📝Dev Discussion #56 - Basic Attacks in Combat Rotations ⚔



  • Ability rotations are boring gameplay. Casting spells or abilities should be based on the need at hand.

    Auto attacks are for old games on old servers that couldn't handle the complex calculations of modern games.

    I want to be in control of my character as much as possible
  • I think you guys should look at a game that uses basic attacks (or auto attacks) very well: DoTA 2

    In this game, the attack speed and damage are very importante for your basic attacks and overall damage (if your hero depends on direct attacks) and that doesn't make the skills useless. Like someone mentioned above: It would be very cool if you guys make some set of animation to make the basic attacks fluid and make the special weapons we find shine.

    Also, in regards of skills, make the combat system dynamic, fluid and fast paced but without giving repetitive strain injury!
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