Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
What subclasses are you most excited to learn about?

Example Format:
Bard: Trickster
Cleric: Scryer
Fighter: Bladedancer
Mage: Shadowcaster
Ranger: Strider
Rogue: Assassin/Shadow Lord
Summoner: Brood Warden
Tank: Keeper
<Extra thoughts>
Bard: Trickster
Cleric: Scryer
Fighter: Bladedancer
Mage: Shadowcaster
Ranger: Strider
Rogue: Assassin/Shadow Lord
Summoner: Brood Warden
Tank: Keeper
<Extra thoughts>
Rogue: All of them.
Summoner: All of them.
The stranger's eyes lifted to the blood red cloud on the horizon.
'We have to move. It's not safe here.'
Other than that:
Bowsinger (ranger + bard) and scout (ranger + rogue).
As alt classes I am rather interested in protector (cleric + ranger) and song warden (bard + ranger).
There might be a slight pattern im my interests. x']
Knight Tank/Fighter
Predator Rogue/Ranger
I am very curious about some other Archetypes, as well. But for me,
Summoner : Cleric
is the one i want to test out first. Didn't do that since Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
Meaning anything specific about any secondary archetype would be great.
Dreadnought & Necromancer.
also want to play around with Charlatan, Falconer and Weaponmaster
Going to be interesting to see how these really work in Alpha 2 and how these will be able to create different and unique builds with the stats system and gear, tatts etc
I literally just want to do the most amount of damage as possible in the least amount of time possible with a bow. Hopefully we get an Arcane Artillery augment where I can double my range for 5 seconds and just nuke players into orbit from distance.
Either that or Archer + Tank for the LuLs and people getting mad at me for not instantly dying.
- Fighter + Tank = Dreadnaught (lower priority for me, but could be very strong in larger scale PvP class).
- Fighter + Rogue = Shadowblade (same as above, lower priority for me, but could be very good especially in small scale and 1v1 PvP).
- Fighter + Cleric = Highsword (I'm not very interested in having a lot of real heals and group heals and that whole more paladin-ish playstyle, but if you can skill him into more of a death knight with selfish lifesteal, etc., it could be a very interesting class for me).
- Rogue + Fighter = Duelist (lower priority for me but probably a strong 1v1 class).
- Rogue + Summoner = Shadowlord (this is a pretty high priority class for me to test, I imagine this to be kind of like Zed from League of Legends. I'm hoping for an ability like the clone ability from ESO's Nightblade, for example. I think this class could have higher than usual skill ceiling but very rewarding if you master it).
- Rogue + Cleric = Cultist (another high priority for me to test, same as with Highsword, I'm more interested in the death aspect that the cleric brings into it than the life aspect).
- Rogue + Bard = Charlatan (high priority, I think of this as a Shaco-like playstyle, appearing always when your opponent doesn't want you to appear to fear them with a jack-in-the-box and troll them into chasing you just to run into your team and die, it could be very interesting).
- Mage + Cleric = I would love to play a blood mage kind of character, and I think that mage + the death and lifesteal aspect from cleric might be the closest thing to that if not basically being that, so I'm definitely gonna play this class. Also, I'm good with mages usually so it might be a good class for me.
- Summoner + everything (I'm just interested in all the summoner classes and how the augments will change the summons etc. Especially interested in Necro or Beastmaster or Wildblade).
- Bard + Rogue = Trickster
- Bard + Mage = Magician ( i dont want to play a support class but i have to say that little clip about the bard made me fall in love a little bit so i might give it a try and see if i can make a damage dealer out of this guy)
Shaman = Cleric + Summoner -> Sounds really cool as a concept, still need to know the direction they wanna take on this front.
Necromancer = Summoner + Cleric -> In theory this should be one of the best sustain classes imho, really looking forward for that undead style of gameplay
Predator = Rogue + Ranger -> This one i need to try out as it reminds me of the 1987 movie Predator
I was actually super hyped for the Falconer because I'm a huge Assassin's Creed fan (especially AC:IV, but the newer stuff too). Then I realized that if you send the falcon up, while the falcon is doing recon it just revealed your spot to surrounding players: both before and after landing. I hope the devs fix this problem by adding a ton of falcons to all the areas. Unlikely, but possible.
...Since animal husbandry exists, you might also be able to customize your falcon for the area it's in. If you stay in a large biome area for your guild, you could easily get away with using that.
Seriously, I'm going to have so many alts...
I've never been a big support player but this concept is much more appealing to me in Ashes.
I'd only do it though if I don't feel like i'm being noticeably gimped during solo play compared to most dps. I have no problem being in the lower end of the dps spectrum but I would have to be in that spectrum and not a noticeable tier or two below.
I think the fighter subclass might add the most impactful offensive punch to these support classes.
If I can be a mage tank and still be given insanely awesome elemental spells, chances are I'm going to want to do that.
I'm REALLY hoping that it's not -too- costly for players to swap their secondary archetype. Being able to go from a Mage/mage to a Mage/tank offers an incredibly powerful boost in versatility.
Can only be changed in town. Not in the field or in battle.
This is the dream (one with red-ish) hair
I am interested in a few more than others. Such as the Necromancer, Shadowmancer, Shadow Lord, Charlatan, Trickster, Warlock and Keeper.
A well armored warrior with life steal, sacrifice, and healing effects
Personally, I figured the Highsword would be more like a Retribution Paladin from WOW. While some of the summoner classes will have life taps, like the Keeper (Tank/Summoner) and Brood Warden (Summoner/Tank).
I guess we will eventually find out,
I my younger days, I would have maxed out at least 5 classes and keep 3 classes min/max with top end gear. Now it's just 1 or 2 classes with only one min/maxed. But this game sure has me temped to play like I used too lol