Possibility to reborn to increase the duration of the game?



  • MyosotysMyosotys Member
    edited November 2022
    insomnia wrote: »
    Myosotys wrote: »
    insomnia wrote: »
    Myosotys wrote: »
    I think the few weeks to reach max level announced by Steven are not enough and will limit the duration of the game.

    The last 10 levels should take at least 20 - 50 hours of grinding per level.

    I am even in favor of an extremely long and tedious quest to rise from the ashes (rebirth).

    Prerequisite for this quest:

    - Write a nice RP story to justify a rebirth.
    - Tons of items to farm and craft
    - Some rare items needed to increase the difficulty of the quest
    - Quest accessible from the maximum level (70 ? if I'm not mistaken).

    Reward :

    Rebirth level 1 with some bonus points to be distributed in stats/magical resistances/magical power

    So it will take at least 6 months (or even a year for a casual) to reach max level.

    No they should'nt. Just because you have nothing to do, doesn't mean the rest of us don't have. We have a job. Some got school. Some got a part time job, after school. Friends, family. Sport. Need to do stuff around the home, like cook, clean

    The remark "You have nothing to do in your life while I have a very important life" could have been avoided. It's low, childish and toxic.

    Apart from this IRL attack, the time argument is not valid either. An MMO is time-consuming and if the time is not spent in levelling, is spent in the search for gear, the Craft or whatever talk with ur friends IG.

    As an MMO is supposed to be infinite, there is never enough time for the game. During the periods when I have too much to do IRL, I don't play MMOs.

    Next time try to avoid toxic comments, it might harm the forum and the atmosphere of the game.

    I never said i had an importent life, i said i had an adults life. It's not childish. I'm just saying how it is for most people. The argument is valid. Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't change how things are. Yes mmo's are time-consuming. But there can also be a limit. I actualy quit Lost Ark, because i never felt i was done with the dailies. There is nothing wrong with being done for the day in a game. Then perhaps you can play something else. Watch a movie, a series. The other mentality is so old and obsolete. It's called progression. And if people are to offended on the comment, that is on them

    I am not offended at all, I am a big boy. It was just a warning for you avoid to tell that someone "has nothing else to in his life than playing MMO" because this is indirectly saying that a person is a "no-life". We all have a life, problems, family.

    Nothing that bad, just avoid please )
  • Aces_Are_WildAces_Are_Wild Member
    edited November 2022
    Their is 64 playable charters why don’t you max out all their levels, they also said their will be adding expansions and increasing level cap in the future.
  • Their is 64 playable charters why don’t you max out all their levels, they also said their will be adding expansions and increasing level cap in the future.

    I know, Im just a bit nostalgical of these games I played in the past. These rebirths were a nice opportunity to rediscover the game level 1 with the same people. But im fine without too ) It made more sense in games where you couldn't reset your stats (or very complicated quest), it was like a second chance.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    Myosotys wrote: »

    Next time try to avoid toxic comments, it might harm the forum and the atmosphere of the game.

    Nothing inherently toxic in the post you quoted.

    If you took it that way, that's on you. If you stop looking for toxicity, you are likely to stop finding it.

    That was indeed toxic. Implying one doesn't have a life all because they're suggesting a new game mechanic.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited November 2022
    234Graph wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Myosotys wrote: »

    Next time try to avoid toxic comments, it might harm the forum and the atmosphere of the game.

    Nothing inherently toxic in the post you quoted.

    If you took it that way, that's on you. If you stop looking for toxicity, you are likely to stop finding it.

    That was indeed toxic. Implying one doesn't have a life all because they're suggesting a new game mechanic.

    It's only toxic if it was taken as toxic.

    Imagine if you leveled to the cap in Ashes in 20 days, the first player to hit said cap. You and I were competing to be the first to the cap, and you beat me.

    If I then said "wow man, that was amazing, you no-lifed the crap outta that, good job!" according to you, that would be toxic.

    In the above, I actually said no-life, whereas the post we are talking about here didnt. So, by your own logic, the above congratulatory statement is even more toxic.

    Toxicity is almost always in the listener, not the speaker.
  • Nova_terraNova_terra Member
    edited November 2022

    Noaani wrote: »
    234Graph wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Myosotys wrote: »

    Next time try to avoid toxic comments, it might harm the forum and the atmosphere of the game.

    Nothing inherently toxic in the post you quoted.

    If you took it that way, that's on you. If you stop looking for toxicity, you are likely to stop finding it.

    That was indeed toxic. Implying one doesn't have a life all because they're suggesting a new game mechanic.

    Toxicity is almost always in the listener, not the speaker.

    We are talking about the same MMO Community right @Noaani ?? ;)
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Nova_terra wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »

    Toxicity is almost always in the listener, not the speaker.

    We are talking about the same MMO Community right Noaani ?? ;)

    I'm talking about it more from a "this is how communication works" perspective.

    Sometimes toxicity is intended, without a doubt. However, it is rare that people actually take offense when offense was intended - most of the time this is easily brushed off.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    Nova_terra wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »

    Toxicity is almost always in the listener, not the speaker.

    We are talking about the same MMO Community right Noaani ?? ;)

    I'm talking about it more from a "this is how communication works" perspective.

    Sometimes toxicity is intended, without a doubt. However, it is rare that people actually take offense when offense was intended - most of the time this is easily brushed off.

    I can agree wholeheartedly, decided to poke fun at the collective however.
  • Noaani wrote: »
    234Graph wrote: »
    Noaani wrote: »
    Myosotys wrote: »

    Next time try to avoid toxic comments, it might harm the forum and the atmosphere of the game.

    Nothing inherently toxic in the post you quoted.

    If you took it that way, that's on you. If you stop looking for toxicity, you are likely to stop finding it.

    That was indeed toxic. Implying one doesn't have a life all because they're suggesting a new game mechanic.

    It's only toxic if it was taken as toxic.

    Imagine if you leveled to the cap in Ashes in 20 days, the first player to hit said cap. You and I were competing to be the first to the cap, and you beat me.

    If I then said "wow man, that was amazing, you no-lifed the crap outta that, good job!" according to you, that would be toxic.

    In the above, I actually said no-life, whereas the post we are talking about here didnt. So, by your own logic, the above congratulatory statement is even more toxic.

    Toxicity is almost always in the listener, not the speaker.

    You have such a knack for the obvious ! Congratulations, you will reach soon 11k comments :D
  • Myosotys wrote: »
    Their is 64 playable charters why don’t you max out all their levels, they also said their will be adding expansions and increasing level cap in the future.

    I know, Im just a bit nostalgical of these games I played in the past. These rebirths were a nice opportunity to rediscover the game level 1 with the same people. But im fine without too ) It made more sense in games where you couldn't reset your stats (or very complicated quest), it was like a second chance.

    Dungeons and Dragons Online had a "rebirth" system similar to what OP described and it was a lot of fun to go back and experience the low level content again, this time with all the game knowledge, and friends made along the way, with a nominal reward for doing so. I think AoC which intends to have a scaling content system would be less suited for this, since it's supposed to avoid the problem of outleveled "stale" content. It's still a fun idea that I wouldn't mind seeing.
  • Czeris wrote: »
    I think AoC which intends to have a scaling content system would be less suited for this, since it's supposed to avoid the problem of outleveled "stale" content.
    What exactly do you mean by this? Do you have a link to the source of this information?
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    You mean this?

    Level scaling

    Levels, stats, or skills will not be scaled to allow low level players to participate in encounters with higher level players.[39][32]
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • NiKr wrote: »
    Czeris wrote: »
    I think AoC which intends to have a scaling content system would be less suited for this, since it's supposed to avoid the problem of outleveled "stale" content.
    What exactly do you mean by this? Do you have a link to the source of this information?

    Zones and progression
    Dungeons, Raids, World bosses, Mobs, Quests, Events, Resources, Narratives and other content within a node's ZOI will have a diverse level range; but will scale with the advancement of that node and its racial influence.[60][61][8]

    Portions of the spawn tables (for mobs and resources) are static and other portions are dynamic and adapt to node development.[62]
    We don’t have a strictly level 25 zone. Instead, that zone might have some level 10 creatures near the road, some level 20 creatures deep in the forest, and some level 30 creatures up the mountain. These ratios will change based on the Nodes that inform them, becoming generally more dangerous as the Node grows. All this civilization attracts the attention of Things-That-Should-Not-Be. This does not mean that wilderness areas are safe, by any means. Some may be safe-er, but all will have dangers that even the most experienced traveler needs to watch out for.[63] – Steven Sharif
  • Czeris wrote: »
    Zones and progression
    Dungeons, Raids, World bosses, Mobs, Quests, Events, Resources, Narratives and other content within a node's ZOI will have a diverse level range; but will scale with the advancement of that node and its racial influence.[60][61][8]

    Portions of the spawn tables (for mobs and resources) are static and other portions are dynamic and adapt to node development.[62]
    We don’t have a strictly level 25 zone. Instead, that zone might have some level 10 creatures near the road, some level 20 creatures deep in the forest, and some level 30 creatures up the mountain. These ratios will change based on the Nodes that inform them, becoming generally more dangerous as the Node grows. All this civilization attracts the attention of Things-That-Should-Not-Be. This does not mean that wilderness areas are safe, by any means. Some may be safe-er, but all will have dangers that even the most experienced traveler needs to watch out for.[63] – Steven Sharif
    I guess I misread your comment then. Cause I thought you were saying that a lvl50 would be able to clear lvl20 content because it'd be scaled up to him, even though that is not the case.
  • I mean we don't know how dynamic the system is that they have planned. It could just mean that a leveled up node spawns level 40 mobs of exactly the same type as it did at level 20, plus a raid boss, which is basically the same thing.
  • Czeris wrote: »
    I mean we don't know how dynamic the system is that they have planned. It could just mean that a leveled up node spawns level 40 mobs of exactly the same type as it did at level 20, plus a raid boss, which is basically the same thing.
    It's not though? It's the node just leveling up on its own. There's no correlation with you personally. From what I've heard of "scaling" in other games, it's usually about the content scaling up or down TO YOU, rather than just changing on its own.
  • It's not leveling up on its own. Nodes level up when players gain xp within them. That's not really my point anyways. There isn't really a set "level" for a node. It can be low level if it's ignored, or high level if players want it to be. There won't really be "dead content" areas like in other games where you spend an hour in the level 5 area when you start and then never revisit it again for the rest of the time you play the game. Each node can be leveled up and potentially have high level content in it (outside of some special areas like designated starter zones). One of the main benefits of "reborn" mechanics is that you get to revisit old low level zones, but that's not really a thing in AoC.
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