Free to play for 3- or 5-days every so often

DisobedientDisobedient Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited August 3 in General Discussion
To be honest, I got this idea from looking at Steam, they're advertising a game called Myth of Empires. The game is free to play for the next 3 days, and I haven't played yet, but it looks good. I would not have bought the game if it cost money, but now that I have a free period to try it out, why not? If I'm not having fun I don't buy it, if I'm having fun, it'll justify me buying the game. This method can only work if your game is good.

Looking at this, I thought about Ashes of Creation and the sub model they're putting forward (which I'm a huge fan of and it's the best win/win for everyone), but I think it lacks accessibility. Imagine if you guys implemented a 3- or 5-day free play period, like every 3 months or so? People who tried it in the beginning and maybe didn't like it, would normally not resub. Even during new content release, some might resub but not all. All of that changes with a free period, the number of people who will try it again, the number of people trying for the first time, all of it will increase, and how many of those people will convert to subs? A lot. Probably a lot more than if you didn't do a free period. It's a great way to bring back old blood and get new blood at the same time. That being said, I think you should do this for the launch of the game, for obvious reasons. I'm not an expert in this field, I just recognized the genius of this strategy from seeing Myth of Empires doing it with Steam. I hope this suggestion helps!

Edit: I want to emphasize because there's been a little confusion. Some people think I meant 3 or 5 days free to play any time someone creates a new account and this is not what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is, I like the idea of a specific time period that is 3 or 5 days that the game can be played for free (Example: December 1st - 5th). In this example, if someone decides to try it out December 4th, then they'd only get 1 day to play for free.


  • DolyemDolyem Member
    Handle it the same way WoW did. Free trial up to a certain level without the ability to trade with other players or use the auction house/effect the economy. Likely no access to nodes or guilds either. Allows for a basic play through to see if you like the bare bones of the game before deciding to purchase without effecting the players paying for it.
  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Free trials is how you get gold sellers and bots to profitability. Doubt you will ever see it here. Do a simple Google search and you can find example after example of various developers trying, and failing to curtail the bad behavior that it brings.
  • LudulluLudullu Member
    Free trial can't work in Ashes as long as lvl1 artisans can gather in any way shape or form.

    Bot-based ecoterrorism will literally destroy the game.
  • DolyemDolyem Member
    Free trial can't work in Ashes as long as lvl1 artisans can gather in any way shape or form.

    Bot-based ecoterrorism will literally destroy the game.

    that do be true
  • Dolyem wrote: »
    Handle it the same way WoW did. Free trial up to a certain level without the ability to trade with other players or use the auction house/effect the economy. Likely no access to nodes or guilds either. Allows for a basic play through to see if you like the bare bones of the game before deciding to purchase without effecting the players paying for it.

    Well it would be nice, as OP mentions, for their to be opportunities for previous players to come in and test out new content or just re-dip their toes to see if they're feeling it.

    Countless times back when Blizzard still had real customer support I would come back after like a year hiatus and ask them for a day of game time so I knew if I wanted to drop the 15 for a month.

    3-5 days is too much, I think 2-3 is more appropriate. Although it might just not be a great idea either way because that window opens up botters to come in free of charge and keep coming even after a ban, for a few days.

    Unfortunately.. otherwise I'd say it's a no brainier. Of course you want to give out free samples of what you got if what you're selling is as addictive as crack cocaine(I still remember seeing a university study about this in regards to WoW way back when, and I believe it haha).
  • A 1-month sub isn't too much to test out a game. It's not going to break the bank, and there's no further commitment if you don't want to play further.
    This link may help you:

  • No to both this AND to gold-selling opportunities, in-general.

  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I am all for any and every single thing that will bring players to the game. Free trials are GREAT for business but bad for the economy in regards to gold selling.

    I've never purchased gold in any game but I do see a value in bots, gold sellers and multiboxers in mmorpgs. It makes my mouth taste like vomit to say this to people....but it does add a level of "activity" to the servers. I used to hate the idea of bots or gold sellers/farmers but I have grown accustomed to seeing them everywhere and as long as there are hefty temp bans for gold buyers and bots....more power to them. Not a popular opinion but one that was taught to me by others who played mmorpgs for 20+ years.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Free trials is how you get gold sellers and bots to profitability. Doubt you will ever see it here. Do a simple Google search and you can find example after example of various developers trying, and failing to curtail the bad behavior that it brings.

    Do you want Lost Ark? Because that's how you get Lost Ark.
  • Night WingsNight Wings Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Free trial can't work in Ashes as long as lvl1 artisans can gather in any way shape or form.

    Bot-based ecoterrorism will literally destroy the game.

    So give a free trial X time week probably be best, but limit that account on what they can do without purchasing a subscription.

    No gathering profession items when they attempt to pop up a window with a youtube video that explains how the crafting works
    No typing in game to avoid spamming chat about gold websites etc...
    No access to any type of trading like action house or menu that allows trading to player

    Free trial player can only reach X lvl (10??)
    Free trial player have a symbol on player name plate that shows everyone its trial player

    Just rip there privileges away the main focus of the trial should be how the game is played example "classes/Quests/combat" Any real player interaction should be put behind a subscription fee its a MMO not a single player game.

    Even better just make a Server that only free trial players can play on, but once that trials is up they have to pay a subscription fee and remake their character on a subscription server and the stuff they had in the trial server is lost, but they get the basic gear from that level and starting gold for that level. Honestly might be better just to boost that character they make to 10 regardless what level they were on trial server, because every MMO I've ever played 1-10 is always the tutorial phase

    This way ^ bots cant bother actual subscription players and they wont be able to transfer anything, because its a new character.

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just my two cents on how I would approach this.
  • Seriously why?

    Game is being designed for long term play centered around player-drive. node development. Why not just pay one month for a subscription if you want to try. If you can’t afford that, then how are you a customer? Lots of free to play games out there if you want to pay zero.
  • Night WingsNight Wings Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 2
    Seriously why?

    Game is being designed for long term play centered around player-drive. node development. Why not just pay one month for a subscription if you want to try. If you can’t afford that, then how are you a customer? Lots of free to play games out there if you want to pay zero.

    Point of the free trial in my opinion is to lure the people who over looked this game and didn't think all to much about it and because they didn't think much they're not going to be willing to try it out, but if you give them a chance to play with zero cost to them they may rethink their stance on the game and might even become a long term customer

    I mean when I was growing up World of warcraft had a huge stigma you're a nerd if you play this and that alone while in school told alot of people stay away. Same thing with DND Some people with that stigma might just try out the game because there a free version of it to criticize it just to realize this is actually pretty dope.

  • I think you’ll see a Baldur’s Gate 3 effect where word of mouth and tons of media gets this more attention that a 3-day free play event.

    But the deal is I don’t think this game needs to be popular to be successful. It fills a specific niche that some players will gravitate to. In fact, I see a lot of commenters suggesting this game becomes something it’s not for fear of missing out on being that great, mythical Wow-killer.
  • Night WingsNight Wings Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 3
    I think you’ll see a Baldur’s Gate 3 effect where word of mouth and tons of media gets this more attention that a 3-day free play event.

    But the deal is I don’t think this game needs to be popular to be successful. It fills a specific niche that some players will gravitate to. In fact, I see a lot of commenters suggesting this game becomes something it’s not for fear of missing out on being that great, mythical Wow-killer.

    Before anything like this will even be implemented or even really thought of intrepid has a long ways to go no reason for it now, but down the road once the game is fully polish and out of alpha/beta why not?

    Someone suggesting the game is always good and No the game doesn't need to be "popular" to be successful but why not get as many people as you can to at least try the game. I don't believe its going to harm the game as long you account for botting or anything else that could be considered a threat. Either way Im here for the long haul if intrepid doesn't decide to do a trial thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well...

  • VeeshanVeeshan Member
    Free trial can't work in Ashes as long as lvl1 artisans can gather in any way shape or form.

    Bot-based ecoterrorism will literally destroy the game.

    Normally free trials prevent being able to do some things, often it you cant use AH or trade is a common one cause the economy issue.

    But either way not realy needed to talk about this for a long time :P wait till game actually releases and server queues/stability is sorted out so probaly wont see a free trial to atleast 6 months after release so long way off atm.
  • LudulluLudullu Member
    Veeshan wrote: »
    Normally free trials prevent being able to do some things, often it you cant use AH or trade is a common one cause the economy issue.

    But either way not realy needed to talk about this for a long time :P wait till game actually releases and server queues/stability is sorted out so probaly wont see a free trial to atleast 6 months after release so long way off atm.
    It's not about the conomy though. It's about how the game works. Locations can be overfarmed. Mobs can be overkilled. And considering that AoC's crafting will supposedly require materials of all lvls and tiers - if forests can be comletely cut out by bots - that's a huge issue for the entire game.

    And it's made even worse by the fact that all of those materials are completely gone from the game, rather than going into the economy. Exactly because trial chars shouldn't be able to trade.

    So trial people would end up with chracters that can't farm mobs, can't gather things, can't trade which means they can't process or craft. They will literally not be able to do anything in the game, because any actions has a consequence on the overall life of the server.

    $15 is already a tiny price for a month-worth of content. Trials make sense when your game has a box and a sub purchase. Ashes will only have subs.
  • pyrealpyreal Member, Warrior of Old
    edited August 3
    Free trial can't work in Ashes as long as lvl1 artisans can gather in any way shape or form.

    Bot-based ecoterrorism will literally destroy the game.

    I disagree: Gathering mats or gold is irrelevant, only the ability to transfer matters.

    So the solution is simple, trial accounts:
    • cannot trade with other players
    • cannot 'drop items'
    • cannot access AH
    • are level capped to low-mid
    • have divine protection from dropping items on death (to prevent transfer through pvp)

    If a character has no means to transfer items or gold off their character, bots or gold sellers cannot benefit.
  • pyrealpyreal Member, Warrior of Old
    Veeshan wrote: »
    Normally free trials prevent being able to do some things, often it you cant use AH or trade is a common one cause the economy issue.

    But either way not realy needed to talk about this for a long time :P wait till game actually releases and server queues/stability is sorted out so probaly wont see a free trial to atleast 6 months after release so long way off atm.
    It's not about the conomy though. It's about how the game works. Locations can be overfarmed. Mobs can be overkilled. And considering that AoC's crafting will supposedly require materials of all lvls and tiers - if forests can be comletely cut out by bots - that's a huge issue for the entire game.

    And it's made even worse by the fact that all of those materials are completely gone from the game, rather than going into the economy. Exactly because trial chars shouldn't be able to trade.

    So trial people would end up with chracters that can't farm mobs, can't gather things, can't trade which means they can't process or craft. They will literally not be able to do anything in the game, because any actions has a consequence on the overall life of the server.

    $15 is already a tiny price for a month-worth of content. Trials make sense when your game has a box and a sub purchase. Ashes will only have subs.

    What sort of organized operation would farm low level mats with the objective of depleting an area?
    Anything organized would have a monetary objective. Depleting an area offers what economic benefit to the people who are employed to do it?

    I think demos and trials are good for games. I remember getting demo cds in the gaming magazines in the 2000's. Always appreciated them.
  • DisobedientDisobedient Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm seeing a lot of people talk about "bot / gold-sellers" in the game from this free period. Maybe I don't know enough about how effective these gold sellers can be, but what I recommended was a 3-day period every 3 months (because every 3 months we'll likely see balance changes / content changes via the node system unlocks or even new content releases). So, can these bot / gold-sellers really do anything worth paying attention to, with a 3-day free trial?
  • I'm seeing a lot of people talk about "bot / gold-sellers" in the game from this free period. Maybe I don't know enough about how effective these gold sellers can be, but what I recommended was a 3-day period every 3 months (because every 3 months we'll likely see balance changes / content changes via the node system unlocks or even new content releases). So, can these bot / gold-sellers really do anything worth paying attention to, with a 3-day free trial?

    They can if they keep opening and opening new accounts to get further 3-day trials.

  • DisobedientDisobedient Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 3
    I'm seeing a lot of people talk about "bot / gold-sellers" in the game from this free period. Maybe I don't know enough about how effective these gold sellers can be, but what I recommended was a 3-day period every 3 months (because every 3 months we'll likely see balance changes / content changes via the node system unlocks or even new content releases). So, can these bot / gold-sellers really do anything worth paying attention to, with a 3-day free trial?

    They can if they keep opening and opening new accounts to get further 3-day trials.

    OK! Now I understand where the misunderstanding is coming in. I recommended a 3-day free to play time period. Not just an anytime 3-day free trial. So, for example, if someone were to play on the 3rd day of the trial period, they can only play for free for that 1 day.
  • LudulluLudullu Member
    pyreal wrote: »
    What sort of organized operation would farm low level mats with the objective of depleting an area?
    Anything organized would have a monetary objective. Depleting an area offers what economic benefit to the people who are employed to do it?
    The objective would come from in-game benefits. Overfarming a forest around a node might lead to that node weaking for a siege/war.

    Afaik people did waaay worse things in games like EVE. If Ashes is trying to be as big of a social sandbox as EVE was - it'll have to account for irl actions of players. And spamming free-trial characters to overfarm a location is most definitely one of such actions. Guilds would either do it themselves or find people to pay who'd do it for them.
    OK! Now I understand where the misunderstanding is coming in. I recommended a 3-day free to play time period. Not just an anytime 3-day free trial. So, for example, if someone were to play on the 3rd day of the trial period, they can only play for free for that 1 day.
    This would simply lead to properly timed node attacks. Groups of people prepare for a node siege/war right before the trial period starts. They spam their free characters to overfarm everything around the node (and potentiall any other neighbors) and then attack the node, because it's now weaker.

    W/o a free trial, this kind of strategy would be waaaay harder to pull off.
  • DolyemDolyem Member
    edited August 3
    pyreal wrote: »
    Veeshan wrote: »
    Normally free trials prevent being able to do some things, often it you cant use AH or trade is a common one cause the economy issue.

    But either way not realy needed to talk about this for a long time :P wait till game actually releases and server queues/stability is sorted out so probaly wont see a free trial to atleast 6 months after release so long way off atm.
    It's not about the conomy though. It's about how the game works. Locations can be overfarmed. Mobs can be overkilled. And considering that AoC's crafting will supposedly require materials of all lvls and tiers - if forests can be comletely cut out by bots - that's a huge issue for the entire game.

    And it's made even worse by the fact that all of those materials are completely gone from the game, rather than going into the economy. Exactly because trial chars shouldn't be able to trade.

    So trial people would end up with chracters that can't farm mobs, can't gather things, can't trade which means they can't process or craft. They will literally not be able to do anything in the game, because any actions has a consequence on the overall life of the server.

    $15 is already a tiny price for a month-worth of content. Trials make sense when your game has a box and a sub purchase. Ashes will only have subs.

    What sort of organized operation would farm low level mats with the objective of depleting an area?
    Anything organized would have a monetary objective. Depleting an area offers what economic benefit to the people who are employed to do it?

    I think demos and trials are good for games. I remember getting demo cds in the gaming magazines in the 2000's. Always appreciated them.

    this guy right here would utilize low levels protected by corruption to clearcut nodes to negatively affect node environmental management. I plan to run a 40+ player mob through a node at some point just absolutely clear cutting while having a strike team set up to kill anyone willing to go corrupt by stopping them
  • DisobedientDisobedient Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 4
    OK! Now I understand where the misunderstanding is coming in. I recommended a 3-day free to play time period. Not just an anytime 3-day free trial. So, for example, if someone were to play on the 3rd day of the trial period, they can only play for free for that 1 day.
    "This would simply lead to properly timed node attacks. Groups of people prepare for a node siege/war right before the trial period starts. They spam their free characters to overfarm everything around the node (and potentiall any other neighbors) and then attack the node, because it's now weaker.

    W/o a free trial, this kind of strategy would be waaaay harder to pull off.

    I see what you're saying, and I agree it's totally valid but also not necessarily a reason for them not advertise in this way. Having a high degree of freedom in a game like this is appealing but it also comes with the drawbacks from what you just mentioned, people will always create new ways to exploit systems / situations for personal gain. In my opinion, I wouldn't let that be a determining factor in something as important as marketing for the game. Especially when the game is an MMORPG, and it can live or die by its population size.
  • MyosotysMyosotys Member
    edited August 4
    I don't think the idea is bad but instead of a free to play on a limited time, better to do a demo version for one week with access to the character creator, no trade, very limited area, limited level limit everyting that could be boring for the players who pay every month or everthing that could be exploited.
  • SpifSpif Member
    Sometime, far down the road after release, I can see marketing gimmicks where there are trial subs (not free though).

    Example: 1-week trial for $2. Or having a 1-week trial key given away at conventions/etc or added on to a purchase of something else

    But if the game needs new blood a while after release, getting it on Steam would be far more effective
  • Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Just no.
    There is sooooooo much information about this game, and there will be so much more after launch.
    If you cannot figure out if you will like a game by watching it for hundreds of hours, pay the subscription for a month. At least there is no box cost like others.
  • DisobedientDisobedient Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 13
    Just no.
    There is sooooooo much information about this game, and there will be so much more after launch.
    If you cannot figure out if you will like a game by watching it for hundreds of hours, pay the subscription for a month. At least there is no box cost like others.

    I see your point, but have you thought about if most people would do that much research before deciding on buying or not? Probably not many, maybe they'll watch a streamer play, or find a youtube video on gameplay. However, if any of these reason aren't convincing enough, then they just won't play, and that's the problem I'm trying to address here. The launch of a new mmorpg is an iconic experience that can never be replicated, despite any attempts at fresh start servers. The feeling of exploring a new, unknown world with others who know nothing, and have nothing, starting on an equal playing field as everyone else... It's an experience that will never happen again, at least not in the same game. Because it's such a once in a lifetime experience, it can literally change how many players become die-hard fans in the future, as they will always have that initial experience of playing ashes in their mind. This is an experience that should not be gated behind a paywall at the start, because if the experience is good, then the amount of people who will sub to the game after (and for the long haul) will be exponentially more than if they charge everyone money right away, and far less people play at the start, thereby missing the most compelling time in an mmorpg's lifespan.
  • Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I disagree. There is no problem to address, you are just asking to add extra work.

    So, to have people play for free, Intrepid has to pay for the extra programming to lock down the system so botters cannot take advantage of the exception. And pay to monitor the servers. And try to make sure that the paying people are not impacted by the people who don't care (because you know idiots who are banned are going to play the free accounts just to troll). And possibly lose paying customers when the experience is horrible since the people who don't care destroy the experience.

    Just pay the $15. If they like it, their adventure has begun! If they don't, just cancel.
  • ZehlanZehlan Member
    I am against free trials for two reasons. First off free to play invites d-bags , exploiters and omg pan handlers!

    Second and worst of all naming characters! It's hard enough to find a good name now you would have a an infinite amount of 5 day old characters eating names up till Intrepid has to implement naming policy like passwords i.e must have minimum 2 numbers one capital letter and 1 vowel and your randomly generated name is .... First Name: Id Last: 10t. :/
    If 15 bucks is too much for you to try the game then maybe it isn't for you
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