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Attacking someone on their freehold seems strange.



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    RavicusRavicus Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I think in one of the last live streams Steven mentioned there would be no permissions or protections for inns or taverns, unless you mean instanced housing.
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    FantmxFantmx Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Liniker wrote: »
    nothing strange with it, its in the open world, not instanced

    what would suck is people attacking you and running to the boundary of the freehold stepping out to attack and going back in - like they did in New World since towns were safe zones, that's garbage game design

    house being safe is more than enough, no one gonna be walking next to the house anyways - different with your freehold plot since its a big chunk of land

    as for people randomly being attack while in the freehold, I think people just have to wait and see because theres a huge misunderstanding of these open world pvp games people seem to think its a gank box people gonna be running around murdering farmers thats imply not the case....

    it will be extremely rare, and even if someone attacks you..... just go inside the house lol TTK is long enough

    I assume this is a big reason for the allowance. It would feel very weird to have open world pvp fights that have to pause as you encounter the corner of a freehold.
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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2023
    Fantmx wrote: »
    Depraved wrote: »
    well, there is open world if they ran to the boundaries of the fh, they would still be in a pvp zone, as the whole map is a pvp zone xD

    you would understand how bad idea this is if you were chasing down a ganker that is very low on HP maybe he just killed a friend of yours maybe he is purple or even red,

    and as soon as he steps in boundaries of his FH the ganker is now safe laughing at you in chat, and then he steps out hits you and go back in forcing you to leave lol

    safezones in OWPvP games are literally a ganker's heaven, it will not protect casuals/PvErs as much as it will protect and make PKers/Gankers happy trust me

    If I was a ganker interested in murdering people I'd be supporting this post lol maybe I'd be asking to make nodes safe zones as well or nodes that allow red players to live lol
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    ShabooeyShabooey Member
    edited July 2023
    and as soon as he steps in boundaries of his FH the ganker is now safe laughing at you in chat, and then he steps out hits you and go back in forcing you to leave lol

    Happened in New World all the time, was very frustrating.

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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Shabooey wrote: »
    Happened in New World all the time, was very frustrating.

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    Liniker wrote: »
    nothing strange with it, its in the open world, not instanced

    what would suck is people attacking you and running to the boundary of the freehold stepping out to attack and going back in - like they did in New World since towns were safe zones, that's garbage game design

    house being safe is more than enough, no one gonna be walking next to the house anyways - different with your freehold plot since its a big chunk of land

    as for people randomly being attack while in the freehold, I think people just have to wait and see because theres a huge misunderstanding of these open world pvp games people seem to think its a gank box people gonna be running around murdering farmers and thats simply not the case....

    it will be extremely rare, and even if someone attacks you..... just go inside the house lol TTK is long enough

    I hear ya. I just wonder how they’re going to address it when I’m playing the mini-game to craft an item and I get hit by an attacker. Will I be locked in the mini game until I complete it? Or will the mini-game cut out and force me to lose my progress?
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    RavicusRavicus Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Liniker wrote: »
    nothing strange with it, its in the open world, not instanced

    what would suck is people attacking you and running to the boundary of the freehold stepping out to attack and going back in - like they did in New World since towns were safe zones, that's garbage game design

    house being safe is more than enough, no one gonna be walking next to the house anyways - different with your freehold plot since its a big chunk of land

    as for people randomly being attack while in the freehold, I think people just have to wait and see because theres a huge misunderstanding of these open world pvp games people seem to think its a gank box people gonna be running around murdering farmers and thats simply not the case....

    it will be extremely rare, and even if someone attacks you..... just go inside the house lol TTK is long enough

    I hear ya. I just wonder how they’re going to address it when I’m playing the mini-game to craft an item and I get hit by an attacker. Will I be locked in the mini game until I complete it? Or will the mini-game cut out and force me to lose my progress?

    that is a good question that I have thought of before., I remember in the past that even looking at merchant trate screens and not being able to notice you are dying until you are dead lol. But I would assume that it would/should interupt a crafting process and close that gump.
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    NiKrNiKr Member
    Liniker wrote: »
    and as soon as he steps in boundaries of his FH the ganker is now safe laughing at you in chat, and then he steps out hits you and go back in forcing you to leave lol
    But this is literally no different from him just running to his house. If you couldn't catch up to him before he entered his FH, the chances are you wouldn't be able to catch him for those extra 2-3s of him running into his house.

    Hell, if anything, FHs could have only one entrance, and with their huge size the fleeing player would have to run aaaaalll the way around their FH to enter it. Which would in turn give you more time to maybe catch up.

    I see that as a plus against gankers. They'd be super limited in their angles of attack if they wanted to fully utilize the FH's safeness.
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    RavicusRavicus Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Perhaps there could be a "heat of battle" "you cannot flee" debuff placed on you where you could not enter safe zones while in combat.
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    Liniker wrote: »
    Fantmx wrote: »
    Depraved wrote: »
    well, there is open world if they ran to the boundaries of the fh, they would still be in a pvp zone, as the whole map is a pvp zone xD

    you would understand how bad idea this is if you were chasing down a ganker that is very low on HP maybe he just killed a friend of yours maybe he is purple or even red,

    and as soon as he steps in boundaries of his FH the ganker is now safe laughing at you in chat, and then he steps out hits you and go back in forcing you to leave lol

    safezones in OWPvP games are literally a ganker's heaven, it will not protect casuals/PvErs as much as it will protect and make PKers/Gankers happy trust me

    If I was a ganker interested in murdering people I'd be supporting this post lol maybe I'd be asking to make nodes safe zones as well or nodes that allow red players to live lol

    you didnt understand what i said. since the fh is out in the open world, and the entire open world is a pvp zone, you cant have protection when you run to the boundaries of ur fh, since you are still out in the world aka a big pvp zone. no safe zones. got it? so cant run back to safety when you are about to die, unelss you are the owner of the fh and run into your house.
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    NiKrNiKr Member
    edited July 2023
    Ravicus wrote: »
    Perhaps there could be a "heat of battle" "you cannot flee" debuff placed on you where you could not enter safe zones while in combat.
    We'd need a pretty precise definition of what the game sees as the state of combat. Is it being flagged purple or red? Then what about the greens being attacked by those people?

    Is it some sort of "action stance" that you only enter when you're attacking or being attacked (with a several seconds duration for the stance)? What about mob interactions then, would we be forced to die to a mob that we couldn't kill? Or would mobs just never come close to FHs? What would be that distance then and what would Intrepid have to do to avoid "bait" abuses where people dance around that line and control the mob's aggro in a particular way?
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    RavicusRavicus Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2023
    NiKr wrote: »
    Ravicus wrote: »
    Perhaps there could be a "heat of battle" "you cannot flee" debuff placed on you where you could not enter safe zones while in combat.
    We'd need a pretty precise definition of what the game sees as the state of combat. Is it being flagged purple or red? Then what about the greens being attacked by those people?

    Is it some sort of "action stance" that you only enter when you're attacking or being attacked (with a several seconds duration for the stance)? What about mob interactions then, would we be forced to die to a mob that we couldn't kill? Or would mobs just never come close to FHs? What would be that distance then and what would Intrepid have to do to avoid "bait" abuses where people dance around that line and control the mob's aggro in a particular way?

    Greens being attacked would not be flagged unless they fought back. Also what I suggest would be for PVP only, not npc mobs, unless a npc guard is after you for some reason, then you are on your own lol
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    PherPhur wrote: »
    @Sengarden I don't think you understand the intended purpose of corruption. It, like most things in this game is designed to incentivize people to group up. The whole game is centered around multiplayer unlike any MMO that has ever been created that I'm aware of, it's a hardcore multiplayer game, an MMORPG.

    Hang out with a group of people, like someone else said, if you got a freehold you probably won't be alone anyways a lot of the time. Just stick together.

    With that+corruption+your own pvp skills+guards you can pretty much prevent PvP from mostly ever happening to you on your freehold aside from successful sieges I'm sure.

    I don't really understand how corruption is supposed to incentivize people to group up. Grouping up reduces the chances of encountering combat in general, corruption doesn't somehow directly contribute to that. Unless you're saying that the allowance of PvP + Corruption encourages group-play when compared to fully non-PvP zones, which I agree with, but that's not really relevant. Corruption, as a separate system, simply disincentivizes PvP in general, and especially disincentivizes PvP for causes that are not worth the risk (griefing, namely, or really any combat not directly tied, as I said, to vying over resources or content).

    That being said, you make a good point that you likely won't be on your freehold alone very often. If guards are actually responsive enough to make a difference, then I think they will be a good deterrent, especially if we can get some rangers with decent attack ranges who are able to continue to shoot beyond the bounds of the freehold by 20-30 feet (far enough for the attacker to not feel safe sitting just past the wall and shooting you with ranged attacks).

    As for the OP's original question, no one knows how being attacked will effect crafting mini-games. Hopefully this will come up whenever they do their crafting showcase. Shouldn't be long, now. I believe they've been doing NDA testing with A1 testers on the crafting mini-games, or will be soon. Personally, I don't think the mini-games should be interrupted by anything, and you should be immune to stuns and knockbacks while performing the task. You should still be able to take damage, I think. My main point in saying so is that if we're going with a free for all, screw over whoever you want to if you want to badly enough type system, then they should have to kill you and actually take the corruption if they want to impact your productivity.
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    @PherPhur Unfortunately, I just dug this up on the Wiki. Pretty old interview, but there's nothing else on the Wiki from a more recent showcase/interview contradicting it:

    Apparently, NPC guards will, as of now, only be hirable preceding a siege to protect your freehold from being looted. Having other people around in the currently discussed scenario seems to be the key, but it is a bit frustrating that you're forcing people to drop what they're doing and team up to fight against bully-ish (outside of war-time) behavior that, imo, should be prevented by extending immunity to your (let's be honest, not really that large) freehold plot if you're particularly concerned about it and are willing to put a great deal of effort into acquiring the resources to make it inaccessible to those outside your permissions.

    @Liniker I totally see where you're coming from with the system artificially protecting corrupted players, but currently, you're still allowed to perform that exact same behavior with your actual house. Would you have it such that any player can walk into your home and kill you in your bed, just to prevent corrupted players from escaping justice? Not being able to lock your door would be very much the same trivial removal of something a real person would obviously install, like tall fences and locked gates around a valuable property.

    I understand others concerns that having many freeholds with tall walls would be a bit imposing and remove the visual sense of connectedness with the economic infrastructure in the game world. It's not the end of the world if people wander through my property now and then lol, but it would be nice if access into this (really not that large, let's be honest) plot of land that I paid for was more under my discretion. It looks like like it would take about 5-10 seconds to ride past on a mount, and judging by their planned scarcity, there will most likely not be more than one in sight at a time unless a player chooses the absolute lowest limit for proximity between their FH and another's, leaving even more natural space on the other side.
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    You dug deeeep my man!
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