Intrepid should really consider making the new alpha keys go into beta.



  • BarzelBarzel Member
    Aszkalon wrote: »
    Why betraying People who purchased for up to 375 bucks before January 17th ? (or was it 19th?whatever)

    People have the freakin guts to ask in an almost whiny fashion every few Days to Weeks since the Beginning of June for more and new Alpha 2 Access Keys.

    You got them now.

    You want them cheaper ? Why ?
    Everyone else before paid about the same Prices.

    It isn't about people asking for alpha. It is about an exorbitant charge for alpha only access with an attempt to make every possible excuse for the why of it, without acknowledging what appears plainly obvious to consumers. People, regardless of the actual reasons for this decision, see this as a rip off, and they do not enjoy being manipulated. That is all that matters.
    "’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
    All mimsy were the borogoves,
    And the mome raths outgrabe."
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