What race will you be and why?



  • Elf seems to be super popular. I could be persuaded based on looks and perks to alter my desired race. I am not sold on it as much as I am sold on my class.
  • Dwarf, because I like a challenge. 
  • Dragnon said:
    Dwarf, because I like a challenge. 
    :D Tell me what is the challenge with dwarfs? 
  • Ferryman said:
    Dragnon said:
    Dwarf, because I like a challenge. 
    :D Tell me what is the challenge with dwarfs? 
    getting things of the top shelf for one 
  • Xombie said:
    Whichever race helps me Min/Max my builds. Plain and simple.
    Good to see someone being honest.

    I'm not even sure i'm going to play the game. To many hardcore elements for me. But i'm interesting in the Tulnar. But the races are pretty much what you see in other mmo's and that can get boring. But ill see what they will do with the races. Considering we don't know alot about the game, min/maxing might be a little tricky, but we can only do an estimated guess, on what will be the best
  • The Tulnar, Elves, and Orcs, interest me.  I play a really cool human in RL, so I like to mix it up when I make a character in game.

  • I have yet to dig into the lore, but the Tul'nar do sound interesting. Nonetheless I tend to lean Elf in most Fantasy RPGs. They share human elements, but are different many interesting ways that make them unique to the world.
  • Too many unknowns and too many potential variables between now and start up, so I'm (almost) entirely open on the issue of race, at least for now.  Having said that, I do usually roll elves.   B)
  • I normally go with human, but I will have to wait and see what racial passives there are before choosing!
  • Elf, because I always play elves and they are the only nice-looking option.
    Humans are boring, dwarves are just small humans and orcs are ugly humans.
    Same reason I play horde in Wow - Alliance is basically humans in different heights (with a few exceptions in later expansions), while horde has more variety.

    I do wish we can get an undead class at one point, that would be cool :)
  • Gothicca said:
    Elf, because I always play elves and they are the only nice-looking option.
    Humans are boring, dwarves are just small humans and orcs are ugly humans.
    Same reason I play horde in Wow - Alliance is basically humans in different heights (with a few exceptions in later expansions), while horde has more variety.

    I do wish we can get an undead class at one point, that would be cool :)
    See I knew there was a reason i liked you ^^
  • MADE said:
    Well it mostly deepends on the raicals, but otherwise the most sexualized race ofc...

    so you mean the orc ;D
  • Netch said:
    MADE said:
    Well it mostly deepends on the raicals, but otherwise the most sexualized race ofc...

    so you mean the orc ;D
    No.. He actually ment those sexy and oiled beach dwarfs. ;)
  • Ferryman said:
    Netch said:
    MADE said:
    Well it mostly deepends on the raicals, but otherwise the most sexualized race ofc...

    so you mean the orc ;D
    No.. He actually ment those sexy and oiled beach dwarfs. ;)
    I think you all mean the fantastic skeletons. they have bone structure to die for and don't get me started about their cheekbones  B)
  • Humans are a personal preference of mine. Never really been a fan of non human races in games. Besides, Elves are waaay to played out. :)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited May 2018
    nagash said:
    Ferryman said:
    Netch said:
    MADE said:
    Well it mostly deepends on the raicals, but otherwise the most sexualized race ofc...

    so you mean the orc ;D
    No.. He actually ment those sexy and oiled beach dwarfs. ;)
    I think you all mean the fantastic skeletons. they have bone structure to die for and don't get me started about their cheekbones  B)
    I have to agree. I'm mesmerized by those chiseled jaw lines.
  • nagash said:
    Ferryman said:
    Netch said:
    MADE said:
    Well it mostly deepends on the raicals, but otherwise the most sexualized race ofc...

    so you mean the orc ;D
    No.. He actually ment those sexy and oiled beach dwarfs. ;)
    I think you all mean the fantastic skeletons. they have bone structure to die for and don't get me started about their cheekbones  B)
    I have to agree. I'm mesmerized by those chiseled jaw lines.
  • human, because I am human. I could be an elf, but they smell
  • I would love a lizard race like the Iksar or Argonians. For now though I'm not sure what I would play as.
  • @Lexmax changed my vote, I swear!!
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited May 2018
    Kratz said:
    @Lexmax changed my vote, I swear!!
    Today a crime against dwarf kind was committed

  • I don't want to be recognised with a race! KEK
  • Holibrae said:
    I would love a lizard race like the Iksar or Argonians. For now though I'm not sure what I would play as.
    Then Tulnar might be for you
    During character creation, players will be able to choose the primary attribute of their character, from options gained from races long gone. These attributes include raptorial and mammal. From the concept art image, possibly insect as well. 

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2018
    There is only one choice for me, its the dwarf-angel race. you can find find me mining deep in the caves. 
  • Orc. To be anything else is to be uncivilized. 
  • Elf master race!!
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