"Inspect" character feature and character backstory sheet?

edited August 22 in General Discussion
I know this is probably low the priority list, but it would be useful to have ability to "Inspect" characters when up close, so we can inspect people's gear, maybe even build?

It would be also fairly fun to have a free form text backstory sheet, where players could express the "backstory" of their character.


  • XephXeph Member
    It would be also fairly fun to have a free form text backstory sheet, where players could express the "backstory" of their character.

    I love the idea of being able to write your own backstory. You could also use that section to display some of your biggest achievements or showcase your character's unique traits and journey, making them stand out in the world.

  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I asked the question years ago and agreed with their answer of no.
    Started a minor skirmish here in the forums. This thread was made right after they answered the question.

    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • edited August 22
    I asked the question years ago and agreed with their answer of no.
    Started a minor skirmish here in the forums. This thread was made right after they answered the question.

    Fair enough on their gear score inspection considerations, but I personally doubt that will stop the "toxic/elitists behaviours".

    I suppose here is me hoping for a backstory character tab :smiley:
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I can totally get behind seeing the backstory tab for those that love to RP.

    Gear and build is a big no for me. But if you read some of the thread you can get a good idea of what people thought at the time.

    Maybe post your question about the backstory tab in the monthly Q&A thread.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • I can totally get behind seeing the backstory tab for those that love to RP.

    Gear and build is a big no for me. But if you read some of the thread you can get a good idea of what people thought at the time.

    Maybe post your question about the backstory tab in the monthly Q&A thread.
    Great idea, thanks.
  • You need bards to sing of your exploits. So it would be kind of cool for the game to have a ranking system of what you’ve done and then have the NPC bards in taverns spread your glory. I would imagine PC bards might do the same for those of their node or guild. In fact, there should be some sort of patronage system where bards can earn rewards for spreading the word.

    I’ve always thought there’s too much emphasis in creating a backstory rather than playing a game to create your own story and experience. It’s much sweeter to have actually done a thing than just write something saying you did.
  • Perhaps some lore experts can help me out here, but aren’t all the players’ characters supposed to be coming back to Vera after like… hundreds of years away from the plane? Did time stop for them or something, and the players’ characters are the same people who left originally? Just trying to imagine what a character backstory would look like, if not.
  • Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Supposedly, it has been 'eons' since the Exodus, but that might be off. But we will find out when we see more of the lore.

    Soon after the exodus, the gateways dimmed and became dormant. Centuries turned to millennia, burying them beneath myriad calamities. Over eons, history became legend, then even the great legends were at last forgotten.[1]
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    Yes on gear / achievement / stat inspection. Not a fan of the backstory thing - great in BG3, but in an mmo - just ask the person. I'd rather have a conversation than read someone's fanfic.
  • DodozDodoz Member
    Yes on gear, even if somewhat limited/not showing all enhancement but the base. I'd like to know what someone is wearing when I see a cool set or a badass weapon.

    Stats/build etc.? Not necessary imo- or could have a toggle for it to be private if you don't want your amazing OP build to spread around like a wildfire...

    Backstory sounds awesome- great addition to RP which is what I'm hoping to do a lot of, given all the systems/freeholds etc.
  • CROW3 wrote: »
    Yes on gear / achievement / stat inspection. Not a fan of the backstory thing - great in BG3, but in an mmo - just ask the person. I'd rather have a conversation than read someone's fanfic.

    There won't be Addons in Ashes, right ?
    So no TotalRP3 Possibility like in WoW to write a cool RP Flag ... ... ... :neutral:

    If we could have an optional Flag somewhere People can choose to see and open or don't see it at all - as an Option, then this would be very nice.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
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