Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Next Q n A questions

ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Dear intrepid, we appreciate the monthly updates and sneaky looks into the games development however..

We as a community feel as though there are some huge questions that are not being addressed, we understand that you dont want to release a timeline as deadlines can be missed and due to murphys law but there are other things we would like to know, onthe next QnA please address some of the following questions

A roadmap of the game, not with dates but something that consists of, what is left in development before A2, what is currently being worked on and what has not been started yet

Some information on freehold skins, this one is important as they have been available to purchase in the shop for years but despite multiple people asking there is no information as how this will work

An update on name resorvations and the character creater,

Some information with naval content

I love how ambitious the game is, but at this point i think people would prefer you guys to pick a direction and stick with it, release something and build on it with updates and patches,

Please include questions you would like to see in the next QnA below!


  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member, Alpha Two
    Holding the devs hostage (until you get your answers) has already been tried by one prominent forum-goer, @Akaime.

    I'll link the thread below so you can read how that went down.

    In the meantime, have some patience ... and remember that invoking the "Ashes Community" into your opinions can alienate other players with differing viewpoints.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited January 2023
    would be better if next time you wrote "I" instead of "We", if you don't have your own community to represent, you can't speak for the rest of us, only the CMs that go through all the data and feedback on multiple platforms, and understand what vocal minority means, can tell what the AoC community sentiment is
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  • ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: »
    would be better if next time you wrote "I" instead of "We", if you don't have your own community to represent, you can't speak for the rest of us, only the CMs that go through all the data and feedback on multiple platforms, and understand what vocal minority means, can tell what the AoC community sentiment is

    I mean fair point but once somethibg is for sale in the cash shops ie freehold skins there should be some viable information as to how it works if they are asking $$ to purchase them, i could go through every post asking for this over the last few years to clarify "we" but it would take me all day
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited January 2023
    We aren't going to get a roadmap.
    Each month, we learn more about what's eing worked on for Alpha 2. We can guess what they still need to work on based on what they haven't shown us yet, like Augment Schools.

    I think it's likely we'll get a demo of Freeholds and Freeholds Skins once that system is demo-ready. Probably before Alpha 2. We don't even have the last two articles for Know Your Nodes, so... I dunno why you would think we'd get Freehold info this month. It's not impossible, but...

    What kinds of updates are you hoping for with name reservations and the character creator?
    We can expect them to let us know when the character creator release is near ready.

    What kind of naval content info are you hoping for?
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The shop needs a revamp in general. Unlikely to happen before launch. If you sell a cosmetic which changes depending on race, you should show all racial versions so people can buy with confidence - that way, when horns suddenly appear and change the whole dynamic of cosmetics for a race there is less of a hideous emotional conundrum.
  • effusivemindeffusivemind Member, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    We aren't going to get a roadmap.

    And it's unfortunate. I empathize with their reservations because of the last road map. The team was specific and didn't meet those targets. People felt disappointed.
    Holding the devs hostage (until you get your answers) has already been tried by one prominent forum-goer, @Akaime.

    The idea the OP is trying to hold the dev team "hostage" is incredibly perverse. There's a reason this request is common.

    Some players, supporters, and fans feel like they're the ones being held emotionally hostage. Because they have quite literally no idea what to expect.

    The problem wasn't that people were disappointed, the fundamental problem was that goals weren't met. A response that signals responsibility might look something like a commitment to meet goals better next time. Even more than that I don't see being vague and keeping people in the dark about targets they have internally anyway, as helpful.

    If goals aren't met the second time, then people should know. They can think about and discuss, "OK, why weren't goals hit a second time."

    You can see how the approach is backfiring. It's a major reason why you see people meme about a 2077 release, draw parallels to Star Citizen, or say things like the game is never coming out.

    There is nothing wrong, for example, with releasing a roadmap broadly suggesting "OK, we expect A2 sometime in 2024" or heck, even "between 2024-2025" and committing to that. And that's a completely reasonable request.
    Liniker wrote: »
    would be better if next time you wrote "I" instead of "We"

    Absolutely accurate.

    The OPs points are directionally valid though. There are many people in the community that do feel:
    Akaime wrote: » though there are some huge questions that are not being addressed, we understand that you dont want to release a timeline as deadlines can be missed[...] A roadmap of the game, not with dates but something that consists of, what is left in development before A2, what is currently being worked on and what has not been started yet

    And like:
    Akaime wrote: »
    Some information on freehold skins, this one is important as they have been available to purchase in the shop for years but despite multiple people asking there is no information as how this will work

    Seeing a lot of posts about cosmetics even in threads that aren't specifically about cosmetics.

    Akaime wrote: »
    I love how ambitious the game is, but at this point i think people would prefer you guys to pick a direction and stick with it, release something and build on it with updates and patches

    I'm sure the thread appreciates the use of "I" here.

    My intention isn't to be disagreeable. I've praised IS for many things. Aim to bring rational discussion in a respectful way. I think that's important

  • Dygz wrote: »
    We aren't going to get a roadmap.

    And it's unfortunate. I empathize with their reservations because of the last road map. The team was specific and didn't meet those targets. People felt disappointed.
    Holding the devs hostage (until you get your answers) has already been tried by one prominent forum-goer, @Akaime.

    The idea the OP is trying to hold the dev team "hostage" is incredibly perverse. There's a reason this request is common.

    Some players, supporters, and fans feel like they're the ones being held emotionally hostage. Because they have quite literally no idea what to expect.

    The problem wasn't that people were disappointed, the fundamental problem was that goals weren't met. A response that signals responsibility might look something like a commitment to meet goals better next time. Even more than that I don't see being vague and keeping people in the dark about targets they have internally anyway, as helpful.

    If goals aren't met the second time, then people should know. They can think about and discuss, "OK, why weren't goals hit a second time."

    You can see how the approach is backfiring. It's a major reason why you see people meme about a 2077 release, draw parallels to Star Citizen, or say things like the game is never coming out.

    There is nothing wrong, for example, with releasing a roadmap broadly suggesting "OK, we expect A2 sometime in 2024" or heck, even "between 2024-2025" and committing to that. And that's a completely reasonable request.

    I do not agree.
    They must have internal deadlines short and long term. They should adjust them as they want. But there is no reason to make them public. It brings them no benefit.
    Of course we are curious and want to know. But to satisfy that curiosity is not a reason.
    Assume alpha 2 starts on 2025 and release 2026. Is a lot of time. +/- 1 year makes no difference, isn't it?
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • effusivemindeffusivemind Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 2023
    Strevi wrote: »
    I do not agree.
    They must have internal deadlines short and long term. They should adjust them as they want. But there is no reason to make them public. It brings them no benefit.

    I listed reasons already. Aside from those, there are other ethical implications. For example, selling in-game visuals, game time, and other extras for a product that may not launch until 2027 (this is just a hypothetical date to make a point,) well, a lot can happen in 4+ years.

    Some people may not be able use it then, may not want to use it then, or may have made a different decision had they had that information.
    Strevi wrote: »
    Assume alpha 2 starts on 2025 and release 2026..

    You can technically assume anything, that wouldn't make it accurate or helpful

  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited January 2023
    There is nothing wrong, for example, with releasing a roadmap broadly suggesting "OK, we expect A2 sometime in 2024" or heck, even "between 2024-2025" and committing to that. And that's a completely reasonable request.
    We can't even get the Nodes 3 vid. We've been waiting 3.5 years for the last two Know Your Nodes articles because Steven says they are still tweaking the design and Steven doesn't want people complaining about changes.
    So... it might be a reasonable request, but... Steven is not going to cave on the roadmap if he's holding fast on the Know Your Nodes articles.
  • ElectronnElectronn Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 2023
    Here since 2017

  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member, Alpha Two
    I listed reasons already. Aside from those, there are other ethical implications. For example, selling in-game visuals, game time, and other extras for a product that may not launch until 2027 (this is just a hypothetical date to make a point,) well, a lot can happen in 4+ years.

    Some people may not be able use it then, may not want to use it then, or may have made a different decision had they had that information.

    There is absolutely NO obligation to buy in-game visuals, game time, and other extras, @effusivemind. Steven has said so himself.

    Players (including yourself) have reasons not to buy those things ... and that's a perfectly valid choice.

    However, with no pay-to-win items and no obligation to buy, please tell forum-goers how that is unethical.
  • effusivemindeffusivemind Member, Alpha Two
    There is absolutely NO obligation to buy in-game visuals, game time, and other extras, @effusivemind. Steven has said so himself.

    Players (including yourself) have reasons not to buy those things ... and that's a perfectly valid choice.

    However, with no pay-to-win items and no obligation to buy, please tell forum-goers how that is unethical.

    I'm not sure what pay-to-win, or even obligation has to do with what I mentioned. Ethics is much broader and applies to many more situations than just paying to get ahead, or feeling obligated to do something.

    I literally provided clear reasons for why in the text you quoted.
    For example, selling in-game visuals, game time, and other extras for a product that may not launch until 2027 (this is just a hypothetical date to make a point,) well, a lot can happen in 4+ years.

    Some people may not be able use it then, may not want to use it then, or may have made a different decision had they had that information.

    To the question of, "Whether this is an ethical practice," the answer is "no." You're not honoring someone's autonomy and ability to decide by omitting information relevant to making that decision

  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 2023
    To the question of, "Whether this is an ethical practice," the answer is "no." You're not honoring someone's autonomy and ability to decide by omitting information relevant to making that decision.

    If the practice is so "unethical" then why have millions of players signed up for the various cosmetic packs and game time?

    We're all waiting on your answer with bated breath ...
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    To the question of, "Whether this is an ethical practice," the answer is "no." You're not honoring someone's autonomy and ability to decide by omitting information relevant to making that decision.

    If the practice is so "unethical" then why have millions of players signed up for the various cosmetic packs and game time?

    We're all waiting on your answer with bated breath ...

    This one definitely made me absurdity-lol...

    "If the predatory practice is so unethical, then why have all the 'marks' been prey, huh?"

    Um... no.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    You could always read the wiki, it breaks down what is planned for development within each stage.
    A quick glance, you can see where development is likely at.


    Alpha 2
  • effusivemindeffusivemind Member, Alpha Two
    If the practice is so "unethical" then why have millions of players signed up for the various cosmetic packs and game time?

    Is this a joke.
    We're all waiting on your answer with bated breath ...

    The irony is it...
    Liniker wrote: »
    would be better if next time you wrote "I" instead of "We"

  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    If the practice is so "unethical" then why have millions of players signed up for the various cosmetic packs and game time?

    Not saying I agree or disagree on it being unethical but.... this logic cracked me :D

    So you saying all the pyramid schemes and scams are good as well because they get millions of people to invest lol
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  • Gui10Gui10 Member
    edited January 2023
    THey dont really answer "planning" questions in QnA's.. only specific in-game question, mostly.

    I would love to ask for a roadmap (without dates!) or even a simpler question like: what are you planning on showing us in 2023 (no dates required!!).... But yeah its just not what they do in these QnA's for the most part.

    If I actually wanted my question answered, I might ask: how close together will people be able to put freeholds?
  • VillefortVillefort Member, Alpha Two
    Akaime wrote: »
    what is left in development before A2, what is currently being worked on and what has not been started yet

    hmm---yes I share that curiosity. I mean...we...we all share that. To follow some of the plurality of other posters in this thread :wink:
    But I think we can infer what is being worked based on what they choose to release in the monthly updates.

    I think it's wise on their part to not tell us what hasn't been started yet. If people knew that 60% still needed to be developed, I think it may dampen their enthusiasm and decrease engagement.

  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 2023
    Liniker wrote: »
    Not saying I agree or disagree on it being unethical but.... this logic cracked me :D

    So you saying all the pyramid schemes and scams are good as well because they get millions of people to invest lol

    Is Ashes a scam though?

    Last I checked, we're seeing active development of an MMO with regular monthly updates ... and weekly (sometimes multiple times a day) feedback from the Intrepid Community Team.
  • How many tattoos can we have? Will bigger tattoos give you more state points? (Health, Agility, Strength, etc)
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