Thoughts on the Bard?



  • Damokles wrote: »
    Immortui wrote: »
    Im really confused about using any kind of weapon when in fact bard should be using someking of instrument...I love the book but more for a mage.
    The SFX I couldn't really hear, so not that great so far.
    VFX was incredible, spells are incredible.
    Love the mobility of the class and the gameplay. I wish to see different weapons as well not just the book.
    I also wish to see the augments finally, but I know we are early to the Alpha :D I have to be patient.

    I for one hate the bard fantasy about always playing an instrument. We are so much more than that! Bellowing out stancas and ballads while hitting our enemies in the face is so much fun!
    Actually, the Bard in its three forms had real life comparisons.

    In ancient Greek there were traveling storytellers.

    In the middle-ages they were traveling bards playing instruments and entertaining people.

    During the age of flintlocks and muskets there were instrument players that accompanies the lines of riflemen. Their playing helped keep the riflemen in time with each other. (Look up drummer boys.)

    The Bards are the harlequins of AoC. Those that fight through trickery, music, and dance.
  • Bard is gonna be a great healer alternative with how the shields work and how the faster a weapon is the more heal procs can go down, therefore dual wield magic damage weapons might be a great "dancing healer" build in melee. Cooldown resets spam, heal procs on combos, just stack dex and just have a blast as a melee healer. Not msny games offer that. Not without junky gameplay. Ashes seems to resolve into a good moment to moment gameplay.
  • PaquPaqu Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Paqu wrote: »
    Once again they have knocked it out of the park with the animations and actual skills. It looks beautiful! Some issue I had and other chatters is although the book animations look incredible and are actually really impressive, I feel like it doesn't fit with the Bard... I know you're going outside the box but hmmm this feels a bit out there.

    The sound:
    I am well aware that this is a working progress, and I am literally just pointing this out... The Mage sound with the Bard offence abilities is very grating. Sounds like static... Again, this could be a work in progress so no real issue there.

    The Combat:
    This actually looks really good. Like really good. I know some people were complaining about the mobs... but they more than likely have not had a pass over yet and people need to chill.

    The World:
    Jesus this looks incredible. I mean talk about a art team that knocked it out of the park. The fields the house design all of it looks so good but you have never had issues with that.

    The Armor:
    In my opinion... if you are going to go flashy with the spells and abilities you MUST go big with the armor. I think bigger shoulders more pronounced helms and weapons would be excellent.

    Finishing up the livestream now but so far this is my immediate feedback.

    I don't mean to quote myself but I just saw a post that they are fixing the sound issues. so strike that from my original statement. Overall we really shouldn't worry to much about the performance or the graphical fidelity right now. They delayed the Alpha for a reason, and we will see how it works in October. I personally am very excited and look forward to intentionally flagging all of you. Good luck....
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