What non-showcased feature are you the most excited about?

What's up, guys! Last night in our Discord, we had a pretty interesting discussion about this, and some of the points were very intriguing. I wanted to hear your thoughts!

We talked about unfeatured classes such as the Summoner and the Rogue, races like the Tulnar, and more details on some of the professions (Scribes, Animal Husbandry, etc.). We also touched on more generic features like how religion will be implemented, metropolis and vassal nodes (ZOI), naval combat, and buffs (Cooking vs. Alchemy) during raids.

Which non-showcased feature are you most excited about?


  • Guilds wars
  • XephXeph Member
    Guilds wars

    That's a great one! I really liked the Node Wars showcased, which is probably the closest comparison.
    Anything specific about Guilds wars that you are looking for?
  • Xeph wrote: »
    Anything specific about Guilds wars that you are looking for?
    Literally any damn information. We have nothing of worth.

    Costs, war goals, are they forced or not, surrender costs and consequences, how many can we have at once and how many can we declare, CD on declaration (if there is any), rewards for winning, penalties for losing, expected length, zerg-based balancing of any of the above (if there's even any) - we know none of that.
  • Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited July 22
    I'm not sure maybe nothing, I am not finding in AoC many systems I look for in a game yet, the game will have a lot of nice stuff tough but nothing I can say "most excited about".

    For now the best to me were the mayoral system (10/10) and caravaning (9/10), games need that kind of stuff

    I'll go with guild wars and open seas
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • XephXeph Member
    edited July 22
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I'll go with guild wars and open seas

    The Open seas and Naval expeditions are some of the things I'm very interested in learning more about. I'm a big fan of the Caravan system in general, but I want to know how does the Naval system (not only combat) intertwines with the Caravans. Will it be similar, but for larger shipments? Or will it be a completely different system?

    It will be interesting to know more.

  • arkileoarkileo Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Augments. We've received a lot of piecemeal information about them to draw assumptions from, but to my knowledge we've seen no hard design details or examples. Until we get more info about them, we really don't know how much secondary archetypes will impact things.
  • XephXeph Member
    arkileo wrote: »

    True! I'm very curious, and I feel this is something that the Devs can easily expand upon over time, but are the Augments only flavor or do they have a real effect on the Class (gameplay and identity).

    Great point!
  • XephXeph Member
    One of my Guild-mate also raised a good point, saying:
    "I'm pretty curious about the player organizations in-game.

    Short term:
    Parties, up to 8
    Raids, up to 40
    Sieges, up to 250v250, maybe 500v500

    Long term:
    Marriage, just 2 people
    Family, up to 9
    Guild, 30-50 up to 300
    Alliance, up to 4 guilds

    Node Citizenship

    Any thoughts?
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    edited July 24
    Xeph wrote: »
    What non-showcased feature are you the most excited about?

    Definitely Summoner.

    Since the ooollld (?) Days, in which the "Necropolis" Faction in Heroes of Might and Magic Three completely entranced my Mind and Self with it's dark, elegant Music and Atmosphere,

    and in which i roamed the Land with it's most notorious Hero Sandro - and turned every slain Peasant i could find (lol) into my willing and loyal, undead Skeleton Minions,

    i wished for - that should i EVER be able to play dark Fantasy once again - someday later in my Life - that i would once again roam the Land as a Necromancer.

    Nothing can stop me from seeking that stoic and dark Beauty again. Nothing. Aside from Death in Reallife.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • DolyemDolyem Member
    Aside from different wars and how they play out through both preparations and combat/objectives, I really want to see a Tavern Freehold in operation and the details of running it.
  • VeeshanVeeshan Member
    edited July 23
    Guild and node politics

    and naval content
  • Processing and Crafting mini-games. Specifically the cooking system. I'm a sucker for a very fleshed out cooking system. Discovering all kinds of ingredients in the wild, potentially even hybridizing things on freeholds, using a recipe discovery system that takes experimentation to find new prepped cooking components and adding them back into the system to get finished, complex recipes that require a semi-challenging array of timed, dexterity-based tasks to pull off perfectly. Similar systems for alchemy or gear crafting. I just like the flavor content in those areas. They make me feel like the world is a real place for my character rather than just a theme park.
  • AidanKDAidanKD Member
    NAVAL. All day every day! I am going to be a casual and at least in theory, the crafting/sailing life will be for me. That could change depending on the gameplay loop but I remember seeing the first visible improvement to boats/sailing back in the seasons showcase.

    I wasn't super impressed with the way that "sailing" looked with the Caravan - I think it looked a bit too stiff in terms of the movement in the water, like it was a "ground mount" on a water surface.

    But I realise that Sea of Thieves has spoiled us and it will be too much to expect sailing like that - but I also plan to Bard. If I can go out in Lakes and the Open seas fishing, performing shanties and adventuring then I think i'll be pretty content.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    edited July 23
    Dolyem wrote: »
    I really want to see a Tavern Freehold in operation and the details of running it.

    RING DING DING DING !! :sunglasses:

    For ILLPeon alone i would love to see Footage of that already. :mrgreen: he really wants a Tavern.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • Ships, Bards & Summoner. In that order =)
  • ShabooeyShabooey Member
    Augments for me. Really want to see if they are in depth changes to your class or just a tweaks to your skills.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    Sengarden wrote: »
    Processing and Crafting mini-games

    ... ... ... ... ... :mrgreen: ... ... ... ... ...



    * silently humming * " H'up h'up h~eey ... ... ... h'up h'up h~eey ... ... ... " :mrgreen: . ;)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • GithalGithal Member
    I am looking forward to Augments and the Summoner class. Honestly i have never seen Summoner class that feels great to play. Tho the Summoner in LOST ARK was incredible and i really liked it, but the class felt more like mage than summoner, so cant really include it.
    And augments - i am really interested how they will go with this.
  • XephXeph Member
    Dolyem wrote: »
    I really want to see a Tavern Freehold in operation and the details of running it.

    Same! As a guild on the smaller side, one of our goals is to run a Tavern that becomes the heart of our community, where adventurers can gather to share stories of their quests, plan future endeavors, and enjoy the finest ales and hearty meals prepared by our skilled cooks.

    Picture this: a roaring fireplace, the soft strumming of a bard in the corner, and the laughter of comrades echoing through the wooden beams. Our Tavern will be a place where bonds are forged, strategies are devised, and every member feels at home.
  • GithalGithal Member
    Xeph wrote: »
    Dolyem wrote: »
    I really want to see a Tavern Freehold in operation and the details of running it.

    Same! As a guild on the smaller side, one of our goals is to run a Tavern that becomes the heart of our community, where adventurers can gather to share stories of their quests, plan future endeavors, and enjoy the finest ales and hearty meals prepared by our skilled cooks.

    Picture this: a roaring fireplace, the soft strumming of a bard in the corner, and the laughter of comrades echoing through the wooden beams. Our Tavern will be a place where bonds are forged, strategies are devised, and every member feels at home.

    This place is missing some dark room, that will serve as place for illegal business that cant be done in the open tavern room :D
  • HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    For me it's animal husbandry. I want to know how far we can go on genetic variation and how far the stat improvements will get for mounts made with the system.

    I think the whole system will be a huge draw card.

    The world is beautiful whenever you're here. And all the emptiness inside disappears.
  • XephXeph Member
    Hinotori wrote: »
    For me it's animal husbandry. I want to know how far we can go on genetic variation and how far the stat improvements will get for mounts made with the system.

    I think the whole system will be a huge draw card.

    Yes same! I'm really excited to collect Mounts and Battle Pets!
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    The whole Animal Husbandry thingy is good for one thing mainly.

    It trains the Imagination and creative Ability of the Developers involved who - well - develop this Feature. Every single Model of whatever for a Hybrid between whatever for two "Parents", is something that must be designed first or else -> where should it come from, to be in the game ? (lol)

    Constant creative thinking. You can keep someone busy for Years and Years with this.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • I don't think we will be seeing naval warfare within a year :smile:
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • DolyemDolyem Member
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I don't think we will be seeing naval warfare within a year :smile:

    Could be wrong but I could've sworn naval was one of the big confirmed things for alpha 2
  • AnimusRexAnimusRex Member
    edited July 24
    The girl watched the last of the creatures die and murmured a soft 'Thank you' to her rescuer.

    The stranger's eyes lifted to the blood red cloud on the horizon.

    'We have to move. It's not safe here.'
  • ReLamasReLamas Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    This is such a great topic! There are so many features in Ashes of Creation that I’m excited to see more details about. Here are a few that stand out for me:

    Summoner and Rogue Classes: I can't wait to see how these classes are implemented. The Summoner, in particular, has so much potential for unique gameplay mechanics and strategies. The Rogue's stealth and subterfuge could add a lot of depth to PvP and dungeon crawling.

    Tulnar Race: The lore and aesthetics of the Tulnar are fascinating. I'm really curious about their backstory, culture, and how they will fit into the world of Verra. Their unique abilities and appearance will be interesting to explore.


    Scribes: The idea of crafting and using scrolls or other written items in gameplay sounds really intriguing. I’d love to know more about how this profession will work and what kind of benefits it will bring to players.
    Animal Husbandry: Breeding and raising animals, potentially for mounts or pets, is something I’m really looking forward to. It adds another layer of immersion and personal investment in the game world.
    Religion: How religion will be implemented in the game is a big one for me. The idea of deities influencing gameplay, providing buffs, or even leading to unique quests and storylines is really appealing.

    Metropolis and Vassal Nodes (ZOI): The node system is one of the most innovative aspects of AoC. I’m excited to see more details on how metropolis and vassal nodes will interact, develop, and impact the game world. The politics and economics within and between these nodes could be a game-changer.

    Naval Combat: This has so much potential for epic battles and exploration. The idea of sailing the high seas, engaging in ship-to-ship combat, and discovering new islands or continents is incredibly exciting.

    Buffs (Cooking vs. Alchemy): The distinction between cooking and alchemy buffs and how they will affect gameplay, especially in raids, is something I’m keen to learn more about. It adds another layer of strategy and preparation for big encounters.

    Overall, there’s just so much to look forward to, and I can’t wait to see how Intrepid brings these features to life.
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  • XephXeph Member
    ReLamas wrote: »
    This is such a great topic! There are so many features in Ashes of Creation that I’m excited to see more details about. Here are a few that stand out for me:

    Summoner and Rogue Classes: I can't wait to see how these classes are implemented. The Summoner, in particular, has so much potential for unique gameplay mechanics and strategies. The Rogue's stealth and subterfuge could add a lot of depth to PvP and dungeon crawling.

    Tulnar Race: The lore and aesthetics of the Tulnar are fascinating. I'm really curious about their backstory, culture, and how they will fit into the world of Verra. Their unique abilities and appearance will be interesting to explore.


    Scribes: The idea of crafting and using scrolls or other written items in gameplay sounds really intriguing. I’d love to know more about how this profession will work and what kind of benefits it will bring to players.
    Animal Husbandry: Breeding and raising animals, potentially for mounts or pets, is something I’m really looking forward to. It adds another layer of immersion and personal investment in the game world.
    Religion: How religion will be implemented in the game is a big one for me. The idea of deities influencing gameplay, providing buffs, or even leading to unique quests and storylines is really appealing.

    Metropolis and Vassal Nodes (ZOI): The node system is one of the most innovative aspects of AoC. I’m excited to see more details on how metropolis and vassal nodes will interact, develop, and impact the game world. The politics and economics within and between these nodes could be a game-changer.

    Naval Combat: This has so much potential for epic battles and exploration. The idea of sailing the high seas, engaging in ship-to-ship combat, and discovering new islands or continents is incredibly exciting.

    Buffs (Cooking vs. Alchemy): The distinction between cooking and alchemy buffs and how they will affect gameplay, especially in raids, is something I’m keen to learn more about. It adds another layer of strategy and preparation for big encounters.

    Overall, there’s just so much to look forward to, and I can’t wait to see how Intrepid brings these features to life.

    Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm! Your insights on the Summoner and Rogue classes, Tulnar race, professions, node system, and naval combat, etc. are spot on. It's great to see such excitement for Ashes of Creation, and I share your anticipation for how these features will unfold.
  • OtrOtr Member
    Dolyem wrote: »
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I don't think we will be seeing naval warfare within a year :smile:

    Could be wrong but I could've sworn naval was one of the big confirmed things for alpha 2

    I also want the naval action to come soon.
  • Xeph wrote: »
    Anything specific about Guilds wars that you are looking for?
    Literally any damn information. We have nothing of worth.

    Costs, war goals, are they forced or not, surrender costs and consequences, how many can we have at once and how many can we declare, CD on declaration (if there is any), rewards for winning, penalties for losing, expected length, zerg-based balancing of any of the above (if there's even any) - we know none of that.

    This. Exactly this. Coming from Lineage 2, this is the main thing that attracted me in AoC at the beginning.

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