Vengeance [NA] [PvX] [Hardcore] [Active] [18+]

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited September 2018 in North American Guilds

[NA] [PvX] [Hardcore] [Active] [18+]

Discord Link:


Guild Application:

Focus: PvX - Raiding, Sieges, Guild vs. Guild, Trade/Crafting/Economics, Research/Exploration


Our mission at Vengeance is to build a gaming family, established to create an environment where our members can thrive and excel. Through teamwork and dedication, we focus on fostering close-knit friendships, diverse competitive game-play, and self-improvement. We strive to not only succeed, but to overwhelmingly crush every objective we choose to pursue. Our vision is to establish a solid foundation of talent, skill, and loyalty, rather than amass a large, unfamiliar horde. We will always progress, but never at the expense of the principles of the guild. We seek to build a home for our members where they can truly find a place where we achieve not only our personal goals, but help each other grow as skilled warriors in our quest for victory. That being said we are a hardcore guild and we will compete as one. We aim to be a stand out in Ashes of Creation and bring to the table experienced leadership and well structured organization. We acknowledge and resolve any concerns in a timely manner to prevent hindering progression, minimizing drama so we can engage and elevate our members to the top. If you share our like-minded values and dedication feel free to hop in our discord to hang out, we would love to have you.

Structure: Rather than the classical one leader, Vengeance follows a more inclusive structure with The Four Horsemen. Each Horseman is responsible for a separate facet of of the guild's activity to ensure that each receives the proper amount of focus and care. Below these four are the officers known as Harbingers. In order to rise to this level, a member must distinguish themselves among the guild and go through a trial period to prove they can handle the added responsibility. Under this lie the realms of regular members and veteran members. To ensure that no Horseman becomes corrupt, an overseeing GOAT watches and holds the Horsemen to a certain standard. Horsemen that fail to meet the guild's standards will be removed by the GOAT.

Activity: Vengeance Hosts a wide array of weekly scheduled activities ranging from movie nights, casual game nights, raid nights, PvP nights, etc. We seek to encompass all aspects of MMO gameplay and are motivated to invest in our members to help train them in any area they request assistance. Our members are highly active on all days of the week playing a wide range of games while building comradery and trust.

Current Scheduled Activities Include
  • Tuesday Civilization nights
  • Thursday casual game nights
  • Friday and Saturday raid nights in Guild Wars 2
  • Sunday morning Stellaris
  • Sunday Guild Game and Movie nights
At almost any time of the day throughout the week you can find us in our Discord Lobby playing just about any game available or just hanging out with each other in voice chat. Feel free to stop by and introduce yourself!

We also run and maintain two separate ARK: Survival Evolved servers for our members and friends of the guild as well as frequently hold large scale custom matches for PlayerUnkown's BattleGrounds for our members and friends of Vengeance. It is not uncommon to have upwards of 20+ people on these games at a time. Stop by our Discord lobby if you would like to play with us and get to know our members!

For anyone interested in joining us on our movie nights or just watching our official Twitch channel:


Join Us: We here at Vengeance seek to add talented individuals who are committed to excellence and building friendships to take into Ashes of Creation. A solid foundation is what keeps a house standing no matter the obstacle. We are a hardcore community with an age limit of 18+ to ensure a mature and responsible environment of like minded people. Stop by, join us in voice, and see if you have found your new home with Vengeance.

We look forward to meeting you!


  • Back at it again, nice new infograph Vengeance! :)
  • Thanks Zara! 
  • Very well said, this encompasses our mission, I love everyone here in Vengeance it is such an amazing community to be a part of!
  • Great guild structure and most of all super inclusive and friendly! Makes it really easy as a new player. Feels more like a family then just some group.
  • Wonderful guild full of kind and welcoming members. We have a bunch of guild events that make it easy for new members to get to know others. Feel free to join us in our discord lobby to find out more.
  • Some great people in this group! 
  • By far the best guild I have ever been a part of!
  • I love the people in Vengeance. We are getting closer every day with every interaction. We have so many active and friendly people who play games together all the time. Ashes is going to be amazing with my family at Vengeance. <3 
  • Vengeance is home. Can't see myself being anywhere else
  • :thinking: yikes
  • This Guild has the GOAT! Makes it that much more special! ayyyy ;]
  • Vengeance gets better and better everyday! The people are amazing. We have been playing Ark, GW2, Stellaris, and we have Civ Tuesdays. Keeping the old tradition of events on Sundays we alternate movies and game night each week :) We have also added Thursdays as another day for Tabletop games for those who couldn't make the Sunday times. We are getting to know each other and having a great time doing it! Come join us!
  • You wont find a better group of friends and comrades to call home, stop on in and say hi! 
  • Vengeance is a great group of people. I've really enjoyed my time here, and can't wait to start playing Ashes together! Come join us in lobby, and you'll see
  • Almost (if not) a year now with vengeance and I can say this community is amazing, I have seen the growth and development of vengeance and we have always stood by our values and our core is strong, the community aspect is amazing and really friendly, it's like a family. Nobody is a number and everyone is included, we are still striving to be number 1 and we will see everyone that's at the bottom, from the top. Like the corvus we are flying high and observing the prey at the bottom, I'm proud to be a member of vengeance, and will continue to be all through Ashes Of Creation! 
  • Without getting to gushy, this is truly the most respectful, "feel like home" guilds I've ever been a part of. Everyone here is passionate about gaming and this community. I've been with Vengeance for about 5 months now, even when I had to go away for a month due to life issues, I came back with a warm welcome from the people I knew and even new people who joined while I was away. That just goes to show the type of people in this community. Were all excited for AOC and I thoroughly enjoy playing other games with Vengeance members while waiting on AOC! You have nothing to lose by hoping into discord and seeing if this is the home you're looking for. Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Hopefully I'll be able to introduce myself to you in the vengeance discord! 
  • Hey everyone! For our guild event tonight we are going to be running custom matches in PUBG again! This is open to absolutely everyone, so feel free to invite your friends!

    Matches are going to start around
     >> 5:00 PM PST
     >> 6:00 PM MST
     >> 7:00 PM CST
     >> 8:00 PM EST
  • Good Games for everyone that joined ;] Thanks for the dubs!
  • Good Games for everyone that joined ;] Thanks for the dubs!
    that was hands down one the best events I've ever been apart of last night, in any guild! What a great group of people! 
  • It was a lot of people!
  • It was pretty awesome, people from plenty of different guilds all coming together to shoot each other in the face. 

    For everyone that wasn't able to make it this time, don't worry there will be plenty more Vengeance game nights for you to stop by and hang out. Our game nights are OPEN TO ALL and we're looking forward to getting to know all of you.

  • Trinn said:
    It was pretty awesome, people from plenty of different guilds all coming together to shoot each other in the face. 

    For everyone that wasn't able to make it this time, don't worry there will be plenty more Vengeance game nights for you to stop by and hang out. Our game nights are OPEN TO ALL and we're looking forward to getting to know all of you.

    Indeed it was! Looking forward to the next one!
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    Guild is playing PUBG now if you want to join in the discord!
  • This guild is on the top for best guilds i have been in over the years. we do weekly events with everyone and just help each other out when asked . Its a great group of people who actually interact. i cant wait to play ashes with this group and create a new world beside them.
  • Their members wrote poems in exchange for virtual cookies. 10/10, would join again.
  • I have been with this guild for almost a year now and if I had to do it over, I would choose them again, every time. ^.^  The community of people here is second to none, thankful to have them all in my life <3 
  • Zella said:
    I have been with this guild for almost a year now and if I had to do it over, I would choose them again, every time. ^.^  The community of people here is second to none, thankful to have them all in my life <3 
    Y'all hear that! Zella said were second to none! whoever this none is has to go! Cause if your not first your last!
  • SystemTTB said:
    Zella said:
    I have been with this guild for almost a year now and if I had to do it over, I would choose them again, every time. ^.^  The community of people here is second to none, thankful to have them all in my life <3 
    Y'all hear that! Zella said were second to none! whoever this none is has to go! Cause if your not first your last!
    Don't worry, I took care of them. Left no trace.
  • Well done Garth! well done!!

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018
    Hey everyone! This is a long one, so steel yourself. Our PUBG customs event is TONIGHT. This is open to absolutely everyone! Matches are going to start around: 
     >> 5:00 PM PST
    >> 6:00 PM MST
    >> 7:00 PM CST
    >> 8:00 PM EST 
    In honor of our wonderful guild's birthday, tonight ~an hour after the customs start we are going to run a money match! This will be a normal mode, solo match where the winner will get prizes. You do not have to be in -V- to get these prizes, but you will receive a bonus if you are in -V-.

    Prizes will work as follows in the form of steam gift cards:

    Last man standing: $50
    Last -V- man standing: $50
    2nd place: $25
    2nd -V-: $25
    3rd place: $15
    3rd place -V-: $15

     If any of those are the same person they get both (so if you win and you are from -V- that’s $100, if you take second but are the last member standing in V, that’s $75). We could have up to 6 different winners or as little as 3. If you have questions or are confused by this, DM one of the leadership from Vengeance ahead of time.

     Rules for the money match:
    1. No teaming. No exceptions.
    2. If you are a streamer we ask that you temporarily turn off your stream so no one can watch/stream snipe for an advantage.
     3. If you are spectating then no helping people who are still alive. If you need to mute yourself to restrain then do so lol.
     4. You must be in lobby chat but you can mute/deafen yourself during the match. Saying this so everyone has the opportunity to do so. It can be impossible to tell who has it deafened or not, so it’s easier to go with everyone is able to. I agree it’s more fun to listen but, trying to make it as fair as possible.
     5. Don’t be sketchy. Don’t make it weird.

    Lastly, if you don’t PUBG (you oddball), we still love you and you are more than welcome to come hang out. We will have more events like this in the future and I promise the next one won’t be PUBG because we don’t want to exclude anyone. If you have suggestions for the next game please DM:
    -V- Queue#1717

    If you haven’t run custom matches yet then the directions are super simple 
    1. load Pubg
    2. Click “Custom Match (open beta)” in the top left hand corner 
    3. Click normal mode 
    4. In the search bar top middle of your screen type in: Vengeance
    5. Pass is: goat 
    (All lowercase)
    Also be prepared to turn your discord wayyyy down so you can still hear the game over everyone talking ^.^ Hope to see everyone there! Remember to have fun and keep the salt for...french fries...

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