Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Absence of Distance Indicators on Targets

During the latest livestream discussion about Archers, a noteworthy observation came to my attention. It pertains to the absence of a distance indicator on the target tab, a crucial element not only for Archers but for any class. In my opinion, having this feature is essential for accurately executing skills and determining the optimal proximity required to unleash abilities effectively.
Please add the distance indicators on the target tab!!
Exemple of a distance indicator

i like distance indicators, but they also make the combat easier ;-; to be or not to be T_T
We can easily figure it out by learning and doing even if there is no Indicator.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
Skills that require a target won't fire anyways unless you're within range.
One could also made that an optional - well - Option, right ? Wouldn't it mutilate the Players learning Abilities if everything is so easy that a Chimpanzee could play the Game ? 😅
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
100% this. It was clear on the ability.
But I suppose since the game favours tab-targeting regardless of soft targeting (action targeting), I would imagine what @PlasticLemons mentioned it being visible on the Ability Bar.
As an example.
The original Star Craft games never told you how many workers you had on your resources. That was a skill the player needed to master as part of their macro/micro awareness. Now it's the norm...
Look at FPS games now. Aim assist hard coded into the gun range with bullet magnetism. Yeah I'm talking to you CoD, Battle Field, Destiny 2! etc
Dont really need to get into the shame of addons in mmorpg's with what they reveal...
Gamer's are just built different now.. lol
Tricks of the trade lol
Always good to know exactly how far you are away from certain bosses, in avoiding accidental aggro's.
next they'll want visual circles around the mob representing the aggro distance
Is there a game that does that?
I've read enough community posts about wanting it in various forums. I'm not aware of an MMORPG off the top my head. Range finders will essentially be used to determine aggro range and tip toe through dense mob area's.
Gamer's are "special"
I don't much care if it is in the game either - I just don't see it as being overly important either way.
It does not break anything to know that a target is within range of you and I would rather look at their nameplate than have to look down at my skill to see if its ready/spam it until it works.
who looks at their action bar?
Surely by adding it as optional would be the best, some people will want some will not, and by adding it would avoid even people creating addons for it
That second part is the only true part, exactly because people will want an easier game and will create addons to achieve that.
I dunno if non-api addons can achieve that though. If they can, I guess even this meter is inevitable as well
So should abilities just tell you the range when moused over and not be red or grey when out of range? Are we truly advocating for no distance indicator or just one on the nameplate?
I really dont get why knowing the distance to your target suddenly trivializes the gameplay. This is not where skill will be determined in any meaningful way.
Even ability bar going grey when outside of range wouldn't really help, cause high skill players don't look at the bar, but they would notice the range if it was on the nameplate, cause you can just move the nameplate to be right within your vision.
And all the casuals can just rely on the bar indication or just spam their buttons away. The skill floor is still low, but the ceiling is a bit higher.
I haven't seen THIS before, and it sounds un-needed. As long as it's toggle-able, though, then yours truly wouldn't be opposed to it.
Would rather it never be a thing and never a toggle feature to be honest. Gaming is watered down remedially enough for MMORPG's and is spreading like cancer across the other genre's. I remember when gaming used to be about personal skill and awareness. Seems like it's more about cosmetics and making people feel good about themselves these days.
" To far away. "
" I am to far away. "
" My Target is to far away. "
" To much Distance. "
" I must move closer first. "
" I am out of reach. "
and so on - and so on ... ... 😁
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
I figured there was a degree of snark in there - but I always allow for the possibility of someone being from a different country.
/Agree; Proximity "spheres" or radii are un-needed, and are kind of a "kid-gloves" approach to gaming.
No worries