Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Transmogs: Yay or Nay?

Hello all!
I wanted to post here and ask what your feelings on transmogs are. This topic recently came up in our Tavern Talk stream and I wanted to see what everyone else thought.
I think transmog has always been a favorite part of gameplay for me. I have never once worried about what class someone else was or feeling cheated because they seemed to be a different armor type than they were. If I was attacked by someone (with or without transmog on), I just usually worried about keeping my health up while keeping theirs down.
I do get it from a threat assessment perspective which is why I think the way Ashes of Creation is handling it works just fine for me (locked by armor class type)
Full info of what we know so far from the wiki:
If you want to hear mor of our thoughts:
Thanks to @Vlhadus, @Ryve, Killer and @oraclethewhite for joining us~

I wanted to post here and ask what your feelings on transmogs are. This topic recently came up in our Tavern Talk stream and I wanted to see what everyone else thought.
I think transmog has always been a favorite part of gameplay for me. I have never once worried about what class someone else was or feeling cheated because they seemed to be a different armor type than they were. If I was attacked by someone (with or without transmog on), I just usually worried about keeping my health up while keeping theirs down.
I do get it from a threat assessment perspective which is why I think the way Ashes of Creation is handling it works just fine for me (locked by armor class type)
Full info of what we know so far from the wiki:
If you want to hear mor of our thoughts:
Thanks to @Vlhadus, @Ryve, Killer and @oraclethewhite for joining us~

U.S. East
So no full plate tanks walking around in what appear to be bathrobes, and no clothie mages bouncing around in a frock that looks like full-plate.
However, we unfortunately know that the store-bought costumes already break the like-for-like system. You can absolutely be wearing full plate and look like this (except for the staff):
I hope those become the exceptions and not something they keep doing in the shop in the future, including after release.
Gladly. Thanks for having us.
For me as well. " Since " the very Days i experienced this Feature in (now Worst) of Warcraft,
i loved it. It allows Players to wear their strongest Armors, Equipments, whatever - and still lets them look stylish and fashioned in their prefered Choice.
Invaluable for Roleplay sometimes.
The Advantage of Players able to transmog their Armors,
is that their " Strength " is not bound to the Looks of what they wear - and the other way around. They can look like a Civilian of a Node - and still kick major butt in an Instance for Example.
in most Scenarios - "and" Role-Play Scenarios, you would always have Players for Example dressed in the currently strongest Armors of the Game - when they play in Areas or Instances where this would be required for them to actually get somewhere.
Role-Play can also happen while being in serious PvE-Combat. This is one of the very Scenarios in which Transmogs can absolutely rock.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
Well, any class can wear any armor, so what do you mean?
According to me Transmog sux.
Cosmetics, skins and customizations are much better.
MMORPG are social games, so I'd like to see quests, material farming, craft, trade, to change look.
For example, the aesthetics of a plate armor must be able to be enhanced by crafters using inks, metals or other ingredients.
Clicking a button to look like a magician in a robe when you're a paladin in plate armor is ridiculous...
And if Intrepid relies on transmog to keep the store going, thenI think it's time to find other things to sell.
I have the "transmog" word because is something which I assume comes from WoW.
And it was never clear to me what the word means because I didn't played that game.
But I customized my appearance in other games if the game allowed it.
I am not addicted to become flashy, I chose dim colors, to be able to pass unseen, to bled with the environment if needed.
And I will buy cosmetics during Alpha 2 if I like them. Hopefully those will match the game aesthetics at least during the Alpha.
Cosmetics = clothes/gear with various skin that change your apperance
Transmog = changing your appearance without having to change your clothes or gear.
Transmog is an illusion when cosmetics are real (real IG so not really real but real. Anyway...).
Like Throne and Liberty where players transform into animals?
Yes certainly.
Then it should be called shapeshifting and be specific to certain classes only, if it happens here in AoC.
I don't know what the lore of Throne and Liberty is but I suspect if everyone can shapeshift into animals, there will be no mounts.
And now that I search for shapeshifting, I see there is already something
Something we agree on - both points.
However, it will just be a fact of life in Ashes that players will be able to look as if they are wearing items of a type other than what they are wearing - and as this is a monetary decision, is kind of not up for debate.
Ha! It’s ok - we still like you. 🤣
Chibibree dressed like an angel would definitely kill me. I would not realize what happens until it's over and I would still not believe it.
Transmog specifically means covering the appearance of your actual gear with the appearances of different outfits.
Cosmetics are costumes or Skins that offer no other benefits besides appearance.
I love Transmogs - and much prefer players to use Transmogs rather than gamers blinding me with their garish, mismatched BiS gear.
Problem with transmog - you no longer visually show the gear you've equipped. May be alleviated by only allowing to apply same type of cosmetic (plate on plate, cloth on cloth, etc.), which would be my preference.
Not if the choice of gear is large and if you give to crafters the possibility to tune gears.
Gear tuning would be much better than transmog the for economy IG.
I guess transmog will exist for the cash shop.
This. 100% this.
✓ roleplayer
✗ Not looking for a guild atm
It adds a ton of replayability to otherwise outdated content + a ton of personal customization.
You can also tie specific appearances and transmog rewards behind very difficult to complete content for further "chase" goals players will engage with.