Vegetation billboards, ground details, and UE5.1 nanite foliage
Do you think they will keep trees billboard like on this official screenshot (the low quality trees far in the back) :
An explanation on the tech :
Or will they, through an update to UE5.1, use nanite and remove all outdated billboards ?
Also, do you think there'll be improvements on the vegetation covering of the ground and display distance of those details ?
Lastly, will there be continuous visual improvements on the environments throughout the game exploitation, leveraging Unreal Engine capabilities. (EVE online come in mind, where the graphics evolved a lot throughout the years)
Thank you very much for your time !
Do you think they will keep trees billboard like on this official screenshot (the low quality trees far in the back) :
An explanation on the tech :
Or will they, through an update to UE5.1, use nanite and remove all outdated billboards ?
Also, do you think there'll be improvements on the vegetation covering of the ground and display distance of those details ?
Lastly, will there be continuous visual improvements on the environments throughout the game exploitation, leveraging Unreal Engine capabilities. (EVE online come in mind, where the graphics evolved a lot throughout the years)
Thank you very much for your time !
I don't think we've had any official word on it. I would imaging they are investigating it before making any kind of announcement.
I personally think they'll make the switch before beta, and the earlier they do it in the world building, the easier it will be.