Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Aaricia's Character Art: Volume 2

Volume 1 was about to creep to page 2 and I don't want my pieces getting separated from the first page---so BOOM! Volume 2 has been born. For those joining me on my journey just now---hi, hello. I'm a hobbyist artist at best and I'm currently in the throws of learning what my style is while also learning the basics of digital art. All of my knowledge is from Pinterest, YouTube, and Deviant Art. I'm a hot mess of mediocre, but I'm having fun and I hope that other AoC fanart creators will enjoy my creations.
As always, clicking the image will link you to my Deviant Art page where the piece is posted---so you can explore all my mistakes in full resolution. Neat.
This is my rendition of a Tulnar if they could have insect lineage. My lil' Beetle Queen was inspired by the scene in Thumbelina where she dressed up as a Beetle. I remember watching that as a little girl and being so sad when the bugs called her ugly. ANYWAYS. This Tulnar beauty is pursuing knowledge in the great library of her node. Totally not because I wanted to be lazy by using a book brush. She's just part bookworm. /dadjokelaugh

As always, clicking the image will link you to my Deviant Art page where the piece is posted---so you can explore all my mistakes in full resolution. Neat.
This is my rendition of a Tulnar if they could have insect lineage. My lil' Beetle Queen was inspired by the scene in Thumbelina where she dressed up as a Beetle. I remember watching that as a little girl and being so sad when the bugs called her ugly. ANYWAYS. This Tulnar beauty is pursuing knowledge in the great library of her node. Totally not because I wanted to be lazy by using a book brush. She's just part bookworm. /dadjokelaugh

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Oh look. Dinner is currently cooking.
Will you be adventurous enough to take on the wild blue or will your legs never leave the shore? I personally have a deep rooted fear of the ocean or any body of water where I can't see the bottom---so I'll be avoiding the sailing for as long as I can muster.
Also, thanks @WuqingYe for informing me about Mer-may.
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It's a little early, but this one goes out to all the dads of Verra---Happy Father's Day.
This one is featuring a happy Vaelune family who is just oh-so-proud of their baby girl. Look at her! She's adorable. I want to squish those cheeks.
It's been a minute since I've worked on anything---I blame Diablo IV. I got sucked in and consumed, but I'll try to get back to practicing my art here soon.
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While working on this, my husband walked behind me and said, "I'm not into orcs." I've got bad news, my dude. If I'm able to play as an orc---Imma play as an orc (probably, those other races be looking mighty fine in those showcases).
Then our daughter, who is six, asked why daddy was kissing a goblin. "Darling. That's Mommy as an orc." She was about as amused as her daddy, but she sweetly said "But you're a princess, not a goblin."
Anyways! Since my husband usually plays as a vanilla human---I made him into his usual playstyle of human meat shield (tank/paladin/death knight/heavy armor that looks super cool role). Can you tell me where our date night is at? YES. The Golden Feather Tavern. I hope PDA (public displays of affection) is acceptable at the tavern.
Totally stole the feather logo from @WuqingYe fan art and you should definitely go appreciate her work if you haven't already.
Thanks for stopping by.
I appreciate it.
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Saw @LittleLightz Paladin OC and I liked it so well I decided to give it a go in my style.
I have so much to learn.
Ignore the hands. They look like straight AI abominations.
Crossing fingers was harder than I thought it'd be, but by the time I realized I was too deep.
I've been reading the Ashes of Creation wiki again. My eyes peeped the Warden and while I doubt we'll be able to have pets aid with the tanking---I'm going to hope.
As always, the picture links to my DA so you can creep my work up close and judge me super hard on all my mistakes.
Still an art baby.
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Aaricia the Ren'Kai is just an absolute foodie. Don't judge her and her sweet tusk.
My friend's Rogue is a little unhinged, but she has a steady hand.
I recently put together a Pinterest Board of all the artwork that brings me joy---in an effort to find my style. I've always enjoyed Monet and van Gogh and artwork like theirs, so I figured maybe this would be the best style for me.
You know what.
I really enjoy it. Except eyeballs still give me trouble.
Hey look its our feather! Peeped back in to see more of your lovely art!
Another updated piece. Thinking of rolling a Vek this time around (Dec 20), so gotta polish up my Vek fan art.