Why is the female armor a copy paste of the male armor?



  • Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited November 2022
    Nice, this new one is better because we can see her body shape, her waist and it's still a warrior

    Previously it was the male body but mirroed and smaller
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • ZahieZahie Member
    edited November 2022
    I see some people here who translate "make the female armor a bit different from the male armor" directly to "make boob armor" or "bikini armor" like there is no other options between, like it's only black and white and no grays.

    Just think a bit realistic for a moment.
    I'm a female and I only buy womens clothes, but that doesn't mean I'm walking around in a boob shirt or bikini or skimpy clothing to show alot of skin and cleavage.
    Mens and womens hoodies for example may look exactly the same, like they are unisex, but they are not. They have different cuts to fit different shape of the male and female body. Also the bodyshape under the fabric will be defined from lights and shadows. Therefore it won't look exactly the same on the two different bodyshapes, not even if it is a unisex hoodie.

    This armor can still have the exact same style, just change the shape and some shadows and highlighs so it actually looks like it is formed after a female body.

    New world made this mistake. Some pants looked exactly the same on female characters as they did on male characters, I don't mean only the style, ofc the style should be the same but not how the pants are shaped around the body. The pants still had the shadows and highligts that formed an obvious bulge between the legs on my female character.

    Small details like this can be enough to make an armor to look less masculine on a female body but still have the same style. It doesn't have to include a skirt, bikini armor or boob armor to show the character is a female.
    Females are so much more than boobs and skin.
  • @Zahie
    They updated the armor piece.
  • Voxtrium wrote: »
    They updated the armor piece.

    Yes I saw that, but it doesn't eliminate the fact that alot of people only thought of bikini armor, boob armor or skimpy armor when the OP asked for the female armor to look different from the male armor even tho he was very clear that he didn't mean he wanted a bikini armor.

    I'm just pointing out that whenever this topic comes up, the majority of people seems to think that feminine armor is always equal to boobs and bikinis. It's absurd that people doesn't think longer than that or being more realistic.
  • @Zahie u'r late on the topic, the armor is different already
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • VoxtriumVoxtrium Member
    edited November 2022
    @Zahie While the body type of humans/elves varies significantly and thus your argument is correct, I think Ren'Kai are going to be much more similar in gender.
  • @Voxtrium i also think so, they will probably have a much more bulky bodytype than the human/elves females but still have the feminine body traits and probably look a bit more "slender" than the male body, just like the Dunir dwarf females compared to the males.
  • The last clearly gender distinct monthly cosmetic was actually the Feb 2021(a.k.a Flawless Finery)
    So it's actually nearing 2 years.

    Heheh - this is the only set yours truly has picked up, so far - but Ima also grab this month's since it fits the role of woodsman. Hadn't known at the time that the current plan is to NOT be able to mix-and-match pieces from the cosmetics with in-game-obtainables. It's a shame, since I had big plans for that coat - but white socks and shoes aren't very appropriate for dungeon-crawling.

    Will have to find the loot-able equivalent, in-game.

    Sathrago wrote: »
    If you want to dress like a girl its simple. Play an elf.

    Ooh, ouch - Elf-smacked! Good thing my character won't be sensitive about his effeminate hips....

  • chainmail bikinis or im not playing /thread
  • I like real armors on female characters instead of bikini armors with high heel shoes... I hate that on BDO
  • Zahie wrote: »
    Voxtrium wrote: »
    They updated the armor piece.

    Yes I saw that, but it doesn't eliminate the fact that alot of people only thought of bikini armor, boob armor or skimpy armor when the OP asked for the female armor to look different from the male armor even tho he was very clear that he didn't mean he wanted a bikini armor.

    I'm just pointing out that whenever this topic comes up, the majority of people seems to think that feminine armor is always equal to boobs and bikinis. It's absurd that people doesn't think longer than that or being more realistic.

    what is a boob armor? you block enemy attacks using tits?
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