Prosperity vs Demise



  • OtrOtr Member
    Knotti wrote: »
    What direction would you like to see your server take?
  • Githal wrote: »
    The players in WOW are not engaging in PvP because THE PVP THERE SUCK! Yes WOTLK expansion was the last where the pvp was actually good, fun, engaging, tactical, skill based, diverse.... By Cataclism it became much worse. and every next expansion is making it even worse.

    Accurate actually.

    These Days and since many Years already by now - > PvP is mostly a stupid Stun-Festival. In Eight to Nine out of Ten Encounters with Enemy Players on a BG, i am immediately showered with Stuns,

    leaving me at 50% to 30% HP most of the time by the Moment i can move again, forcing me effectively to do my very best trying to retreat somewhat, to prolong my Opponents wasting their time with me before i die.

    Sometimes i get saved by allied Players who actually remember they can heal me.

    When You " WIN Battlegrounds " by putting up a complete Shitshow instead of actual "Fights" like many Years ago -> you just have no Choice but to notice how things took a heavy turn for the worse.

    Githal wrote: »
    In League of legends - no one argues that the players are not toxic. BUT... did you ever ask yourself why is this? The answer is quit simple actually. Its because you play with RANDOM players that you cant do anything about. you cant kick them from group, you cant leave the game, you are just stuck with those players for 30-40 min. There are mods where you choose the players you play with, and even if they are not your real life friends, the toxicity is much much much less.

    A Game which must be significantly modded to be Fun, is the Mistake in itself. But i am happy for LoL Players who can do that. Actually everyone should have these Options to modify their Game.

    Githal wrote: »
    I have never played Sea of Thieves. So i wont comment on it at all.

    Long Story short -> was still mostly nice around 3 Years ago.

    became more and more toxic as Time went on -> and the last Three, Four, Five Updates or so -> there came mostly only Contents patched into the Game -> which fueled the toxic Part of the Game so that the ("mostly toxic") PvP-Community is more motivated to play the Game.

    One of the few, coolest Things to unlock -> were LITERALLY locked behind Hours of Hours of HOURS of engaging in toxic, cringe - and Unnerving, pesky - and tedious Matches.

    Yes. Looking at the Hourglass Mode/Warmode. Getting the Ghost- and Skeleton-Curse is barely worth it, when You are put up for many Hours against disgusting Kids between Eight to Twelve Years who tell You over their Hotmics that You can s°°° their D°°°s because they are pissed when they can not kill You for Allegiance like a helpless NPC.

    Seriously, this Game has the most revolting People playing PvP. :sweat_smile:

    Githal wrote: »
    And 1 last thing. The PVE model WoW has is the most boring sh*t ever. Like Blizard releases new expansion. You get the 10 levels to cap for 1 day.

    You play to fast if You really do the new 10 Levels in a Day. :sweat_smile: . :D

    But even if we stretch it to a Week or so -> it is still kinda short. Yes.

    Githal wrote: »
    After this you do the same dungeons and raids over and over and over and over again. Like the first 2-3 times you do them its fun. After this you engage in some Mythic+ where the same dungeon feels bit different, which again keeps it somewhat interesting for another few runs.

    And then what?

    you do the dungeon for the 83th time. you know the place and count of every mob in the dungeon. You playing like a robot to increase your best time of the run with 1 sec.

    So if you like this sort of mindless grind, then you gotta come in love with AOC PvX dynamic model.

    Are You sure Ashes of Creation will be exactly like doing WoW Instance Runs and so on ? Because whenever i know one thing about Open World PvP with many Players,

    then it is the fact that your Experience can always be vastly different and fresh. The Room for change and different Experiences is just there.

    Of Course it would be kinda tedious if You are faced " Every - single - Day - again " with the same Group of try-hards, up to "toxic Try-hards", who try to subdue You and your Allies and your Node Day and Day again -> with the same, tiny Group that is just not up to the Task.

    And that for some magical BS-Reason -> they think if they just keep long enough at it, you might cave in. :D which usually never happens.

    Never happened in Planetside Two. Why should it happen in Ashes of Creation ? :D . :mrgreen:
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • OtrOtr Member
    Note: I voted for Demise because the way how Prosperity was presented.
    Risk vs Reward needs to be present. And resource scarcity.
  • KnottiKnotti Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Both will be present on every server. It’s a question of whether the server will spin like a top or topple like Jenga. Resource consumption will create scarcity; highly developed areas will offer that.
  • Otr wrote: »
    Note: I voted for Demise because the way how Prosperity was presented.
    Risk vs Reward needs to be present. And resource scarcity.

    And hence,

    the only way this Game can and should be played, is : - - - - - > there will be Prosperity AND Demise around !!
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
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