life bar display

KatoPaoKatoPao Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited June 3 in General Discussion
Hi Steven, hi Intrepid Studio,

You are doing an amazing job with Ashes of Creation. Keep it up, congratulations on the progress you've made!

However, I might have misunderstood something. Didn't Steven explain that we wouldn't see the health bars of other players? If I remember correctly, he mentioned this was for better immersion and to prevent us from knowing if a hit would be fatal.

In the latest live stream, we could see everyone's health bars. This kind of ruins the game because it makes it too easy to spot enemies. Is this health bar display active because a war was declared and players were flagged as enemies, just for testing or will this be a permanent feature?

Thank you for your hard work!

Best regards,


  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    I can clear up your confusion.
    Fur wrote: »
    Didn't Steven explain that we wouldn't see the health bars of other players?

    No, he didn't say that.
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    Fur wrote: »
    Hi Steven, hi Intrepid Studio,

    You are doing an amazing job with Ashes of Creation. Keep it up, congratulations on the progress you've made!

    However, I might have misunderstood something. Didn't Steven explain that we wouldn't see the health bars of other players? If I remember correctly, he mentioned this was for better immersion and to prevent us from knowing if a hit would be fatal.

    In the latest live stream, we could see everyone's health bars. This kind of ruins the game because it makes it too easy to spot enemies. Is this health bar display active because a war was declared and players were flagged as enemies, just for testing or will this be a permanent feature?

    Thank you for your hard work!

    Best regards,

    you missed the other thread xd

    anyways, he said a while back that health bars will be visible for now. later on, they wont be. hey just haven't added that functionality yet. low priority I suppose.
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    edited June 3
    Depraved wrote: »
    Fur wrote: »
    Hi Steven, hi Intrepid Studio,

    You are doing an amazing job with Ashes of Creation. Keep it up, congratulations on the progress you've made!

    However, I might have misunderstood something. Didn't Steven explain that we wouldn't see the health bars of other players? If I remember correctly, he mentioned this was for better immersion and to prevent us from knowing if a hit would be fatal.

    In the latest live stream, we could see everyone's health bars. This kind of ruins the game because it makes it too easy to spot enemies. Is this health bar display active because a war was declared and players were flagged as enemies, just for testing or will this be a permanent feature?

    Thank you for your hard work!

    Best regards,

    you missed the other thread xd

    anyways, he said a while back that health bars will be visible for now. later on, they wont be. hey just haven't added that functionality yet. low priority I suppose.

    You sure about that? My understanding is that the sectioned bars is the direction they are going. He talked about it during the Caravan stream

    Edit: Basically what you saw on Friday's stream is what you'll see live. (As far as I know)
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited June 3
    Yep, sectioned bars like was shown, is also the current plan for release. And players will have multiple customization options for showing the health bars of other players, including to hide them completely I suppose. But that is a UI choice the player makes, not one the game makes for them.

    Only stealthed/camouflaged players will ever have their health bars obscured from other players.
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    Diamaht wrote: »
    Depraved wrote: »
    Fur wrote: »
    Hi Steven, hi Intrepid Studio,

    You are doing an amazing job with Ashes of Creation. Keep it up, congratulations on the progress you've made!

    However, I might have misunderstood something. Didn't Steven explain that we wouldn't see the health bars of other players? If I remember correctly, he mentioned this was for better immersion and to prevent us from knowing if a hit would be fatal.

    In the latest live stream, we could see everyone's health bars. This kind of ruins the game because it makes it too easy to spot enemies. Is this health bar display active because a war was declared and players were flagged as enemies, just for testing or will this be a permanent feature?

    Thank you for your hard work!

    Best regards,

    you missed the other thread xd

    anyways, he said a while back that health bars will be visible for now. later on, they wont be. hey just haven't added that functionality yet. low priority I suppose.

    You sure about that? My understanding is that the sectioned bars is the direction they are going. He talked about it during the Caravan stream

    Edit: Basically what you saw on Friday's stream is what you'll see live. (As far as I know)

    as far as I know that's temporary. we will have name plate degradation on release.

    ok nvm they changed it (Previously it was stated that a player's name plate would deteriorate to give an indication of how much damage they have taken)

    there also progression to see sixths or eights (Players that are not in the same party, raid, alliance, or guild will not be able to see other player's exact health bar values or percentages.[29][28][30][6][7] This information will instead be displayed in quarters. A player may be able to progress to see sixths or eighths.[29])

    damn I liked the deterioration idea more but oh well xd
  • Depraved wrote: »
    damn I liked the deterioration idea more but oh well xd
    It's simply a potato potahto situation. I think Intrepid simply went with a more simplistic, basic visual representation. Potentially exactly because they decided to add those 1/6-1/8 visuals, cause expecting someone to distinguish ~6 colors/shapes during a frantic battle would be quite a lot to ask of players.
  • NiKr wrote: »
    Depraved wrote: »
    damn I liked the deterioration idea more but oh well xd
    It's simply a potato potahto situation. I think Intrepid simply went with a more simplistic, basic visual representation. Potentially exactly because they decided to add those 1/6-1/8 visuals, cause expecting someone to distinguish ~6 colors/shapes during a frantic battle would be quite a lot to ask of players.

    Also seems friendlier and more accessible to those with colour-blindness.
    This link may help you:

  • SummpwnerSummpwner Member
    Its a small nitpick, but ultimately you can't have a video game without UI. It took a second to get used to in the video, but I like the imprecise information about enemies. It conveys the information that I would estimate on my own.... I'm never seeing an enemy in League of Legends and counting every little 100-hp block... I'm looking for the big notches denoting 1000s and the overall percentage to eyeball their current HP. It will be interesting to see the variance in HP among enemies in PVP.
  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    In the last presentation, I felt the name plates were so dominant that they became the primary visuals, making the players and mob appear secondary.

    I believe the name plates should be more subtle, serving as secondary visuals while keeping the players as the primary focus.

    Otherwise, we might as well remove the characters altogether and just display name plates!
  • LegiLegi Member
    akabear wrote: »
    In the last presentation, I felt the name plates were so dominant that they became the primary visuals, making the players and mob appear secondary.

    I believe the name plates should be more subtle, serving as secondary visuals while keeping the players as the primary focus.

    Otherwise, we might as well remove the characters altogether and just display name plates!

    They already said that the UI will be highly customizable. So i expect there to to change size, color, transparency and such.
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    Summpwner wrote: »
    Its a small nitpick, but ultimately you can't have a video game without UI.

    well, you can. look at metro, assassins creed, dead space, tomb raider, etc, etc.

    I like seeing the mini-map, my skills hot bars, and mine and my party hp and mp though. other than that, it doesn't matter.

  • arkileoarkileo Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    This has been a controversial topic. On one hand I like the uncertainty it gives about how well you're doing, and as someone else mentioned in the other thread it makes the corruption-y 1v1 PvP even riskier for the aggressor because they won't have a perfect sense of their power in comparison to the victim. On the other hand, watching your target's health bar go down is like a dopamine-releasing spectacle.

    I'm sure if it's hated enough in Alpha 2 it could go away. Time will tell.
  • They should use simple icons to represent states of visible signs of injury. Could represent the “quarter” heath states but not with a visible value. I am for fewer bars, as I am for less overall clutter. You should also have been targeting the opponent for a few seconds before that health status becomes visible. Similar to health/perception checks and bloodied condition in Pathfinder/D&D.

    I think if the level is significantly different in player health there should be an indicator of that especially if you are going to penalize attacking them.

    Now if we want to add more value to the cleric or something more to do, provide them the spells to help show enemy health status/conditions everyone in the party can see (at a cost) or for minimal cost if they are acting as a shot caller (where they see the health status of all enemies in range). For the latter, they should be able to have a friendly target and a hostile target up at the same time. That makes them participate on offense and defense more, and provide variety.
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    edited June 5
    arkileo wrote: »
    This has been a controversial topic. On one hand I like the uncertainty it gives about how well you're doing, and as someone else mentioned in the other thread it makes the corruption-y 1v1 PvP even riskier for the aggressor because they won't have a perfect sense of their power in comparison to the victim. On the other hand, watching your target's health bar go down is like a dopamine-releasing spectacle.

    I'm sure if it's hated enough in Alpha 2 it could go away. Time will tell.

    I agree. I'm still in the camp of seeing exact hp on the bar. You can hide the number but show the accurate bar.

    There is definitely something deeply satisfying about seeing exactly what your abilities do in real time.

    It's not the end of the world I guess, but still...
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    arkileo wrote: »
    On the other hand, watching your target's health bar go down is like a dopamine-releasing spectacle.

    its infuriating when you are focus firing someone, they are low and rn back then your teammates chase him down get themselves killed -_- but it also infuriating when people survive with one hp and are able to run away. if I cant see their health, I cant get mad and my teammates wont chase :D win win.
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