True 64 Classes
I know they are shooting for what is said to be 64 classes. Basically, a main choice and then a secondary that augments that main. Great! I love it I'm sure that is great for balancing and I applaud then in every way fathomable. I love this game. I'm just spit balling here though. What if they were to make one proprietary/class defining ability for all 64 combinations? Then you truly do have 64 classes. You have to take that particular combination to get that ability, there is no other way. That's a class. I know I say that as if it's an easy feat, I'm sure it would be no small undertaking, but it would truly make 64 classes. Yep, got to add 64 new different abilities to the game, but that's how you get 64 actual... factual.... classes.
we already have that. the combination of your main class with the augments from the secondary will be unique to each class
You main class is like ur WoW class and your secondary class changes your talent trees choices you can choose from. This is the simpliest way i can put it from my understanding atleast we will find out more i hope soonish
I don't think I like having the extra ability given to each class. I am hoping that it is practical to change secondary archetypes as FOTM changes over time. If you have a unique abilities, then it adds extra balancing and people might stick with an underperforming class because they like the unique ability it has.
I think most players support that, @WHIT3ROS3, but when you start thinking about balance and what’s already on the Combat and Animation Teams’ plate, it’s a lot of work to make that idea happen.
For now, Steven has told us that secondary augments will simply add “flavor” … so set your expectations low so you won’t be disappointed later on.
Intrepid does have a tendency to under-promise and over-deliver on game systems. We’ll see how it shakes out in Alpha-2.
Take a look at this abilities list for example.
If you take the Ultimate Defence ability. How would people like to see this ability augmented through the secondary archetype? How different will this ability look/feel when used by an Argent compared to a Paladin or a Knight? Or will that ability be essentially the same (How different can you make an invulnerable for a short duration ability?) across the secondary archetypes?
well, argent is tank/bard. bards are proximity-based buffers. so probably your UD will also increase the running speed of allies nearby when you use it, or will give you or your party a 3-5 seconds defense boost after the invincibility expires.
a paladin is a tank/ cleric. clerics have life and death augments. so maybe if you augment it with life augments, it will heal you or your party some amount or %, and if you augment it for death, you will do damage to enemies near you while the skill is active, or maybe there will be an explosion that damages enemies after the expiration of UD. maybe the damage could be higher on shadow or holy type mobs.
I expect them to give some type of feedback to the players, so we can differentiate them