Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What Accessory Cosmetics would you like to see?

There has been many skins so far, but I'd like to see some Quiver skins. Personally I'd want a Py'Rai inspired quiver. One with roots and leaves entangled around it. Perhaps have some luminance etching depending on either night phase or moon types (if they plan on having different types of moon phases). As a player that loves archery, i'd definitely want to display a cool/unique Quiver.
What cosmetic accessories would you guys like to see available either in game accessable or purchase through cosmetic shop?
What cosmetic accessories would you guys like to see available either in game accessable or purchase through cosmetic shop?

They could simply just have a basic animation where the characters reach over their shoulder a bit , quickly, indicating they are removing an arrow from quiver. The quiver skins could easily be a viable option if the characters hands dont actually fully interact with the arrows in quiver (being that quivers will varie in size perhaps). Seems doable to me.
Ideally, I'd want my character to have a traditional adventurer's backpack and a quiver on the hip.
I'll say after we get the Alpha 2 release date.
Yeah, a chainsaw would be cool.
Items your character produce when it goes idle. They could be collectibles and are "easy" to make different designs for races and whatnot.
You dont want any more skins until after A2?
Yeah, I think this would be cool for casters as well. Maybe even have a belt with a satchel with scrolls sticking out of with some magical elements glowing or glistening from them depending on the "elements" of the skin. I know you can equip "spell books", so having them added on belts shouldnt be too hard.
No, I mean I don't want to tell IS what skins to create for me unless they reveal the A2 release date first.
I don't want to give them ideas for free.
I plan on having a Scout (Ranger/Rogue), so having it in a place that will let the quiver still be there, too, would be amazing.
A bracer with a compass on it would be nice.
a folding stool/camping stool for a different sitting emote option as well
I really like the idea of the Dragon horn from the boss. That'd be cool to have. Not only legendary crafting mats and finished mats from world bosses, but having them drop a unique skin from their body would be really cool to have.
the chairs and stools emotes would be cool to have for taverns for sure, but I know that Steven is wanting to have lots of variety of furniture. So hopefully the taverns would be stocked with cool variety.
A simple overcoat, backslot. Comes down beyond the knees. Opens up to hide armor shows off all the sweet ink. Save for a damn cool animal skull for a belt buckle.
I guess I need pants still. Though loincloth is more fitting.
Also really loved these ideas:
Big red plus signs don't fit, so perhaps an invented Healers Guild logo pack with bottles and bandages overflowing?
If I remember right Warhammer Online had this kind of system and it was fun!
Maybe some trophies could become achievable after mastering some profession? In GW2 you could make profession themed backpacks when you hit a sertain level in crafting.
I'm sure that someone has already mentioned about these ideas in these forums.
Hello, I am a Master Fisherman. Why, yes! That is indeed a whale shark attached to my belt!
Love it
Id love to see some dark, cloaked, stealthy type of cosmetics, belts with daggers, the quiver is a fantastic idea, however i think that the quiver should 1000% not share a slot with a cloak, you should definitley be able to wear a quiver over a cloak, to fix this they could make the quiver a weapon slot and make it add attack speed or something, i think its super immersive having to buy arrows but im not sure everyone agrees with this haha