Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I was last Year in September 2023 " invited " by a generous Friend, who was willing to buy me the edgy Unseen Order Pre-Order Pack. Since he knows what for a great Undead-Fan i am, since Heroes of Might and Magic Three a looooooooooooooooooooooong time ago. ( Damn i feel old x'D )
Since Paypal is always a touchy little B~ and the current Difference between €uro and Dollar was a bit off, i paid the last 15 to 17 Bucks from 375 and tadaaaa,
this is the whole Investment. (.__.) it was mostly my Friend, though. I even actually "FORGOT" for a few Years since around Summer 2019 and Autumn 2023 that this amazing Project and Game in Development still exists.
Quite SUPER-silently i heard that some People have paid around +500 Dollar to actually SEVERAL. THOUSAND. of Dollars financially supporting this Project.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
+1000 Bucks ?
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
I have high hopes in Intrepid, and I find their offers very fair (especially the Kickstarter offers - The Founder pack for Alpha 2 with the 3 subscription months on top of it seemed super efficient at $150.)
But I already burnt over 200€ into Camelot Unchained in 2013, so I told myself I'd just let Ashes prove itself ready to launch on its own, then I can still reward them with subscriptions.
I also don't have any time for Alpha testing this semestre, and I want to upgrade my PC as late as necessary, so the development delays really work out for me, so I have time to save up and focus on studying.
I do hope to join Beta in order to get familiar with the game and my guild before launch.
Probably this month end $300
Blown past falling sands…
It’s seems an extreme case of milking people because they love MMO,s.
I’m kinda surprised I’ve stayed disciplined and not bought into anything in this game, said I would not after the last MMO I preordered, etc,, and it went bang very fast.
But this just feels on another scale, all those little things they keep putting out, with the ‘if you don’t buy it now, it’s gone’ message, that they know puts pressure on people who are desperate for this game to succeed, then they release the alpha with almost nothing, expect a big price tag, which is now changed.
But still, I think this game had already pocketed millions. Most mmo, get released and they in a hole because of the cost of making it, so they need a year or so to recover monies invested, think this one may start in the green.
I’ve been playing MMO for over 20 years, so no newbie, had this guild as long.
If that's how you feel then why not post that instead of this? It's better to just be direct.
I was asking a question, there was nothing hidden away in it, I did not sway it either way, or in your world is questions not allowed? not Russian are you?
You actually spent a grand on the game? worse still they had packages out there for a $1000... boggles the mind!
do you have every single cosmetic? T_T
But hey, it’s your money your choice end of the day, I’m just not sure the choice should be there.
I did. Mind you I wouldn't drop that much on just any Kickstarter. I must like the idea and believe in the vision of what the game could be. If I do then, I investigate everyone I can that's involved with the project to see if I feel it's something they can even pull off. As a group if they have at least halfway decent experience and individually or as a group have been a part of successfully publishing at least a few games I've personally played and enjoyed or that I've heard of that were extremely popular, I'll decided to back the project.
How much depends on how much I like their vision of the final product and what "goodies" are on offer for the pledge. In the end I chose leader of men because I wanted the lifetime subscription and the Kickstarter guild exclusives. At the time I had hoped monthly subscriptions would be around $15 but expected it to be at least $20. If the game was as good as I expected then I would most likely be playing for the better part at least 10 years, at $15 a month it would be $1800 in subscription fees over that time, at $20 a month it would be $2400, so that's a either a $800 or a $1400 net positive on my investment in game time.
I do still have the option upgrade my pledge package to Royalty, Hero of the People, and Avatar of the Phoenix. Hero and Avatar are out of the question, neither of those packages offer anything I would consider worth the upgrade. The Royalty package however… I’m trying to convince myself, albeit unsuccessfully so far, that access to the Phoenix Initiative and the monthly live Q&A sessions are worth another $1500.
I never pay for an unfinished game (or any product) and I will never do this in the future.
Once it is released and the design and features meet my expectations I will play it and start a monthly sub to try it out.
If they sit subs at £20, they going to have a very empty game.
I admire the Commitment that some People have.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
A wizard is never late, he arrives precisely when he means to.
I mean, I don't really have the money sink vices that other people might have. I don't smoke, I so vary rarely drink that a 6 pack can and has sat in my fridge for over a year on more than one occasion, outside of Kickstarter I don't gamble. Outside of special occasions I tend to not go out to eat or order out. I don't need to pay for female companionship...Well, my wife does have access to most of my accounts so maybe that one is a bit of a stretch. Happy wife, happy life. Know what I mean? A decent portion of the money people would spend on those things goes into a play money petty cash account. That's what I use for "me" things like a Kickstarter pledge or games or computer upgrades or books. 1k on Kickstarter? I'd hate to know what you think about how much I spend on books in a year.
Although I have more doubts about this game than any other before this (that I've followed)
I mean yesterday raid boss The Dragon, it was exact same boss they showed 3 years ago, with zero changes, and they now asking for feedback on it, what was wrong with the feedback 3 years ago? as NOTHING, in regards to Dragons mechanics changed!
Wait, what? Did you buy it AFTER making this thread? After shouting "abusive business tactics", in an "extreme case of milking people because they love MMOs." every three comments?
And immediately before posting this comment?
I mean, congrats on coming around, I think you'll have a blast with your Alpha access, but Jesus, at least stop talking smack about the existence of the product you JUST chose to buy.
Please explain how and where i lied?
Or where I shouted abuse? You know you can buy the game and still harbour serious doubts, the two are not mutually exclusive.
I wonder how long I'm going to wait for you to show this, just another fanboi!
Added following day: I’m still waiting fanboi!
Still waiting for you to point out where I lied, or as abusive