September 2024 Livestream Discussion | What are you excited to test? đŸ€“â˜

VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
Hello glorious community,

We’d like to hear what you’re most interested in testing when Alpha Two goes live! With the ‘Guide to Alpha Two’ shown on stream in mind, what systems or gameplay elements are you most excited to test?

To help guide this conversation, here are a few thought starters you can choose from:
  • What’s the first thing you plan to do when Alpha Two servers go live? Share your game plan with us!
  • What’s something you’d like to see the community achieve together during Alpha Two testing?
  • Which system stands out the most to you, and why?
  • What systems do you interact with most in other MMORPGs that you play? If those systems are present in the launch of Alpha Two, will you be testing them?
Please don’t feel limited by the thought starters above. Feel free to share anything you’re excited about Ashes of Creation’s Alpha Two from the guide video shown during the September Development Update

Everyone here at Intrepid Studios looks forward to reading about your testing ambitions, and we’re excited to see you Verra soon ;)


  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member
    edited September 27

  • XitXit Member
    There are two types of players:
    The ones who sulked when they heard that some endgame materials will only be available in lawless zones.
    The ones who grinned ear to ear when hearing the news. B)
    Too bad, you lose! The correct sequence was blood - blood - blood.
  • .
  • edited September 27
    What’s the first thing you plan to do when Alpha Two servers go live? Share your game plan with us!
    Climb that first build mountain-goat-style.

    What’s something you’d like to see the community achieve together during Alpha Two testing?
    A MASSIVE pvp battle.

    Which system stands out the most to you, and why?
    Hopefully nodes growing and falling. But a full cycle of that will most likely only come in P3, so not something for A2's release.

    What systems do you interact with most in other MMORPGs that you play? If those systems are present in the launch of Alpha Two, will you be testing them?
    L2's karma system. And OH YESSSS, I'm gonna test it so hard that people will start complaining.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited September 27
    For me AoC will be the perfect mmo, based on its core philosophies.
    Many things that people want to test I have seen them work in L2. Simple as.
    The only thing I doubt is the class and weapon systems.

    In an mmo we make characters based on some image we have for ourselves. What they wear, what they wield, how they fight, what consumables they use/throw, and/if they have magic powers.

    For the entire A2 B1 B2, I want to test the animations of the abilities of the archetypes and how they look with the identity matching weapons of the archetypes (no books on fighters).
    I want to test the class augmentations and see if there are enough distinct playstyles (64 will most certainly wont be the case. Anything near 25 is good, but they have to be distinct).

    Scribbing, cooking, map making is not necessary.
    Good classes/weapons matter.

    It doesnt matter if you have cool animal husbandry, and many sbilities for your animals, if you are not satisfied with your character.

    As I test how fun our characters are I will report bugs and join group events.

    Balance is something for after launch.
  • DracslavianDracslavian Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    long que times or what?
  • What’s the first thing you plan to do when Alpha Two servers go live? Share your game plan with us!
    Spend way too long in the character creator.

    What’s something you’d like to see the community achieve together during Alpha Two testing?
    Kill Firebrand, upgrade Nodes, fight for them.

    Which system stands out the most to you, and why?
    Caravans and the PvP aspect around them. Its just a fun system. Risk vs reward in the open world. Everything can happen. Band together with strangers to improve security, pay people to be your mercenaries. Even when you play as a highway man hunting down caravans is fun.

    What systems do you interact with most in other MMORPGs that you play? If those systems are present in the launch of Alpha Two, will you be testing them?
    Gear and class progression mostly. In some games the interactive crafting was fun (like FFXIV) but in general I play for power and completition. I will see what Ashes has to offer in all regards. Who needs sleep anyway, right?

    Other things I noticed in the livestream:

    • characters and their gear look good for lvl1
    • minimap looks decent with quest trackers
    • ai voice over sounds fine for the first Iteration and sufficient for your run of a mill quest. can still have proper voice actors for specific npcs or important questlines or something
    • world in general looks amazing. the wind in the plantlife, the water, very nice.

    • NPCs are floating or clip into the ground when not on flat ground.
    • In the building around the portal the wall texture inside the arcs was imperfect which makes sense, but every wall seemed to have the same imperfections.
    • flickering textures on the roof this building
    • flickering textures on npcs (oldin murphy, grundle mixford)
    • out of combat hp reg looks a bit slow.
    • grass and such could be denser (in some places)
    • Ground texture in some places looks like it should have more Depth/strutcture. (Doesnt UE have something for that. Think I saw something on YT)
    • the town looks a bit empty. Its huge but not much to see(?). Will have to play it but that was my first impression. I suppose that changes with players arriving?!
    • commission board could look better. first its a bit small, second the letters on the board could have some structure. in the video it looked like it was a flat texture.
  • Number 1 on my list is to see the node system in action. Specifically, I want to see the node advancement process. I am curious how much influence a single player (not the mayor) has over a node's development and how players will react to the opportunity costs involved with growth.

    Second is the artisan system. I want to watch a chunk of raw material turn into a master crafted item. I am curious to see how far players will need to go (and how far they are willing to go) to find the resources they need. I am also excited to see how much interdependency there is between the artisan classes. For example, will the tanner be able to substitute the toad oil from the alchemist with seed oil from the farmer?

    Third, I want to play around with the player market. I have been spoiled with interlinked auction houses for too long. I want to see players haggle. I want to move goods around to take advantage of price gaps.

    Last, but not least, I am going to try to climb just about everything. Mountains, buildings, walls, mailboxes, NPCs, waterfalls, oddly shaped corners, and just about anything that isn't directly connected to the ground.
  • SyreenaSyreena Member
    What’s the first thing you plan to do when Alpha Two servers go live? Share your game plan with us!

    The first thing I plan to do is explore the beautiful world of Verra, I love to explore and see if there are any types of collections I can get going on such as finding points of interest for achievements or what not.

    What’s something you’d like to see the community achieve together during Alpha Two testing?

    I would love to see a big family photo take place! That would really test the server meshing if we could get a huge group of us together in one space to celebrate this game and world.

    Which system stands out the most to you, and why?

    The crafting/Artisan systems seem like they are going to be something worth really exploring and sinking my time into.

    What systems do you interact with most in other MMORPGs that you play? If those systems are present in the launch of Alpha Two, will you be testing them?

    Personally I like collections, I am not sure (I haven't seen anything) if there is an achievement system in place or a collection such as a bestiary or a "All the Things" style collection page. If not I will probably work on leveling artisan skills first.
  • edited 1:51AM
    What’s the first thing you plan to do when Alpha Two servers go live? Share your game plan with us!
    • Spend an hour or two in character creation. Then explore the world of Verra. I will most likely spend most of my time doing PvE and seeing what the quest experience is like while giving feedback on mage skills.

    What systems do you interact with most in other MMORPGs that you play? If those systems are present in the launch of Alpha Two, will you be testing them?
    • PvP... But I don't see no rush in interacting with the PvP aspect of this game during Alpha 2. PvP is longterm in this game. I'd rather focus on the PvE aspect, which in my opinion will bring life into the game and make it memorable.
  • LeonerdoLeonerdo Member
    Gonna be making a Cleric and seeing how viable it is to play the game without a guild. I'm a raider in FFXIV so I'm mostly going to be testing PvE content. But uh... I don't imagine raids will be do-able at the start, and certainly not without a guild. Instead, I'll just be running around doing quests/commissions/story arcs, and helping out the random players I come across. And for all that running around, I'm probably gonna need a mount ASAP, so I suppose that's my first goal.

    At some point I'll join JamieKaos' guild (since I owe him for the key giveaway <3), and figure things out from there since I'm not used to playing in a guild. Hopefully we can do some world bosses/dungeons/raids.

    Oh, and I'm gonna jump around and climb on stuff a lot. Gotta see how many tall things I can stand on top of.

    Probably not gonna mess with the crafting yet, but I'll pick up a scythe and do some plant gathering along the way.
  • RickistRickist Member
    Hevel wrote: »
    Number 1 on my list is to see the node system in action. Specifically, I want to see the node advancement process. I am curious how much influence a single player (not the mayor) has over a node's development and how players will react to the opportunity costs involved with growth.

    Second is the artisan system. I want to watch a chunk of raw material turn into a master crafted item. I am curious to see how far players will need to go (and how far they are willing to go) to find the resources they need. I am also excited to see how much interdependency there is between the artisan classes. For example, will the tanner be able to substitute the toad oil from the alchemist with seed oil from the farmer?

    Third, I want to play around with the player market. I have been spoiled with interlinked auction houses for too long. I want to see players haggle. I want to move goods around to take advantage of price gaps.

    Last, but not least, I am going to try to climb just about everything. Mountains, buildings, walls, mailboxes, NPCs, waterfalls, oddly shaped corners, and just about anything that isn't directly connected to the ground.

    I agree with all 3 of your points. Nodes will make or break this game.
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