and what will be on release. Also dont tke a Tecnical test such as alpha 1, and badtalk it because you thinkt that this is how the game is released.
it has content so we as players could play and generate data for the testings. otherwise alpha 1 tester would have been more knowledged about testing professionaly. the way Alpha 1 was was on purpose so that it was easy to play and to be able to test certain thing even skills that aint for the class that had them because it was tested how it does in the tecnical (to playe not visible) part of the game and game performance.
here a Topic of mine that is a bit older than yours
pulling agro