Alpha 2 is just a delay.



  • BlipBlip Member
    edited August 26
  • Blip wrote: »
    I believe it was said somewhere down Monday and Tuesday and up Wednesday to Sunday.

    But it says here.

    "Testing for the 5+ days may fall on a variety of different days. As we head into this phase, we will provide a more detailed schedule for folks to plan around"

    I am well aware of the Test Periods. It is just the fact that the Alpha Two starts only "gently" on around November 8th,
    in earnest in December 20th,
    and fully/completely in May 1th of 2025 - so to say Quarter Two of 2025. ;)

    I can understand that Sir Steven "balances" between going more into Development and risking MASSIVE whining from all those People who are going almost insane for Alpha Two since the End of 2021 or so,

    and "giving People" their Alpha Two already - but running Danger it will not be ready yet. So he and his mighty Team had to pull back.

    It is good that they do that. Otherwise the whining would be MAAAAAAAAASSIVE yet again, if the Game in Development wouldn't be ready for the Alpha Two.

    It is just ... ...
    ... ... this has nothing even remotely anything to do anymore with Quarter Three this Year. ;)

    And while the eternal Copium-Addicts who hope for this Game like for the coming of a Messiah will stay loyal anyway : this Shitstorm and feeling of Betrayal it created are not good for the Game in the long run. It can shave off Percentages of how many People will buy/subscribe the Game in the End.

    I can see this as good as a "weeding out" of those who wouldn't take the Testing Period seriously anyway, though. This unfortunate kick in the Balls (lol) will probably scare away and make those leave, who only want to "play" an unfinished Game - because they are simply Videogame-addicted.

    The 120-Dollar Price is also a good way to weed out those who want to pay about nothing and take the Testing Period not serious,

    against those who are earnestly determined to put in an Efford. People are more likely to pay the 120 Dollar only if they are truly determined to help with testing.

    a kinda brutal way to weed out the unworthy against the worthy - but i think it works. The spicey Question is only how much this created butthurt and People holding Grudges now, could affect the Game when it is about finished.

    Because i am confident People will use this to talk even more Shxt about this Game in Development for this, than they already did in the last Years.
    You can always be confident that all these "entitled" People will put in quite an Efford to hold onto their Grudges.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
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