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Quick Question about Fighter Basic Attacks

We know that when you hit 3 or 4 basic attacks in a row that the last attack has an increased chance to proc a status effect. After seeing the fighter showcase, I am wondering if it is possible to alternate between basic attacks and momentum-building attack/spells and still keep the basic attack chain going. If we don't know, is this something you guys would like to see in game? Maybe this would work as a talent tree point? Would this work for any other classes?


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    AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    McShave wrote: »
    We know that when you hit 3 or 4 basic attacks in a row that the last attack has an increased chance to proc a status effect. After seeing the fighter showcase, I am wondering if it is possible to alternate between basic attacks and momentum-building attack/spells and still keep the basic attack chain going. If we don't know, is this something you guys would like to see in game? Maybe this would work as a talent tree point? Would this work for any other classes?

    This used to work before in Alpha-1, and it was important enough back then, that it actually had a 'bug' in it due to how hardcoded it was.

    So, I guess I can add that it was really important back then, enough so for it to be put in even when the effects/talent trees weren't there yet.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
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    I'd personally prefer if abilities broke combo. Mostly for the "how many things I gotta keep in mind at the same time" reasons. I understand that keeping the combo through ability use helps with the overall flow of combat, but I'd rather prefer if the target's actions required more attention, and just having the thought process of "3 lmb > ability > 3 lmb > ability" would leave more brain space to pay that attention to the target.
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    McShaveMcShave Member
    NiKr wrote: »
    I'd personally prefer if abilities broke combo. Mostly for the "how many things I gotta keep in mind at the same time" reasons. I understand that keeping the combo through ability use helps with the overall flow of combat, but I'd rather prefer if the target's actions required more attention, and just having the thought process of "3 lmb > ability > 3 lmb > ability" would leave more brain space to pay that attention to the target.

    I think hitting 3 lmb in a row would be too slow for modern day combat games. by the time you finish your second attack, the target will have rolled or dashed or sprinted out of your melee range. Having the possibility of weaving buttons in between attacks means you could >attack>ability>attack>charge>3rd attack>big ability.

    If you want a slower playstyle, I think there will be options. The mage seemed pretty low on the things-to-do scale due to the cast times and channeled spells. I'm not sure if there will be a melee version of the slower mage style, maybe the rogue will offer this?
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    McShave wrote: »
    I think hitting 3 lmb in a row would be too slow for modern day combat games. by the time you finish your second attack, the target will have rolled or dashed or sprinted out of your melee range. Having the possibility of weaving buttons in between attacks means you could >attack>ability>attack>charge>3rd attack>big ability.
    Obviously we don't know the final balancing and this is mostly an Azherae specialty, but even from what we've seen, I don't see a situation where you can keep doing "hit ability hit ability hit etc" for a prolonged amount of time. The CDs are simply not that fast. Ashes is not trying to be BDO or some other high-octane "modern" game.

    There's also just general difference in attack speed between archetypes. A mage using a wand attacks way quicker than a tank using a mace. And a ranger gatling-gunning his bow is even faster. The slower attackers get other benefits from their attacks, so there's a balance.

    So I'd still prefer if combos needed to be done fully before you pop an ability.
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    AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Now that we have some more clarity from the AMA that the current plan is for Dual Wielding itself to have its own specific skill tree and even 'weapon combination recipes' sort of, I definitely expect that we will not automatically interrupt our basic attack combos with skills.

    There will almost certainly be some where this is the case just be the implementation constraints, but some skill/strike weaving seems more likely to me than not.

    (dual wielding skilltree will be available in A2 primarily as Daggers, so there may be some skew bias there, but since I dual wield daggers, I'll do the thing and check Dual Wielded 1hMaces as soon as available)

    Since the TTK is also now roughly described as 10-30s, Ashes is now closer to 'high octane'. If combos need to be fully done before an ability, it will matter more because we have Split Body without autolunges, so there you go.

    Sorry if it's not clear why my logic goes "Dual Wield is a specific skilltree >> therefore there will be skill/strike weaving", I'm sure it'll be something I speak about more sometime later.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
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