Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Ray tracing

Does any one know if ashes plans on utilizing Intel's new ray tracing technology?
 I am in the middle of new brand new full build for my next pc. wife says the only limit I can put on it is how much overtime I can work. So with that being said I was thinking about throwing in a RTX 2080 TI. But sense ashes is probably going to be my main game for the next several years. I don't want to "waste" the money on picking up ray tracing if it is only going to be used for intel's one off games. Sense I could spend about half as much and pick up 2 GTX 1080 TI's and run a SLI bridge. But then again no point in having the SLI bridge if ashes doesn't run duel GPU support.
So I guess the 2 main questions I have is.
*Is ashes going to have ray tracing support?
*Is ashes going to have duel GPU support?
any information any one has would be very welcomed thank you in advance.


  • Found this on the forum were a few discuss ray tracing but no word from devs might be better off checking this link over this one . 
  • Think the other question will be DLSS support also. On googling it shouldn't be that much of an issue as Unreal 4 Engine has producted demo of RTX but what we dont know is how much effort is needed by AoC to utilise RTX and DLSS! My one I loved to know is dynamic HDR and 21:9 supported also!

  • @IntrepidStudios should definitly implement DLSS (next gen AntiAliasing) in the future. You want your graphics to stay up to date and give your clients that opportunity. It also offloads some power from your traditional gpu cause DLSS uses the tensor cores on the RTX. if an open source variant would come out that would be great too..
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