Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
You are one of those ppl that assume the worst on others. An ulterior motive.
Starting from the position that there MUST BE something wrong with what I am saying (even though you admit that you have no idea what's going on) isn't doing you any credit.
You think I am looking for a solution that suits me? I even revealed the plan that benefits me under the current circumstances. I had no reason to open the topic if my aim was to benefit.
Losing gear is a weak punishment, gear that may have taken 1-2 weeks worth of organized effort?
As opposed to what? Being chase for 20-30 mins?
What kinda of relevant insight is this?
As for the start of your second post, the 4v1 scenario of PvP (PvP not PK.....) is irrelevant.
im always right, just so you know that.
what damage formulas? lets see, give me the damage formula...havent you considered that maybe your calculations or your models are wrong?
Your are fixed on the stats of a naked L2 character and a dressed up one, when the conversation is about the impact gear has in the potential dmg output of characters.
I just explained to you that in ESO a naked character with a Lv1 sword can kill equal level mobs. Same concept, different outcome.
You are seeing it differently.
Sorry, I phrased myself poorly, since I figured you weren't really paying attention to me anymore.
I don't think there's anything wrong with what you're saying. I was trying to say that I think you have different goals from others in this conversation. And I didn't mean benefit in terms of 'you getting to win' or anything like that (it's not clear if that's what you meant).
Yes, losing gear is a weak punishment for people whose goal is not heavily progression based. I was talking about people who 'mostly just want to group up and PK others'. May I assume that you're talking about deterring people who tend to PK by themselves, opportunistically, by carrying around a weak gearset to change to, for their PK?
I'm also glad to hear that the 4v1 and similar are irrelevant, since Ashes specifically doesn't counter this at all. I believe you've more clearly defined your parameters now, so thank you. NiKr, I had to be a little... sus... about it, but you have your data.
Mirror flash complete.
For the 1000th time.
Let's stop arguing semantics. We agree if you haven't realized.
the point im trying to make is 80% of power coming from gear wont solve the problem you are presenting. the difference between gear tiers will
Now I want you to do the same about Mages PK potential before critical magic attacks, in the era of Homunculus Sword and Sword of Valhala.
noo its not semantics. i wrote a very long post showing this, check a couple of pages back
Is that enough?
this one?
Ok so your definition of gear power is in the form of addition. Fair enough.
I agree with everything else.
This is only true if gear is too easily acquirable(something i believe George doesn't want to be a thing) or represents too little of a character power(what george really doesn't want to be a thing) the harder to get gear is the more punishing losing it becomes.
I expect Ashes gear to be reasonably close to as hard to acquire as Lineage2 gear was.
Aren't we all sinners?
I don't see how this situation matters to anything in Ashes, though? Shouldn't this be a strategic option?
Ashes doesn't even care about this if the PK is 'easy' enough.
Step 1, bring enemy pretty low (we know we at least get to know this much)
Step 2, apply lots of DoT and CC.
Step 3, have your finisher who probably didn't have powerful defense gear, swap to their less meaningful weapon and try to finish them off.
That's why I asked about the 4v1 thing. It's trivial to have good odds of achieving this goal no matter what the gearscore if only the last hitter is getting corruption, unless you do as you said and make it so that easily accessible gear does basically zero damage to anything.
But that's relative, and easily accessible is relative in a game with crafting, so yeah...
Your wish is pretty clear, I don't know why anyone's arguing against it other than to say 'nah fam I don't like it so Intrepid shouldn't do it'. Your suggestion isn't complicated. I think people are just trying to get you to understand why it doesn't work for them or their idea of Ashes in general.
The first part of this thread was probably better in that regard, everyone just looked at your point and went 'nah' in some variation and that was it.
need to test it. but id say the bigger the gap between gear tiers, the harder, if not impossible it would be to pk with cheap gear. but then people will cry about how it is unfair that that cant beat people who have been playing for longer just cuz they have been playing for longer and have better gear, thinking they ar more skilled and deserve to win lmao.
anyways a concrete example. ill never forget this. whe i played tera, i played a lancer. i hit 60, did battlegrounds got destroyed. 1-2 shotted left and right. i bought a victor set, which is the most basic pvp gear you can get (i didnt know you could get it in a day of doing battlegrounds, money wasted, lol).
i remember i was afk somewhere, getting water or whatever, then i came back to my computer and i saw a level 59 dude attacking me. i was full health. i just looked at my screen for a good 2 mins while the dude was using all his skills trying to kill me. i dont remember well, but i think he was a health wasnt dropping. the difference between a lvl 59 with gear and a fresh 60 with the most basic lvl 60 gear was massive. after i got bored of watching him, i just 1-2 shot him.
but then, victor set had no chance against fraywind set. all it did was prevent you from getting 1-2 shotted.
but then, fraywind had no chance against conjunct...
something similar in aoc can prevent people pking wearing cheap gear, because you just wont do anything to the better geared person.
is this the best solution? who knows. ill let intrepid figure that out. they need to see and test the implications that would have over other aspects of the game.
the formula doesnt matter, i just wanted to illustrate a point T_T.
l2 had addition too. patk was added to skills attack. but that doesnt matter for aoc.
but then, we agree then i guess
you are forgetting you cant cc greens in aoc...
you see how you make mistakes then you say the other person was wrong? T_T
To clarify, in Tera, an mmo which had the best action combat I have seen to date, all these mentioned items were farmed from instanced battlegrounds.
I hope AoC will never do such a thing.
I'm noting it based on what I know of Ashes right now overall, but bearing in mind that we're talking about PK...
Ashes only gives corruption to last hitter, and while anyone can lose gear from even one kill, it still just doesn't seem like it's really meant to be a big deal.
Even without knowing an opponent's exact level or HP, I don't believe they have a way to make 'PK with a character who doesn't mind losing their gear' difficult enough. And I don't believe they want to make it difficult, because it makes a bunch of other things difficult.
Also, I don't really know what's 'hard to acquire' here, so could you clarify?
I can say that losing gear that takes 20h to get is no issue to me, I spend more time than that practicing a single combo that I probably never even use, for example.
I think I would start to care at around 60h, personally. I'm on the higher end of my group for that, but not at the tier of our Enforcer who might not even have a limit...
That man will grind for a month to get a gearpiece to use for one fight in the whole game. That's why he's the Enforcer.
EDIT: Realized I should either have left off the example or clarified it, so here's the clarification. I know that most people will care about losing their gear, that's why they want the option to swap to cheap gear and why it would be good for that option to be less, but I'm on NiKr's side here where you will get a less organic game if weak gear people just stand no chance and therefore can't be bothered to EITHER defend themselves or 'try an attack or two'. So based on the idea of a game where people actually fight, then the only problem people are people who will just find their way to PK during their short term goals, and those people might be more like me.
Remember that Ashes has enhancing on top of everything else.
So we don't know.
If +9 Blue is around the same strength as +3 Purple, for example, it changes things around.
If 'everyone is expected to get Purple gear before they seriously try to PvP', then it's probably fine.
I don't want to think about how to balance sieges or Caravans in a situation where 'everyone has to have good gear or they won't even scratch the one or two people on the other side with good gear'. But I believe that the L2 players enjoy that scenario...?
It's very unclear, so for the rest of us we just have to hope that Ashes is not L2, or that we don't understand. A Purple Tier Geared Fighter soloing an entire caravan of average-Blue geared defenders doesn't sound fun to me, but I don't know how you achieve what George wants without making this happen.
if gear in aoc is as hard and limited as it was to get in l2 (and everything indicates it will be), trust me, your "enforcer" will cry like a lil b...when he loses it and he is unable to farm it back because he simply can't compete. he wont be able to farm it back. this isnt ff. this is the jungle. how are you going to farm it when people are going to murder you as soon as you get to the farming spot? if anything, going to an easy area and farming money to eventually buy it when the big boys start selling it will be your best bet.
you think 60 hours is a lot? think again lol. thats not even a week. to give you context. i met this guys in l2 who started playing when the game came out. he played through several expansions. the dude had 18 bots farming 24/7. that means he had 2 fully buffed parties, so he was melting everything. it took him 2 months of his 18 bots farming in retail (which is much harder than farming in private servers) to make 1 dark crystal robe set for his main character, a fire mage. how many hours is that? and dc robe isnt a top set, and its not particularly difficult to get, at leats in interlude and beyond, but its probably the most popular set in the game lol.
I understand all this, but what I don't understand is how anyone is generally supposed to get near those people in the end.
I'll see if I can clarify it without being frustrating...
You can build really really good gear, then dunk on anyone, it would take super long. You wouldn't want to use it to PK, so you would choose not to dunk on people.
You could build great gear, it would still take really long. You probably wouldn't want to lose it to PK, so you wouldn't dunk on people but you would... still manhandle anyone who didn't have similar gear? I don't think that's what George implied, so.
You could grab some average but good gear that you don't mind losing to PK, now you can only beat people with similar gear, right? But if getting the great gear and the really really good gear took so long... then most people won't have it, and you'd just beat on the people that don't have it and wait for the strongest to show up and delete you because you can't hurt them, right?
How do you even balance this? How can gear both be 'super hard to get and take extremely long', and yet 'average gear not be the default for PK'?
Is average gear also more than 40 hours to get, each? Won't it be in high supply because people constantly need it, to get past the gear tier where the PKers can stand up to them? If this thread is about 'making people think twice about PKing in average/underleveled gear', then I definitely don't understand how this works.
I've studied L2's economy a LOT now since everyone's basically been saying that this game is meant to be another iteration of it, and I cannot figure out what data point I'm missing that makes what you're saying make sense, which is why I left the argument to NiKr. Talking to me about it will just be confusing due to my ignorance on the matter.
if you have great gear and people tried to pk you with normal gear, you just kill them. thats why im saying the difference between gear tiers is more important than the overall power gear provides.
they would only pk you if they have a bunch of allies near them waiting for you to flag back. so the pker wont be able to beat you in a 1v1, or in a party vs party since you have better gear, but since they have 100 allies next to them and your alone, you wont go purple because you will get deleted with 0 consequences for your enemies. this is what george was talking about.
if cheap gear is made such that people you attack wont take any damage if they are wearing great gear, then that problem goes away. but then we have another problem, which you also mentioned. people in great gear will just dunk on lesser geared people giving them no chance to win, which is fine by me tbh. all you have to do is not flag back nd they will top, or leave the area. other factors such a skill should matter when gear is equal.
so its probably best to let intrepid figure it out since they have all the information we dont.
edit: why u always add a line trying to make me not reply to you, saying it will confuse you, or you dont understand or something weird like that?
you may see many players have a +9 enhanced item and rarely come across a player with a +12. The difference may not even be that significant between a 9 and 12 but still valuable to have if you were lucky enough to acquire it. a +13 may have such a high risk of failure you may never see one.
This is just an example and speculation. I am not 100% on this. Obviously there will be those who will be gluttonous gamblers and try to risk it all but that doesn't mean they'll always beat you in a 1v1.
the difference between a +9 and a +10 could only be like 3% increase with an 80% failure rate but the difference between a +10 and +11 could be 2% with a 85% failure rate. This could continue until it gets down to a 1% difference with a something like 99% failure rate.
I don't think 60 hours is a long time to get gear. I said that's when I start to care about the feeling of losing it. It's probably still relevant enough, but I'm not sure.
Why didn't those allies join in on killing you? Were they concerned about someone else nearby that might fight them? Who? Why isn't that person just killing the PK player? If the group wants the target dead and the scapegoat can't finish that target, they should help kill the target.
Because I generally don't want to keep talking, but I consider it rude to just dip out of a conversation when the other person is trying to come to an understanding.
But I will change this behaviour when it comes to you.
I'm done talking to you, I don't care, I was talking to James and that came up because of James' response to something I was 'saying to Intrepid'. But I like talking to James, so I actually responded. This falls under PvP/PK incentives which is a topic where I just trust NiKr, until I see some evidence that this game isn't just L3 with extra steps (in that department).
the allies didnt kill you because they are the ones with valuable gear. they use designated pk characters with cheap gear -_-
if you dont flag, you die. if the red char dies because an enemy alliance showed up, it doesnt matter because they only lost cheap gear as opposed to having characters with good gear dying and losing it. and if you flag, you die anyway and much faster. this is the issue we are discussing here.
see i like this type of answer much more ;3
and yes, this game is l3. aoc is more similar to l2 than tl is to l2
edit: also, while nkr wasnt wrong, he plays in high rate p.servers where the best gear is basically cheap/easy to get gear -_-
By hard to acquire i use 2 measurements "time necessary to acquire" and "Difficulty of the content to acquire[pvp included]" (bypassable by buying it but possibly multipling its time to acquire it).
The problem as you pointed is how much time to get the gear varies from people to people for them to consider it meaningful and "hard to get"(and possibly the difficulty of the content to get it) but a reasonable number of hours seems possible as a baseline for the majority.
And yes i do acknowledge that the harder to get the gear is the bigger of a barrier it becomes for new players to reach aswell as the problems related to gear power disparity.
It's honestly tiring how nicely balanced it needs to be to properly deal with gear power disparity with all those aspects and avoiding disregarding skill or making gear completely meaningless making the PK punishment way less meaningful. I believe Lineage 2 reached a nice balance in this regard in later versions.
"How do you even balance this? How can gear both be 'super hard to get and take extremely long', and yet 'average gear not be the default for PK'?"
A META PK gear will be found in Ashes, it's just bound to happen, and people will use it in higher level characters to trash on low level low gear players(i expect those type of players to be a very
small minority like in L2, even smaller than the bounty hunter not aiming for the bigger fishes).
But the thing is how impactiful in its potential it will be, how viable or effective timewise said gear will need to be to PK the people with High/Top Gear in the context of contesting content through PKing to acquire said high/top Gear of said content.
In George's example of rogues in L2 it was only possible due to class balance issues and not gear power issues and that was still something not prevalent due to how hard to level said PK characters it was in L2.
Aren't we all sinners?
I'm legit glad to hear that, it's easy to adapt.
Yeah, so I've noticed. I've basically already moved on since TL is the hybrid I wanted and Ashes might be something else entirely.
But like another certain poster on these forums, I sorta committed to helping with data and testing, so I'm still here.
Also I can't be High Priestess of anything in TL yet.
Ah this one was way more direct NCsoft straight up directly nerfed mages Magical critical damage multiplier which was static ~400% to around ~300% and nerfed baseline % elemental damage during Freya version.
Aren't we all sinners?