Brainstorming possible Gathering and Processing professions



  • Yeah the sell and buy orders are used in Albion marketplaces, but still with same results. :neutral:
  • Something that might be too specific but i thought Glassblowing might be a cool profession. 

    You could make vials for potions, alchemical craft stations and vases, lamps and other furniture for housing. 

    And with the orbs finally showing up in artwork  the Glassblower could make those too.
  • everyone's ignoring something. remember the world is rich in magic. There could be a form of ether absortption as a gathering technic and an ether materialization for a processing. then this magical outoput can be used in other products like weaponsmithing, animal husbandry, cooking, etc. Remember that there is magic in the world itself 
  • - production of beer, wine, strong liqueurs and other alcoholic beverages.
    - production of popcorn

    Getting people drunk, waiting for drama to evolve and then consuming popcorn while sitting on a nearby rock, chillin'.
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