Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Bounty hunting
I think people here saying that BH to be viable the map needs to be full of red points,and i think the point of the BH system Is having the minor amount of red points as posible,people Will need to do More things about BH,but the rewards for killing the player should be great,that way you as BH play normally , casually see a point on the map and go and kill it.
In my idea the corrupted will be there for 15 minutes exposed in front of everybody on a public space, so everybody can laugh at him and torture him... that should wash a little bit of corruption and let the carebears poop on the guy
the node could have a structure with a few gibbets and if there's a gibbet available then the corrupted could be sent there instead of spawning in a random place
it would be on the BH discrection to send the corrupted to the gibbet, this gives marging for corrupted chatting the BH and bribing the BH so the BH let the corrupted spawn in a random spot in peace instead of going to the gibbet for public humiliation
Maybe bounty hunters can have a reward system on the side, where their corrupted player K/d ratio multiplied by their total kills affects the prizes they get in a PvP season.
I also think we're going to run into the Lineage 2 problem in Ashes of Creation. Corrupted player's friends / alts will kill each other in order to drop gear, rather than risk being PKed by a bounty hunter and then dropping their best gear. That means that bounty hunters won't be able to find corrupted players as well, and there won't be as big of a demand for bounty hunters.
you gotta be a citizen of a military node to becme a bounty hunter. so you lose on being a citizen of other nodes.
and whats wrong with your friends picking up your gear? thats one more reason to not play solo...
The wiki, under Nodes, states:
"Positions within a node's government are attained through titles that grant special access to NPCs in the node.[69]
Priests, bishops or acolytes in certain temples.[71][69]
Patron guild leader.[69]
Chief bounty hunter.[69]"
The cite does not refer only to Military nodes, so I am interpreting it that other types of nodes may have a Chief Bounty Hunter. However, this is just my reading of the wiki and someone who knows the wiki better than I do is most welcome to correct me.
Just hunting corrupted seems a bit shy, we don't know if there will be a corrupted epidemic, probably not at all because it looks like AoC will have a ton of stuff to do and keep people busy
MAYBE this:
How about this?
So the bounty counter doesn't need to be a citizen, but just a hireup for dramatic events
Bounty hunter walks to the city, click accept mission and start killing when the siege is on?
I am not sure yet how Inteprid will lock the sieges being 250 x 250 players, how they will fill these slots with people/npcs and if it's preferable filling with bounty hunters
The game wiki explains it like this:
"The goal of the corruption system is to keep risk alive while significantly curtailing or deterring the ability for players to grief other players.[11][12]
It is my expectation that the system will perform very well in keeping risk alive, but significantly curtailing or deterring the ability for players to grief.[12] – Steven Sharif
A player's corruption score (corruption value) increases with each non-combatant player killed.[11][13][14][15] Corruption score has a scaling impact on the efficacy of a character's skills in PvP combat.[16][17] The higher the corruption score:
The more skill and stat dampening applies (lower health and mana, lower gear proficiency), until the corrupt player ultimately becomes ineffective at combat.[16][11][18][8][19][20] This dampening only affects PvP combat.[21]
The more corruption you gain, the less effective you become in PvP and there's going to be a certain period at which point you have gained enough corruption that you're going to be gearless and you're also going to have a massive reduction in your PvP efficacy.[19] – Steven Sharif
The higher chance of dropping of carried raw materials and gear (Weapons and Armor) when the corrupted player dies.[11][14][8][22][19]
If you go on a murder spree and you have 10 pks under your belt then you might start feeling a significant dampening to your skill effects against other players. I don't want to give necessarily a number or curve for players to extrapolate prior to us having the ability to actually test these ideas and where those numbers are going to lie; but I would say what is the intent behind that dampening: The intent isn't to limit the fun of the player, the intent is to provide a give-and-take or a risk-versus-reward; and the risk of continuing down the road of accruing corruption is not only the loss of your gear and amplified death effects but also your ability to perform in that activity.[23] – Steven Sharif"
LOVE THIS TAKE!!!! allow pvpers/ bounty hunters/ Mercenaries to earn Xp, gold, rep, mats, and ranks by doing combat things that maybe some players suck at but are great at making money.
Absolutely, also if you are travelling and have no connections to the guilds or node or family or society where you are and a siege/war shows up then you could have some fun over there too as a hireup
Everywhere you go you could get content if you are a bounty hunter hireup, the world is your oyster
If you have a band of bounty hunters you could use the same mount and dress alike
This bounty hunting is getting closer to a mercenary job, which is fine, sounds even better to me, for now there's only mercenary npcs in AoC
I say they should:
Hadn't caught this before.... For some reason? Yes. You'd need to be either a citizen of a Military Node to do the quest to obtain the Bounty Hunter title, or the site also states it may be available to the vassal nodes of that Level 4+ Military-Node town.
Am really hoping it's the latter; Bounty Hunting should be more open, than closed. One of my first-month goals will be to be hunted by a bounty hunter - win or lose.
Agree on that, bounty hunting should be closer to a mercenary
Otherwise the bounty hunter will look more like a town guard for hunting a few corrupted sometimes
Bounty hunting is related to chasing criminals
Maybe the name should be changed to mercenary or sellsword and let the guy get jobs everywhere he travels, you could have your merry band of sellwords going to wreck havoc at the costline or bring justice if there's coin