Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Hypersexual Armor

HexcatHexcat Member
edited April 2019 in General Discussion
There has been lots of discussion about the type of armor female character have to wear in a lot of games, with female population entering not only the gamer player base but also the videogame industry we became more and more aware that the idea of a character wearing only a metal bra, bikini and boots is kind of dumb, there has been a los of aproximations to this problem, from the obvious " just ,make the exact same armor for both sexes " to the FFXIV/Tera " lets make skimpy armor for both " to the WoW "lets keep the armor and just cover the skin"
In MY opinion, we should base the armor type depending on the class, because, my idea of, lets just say, a paladin in full plate armor is the same for both male and female, like the crusader in DIABLO III, but when you talk about a healer or something like the upcoming dancer in FFXIV, sure, why they shouldn't use a skimpy amor (being male or female) if the idea of the class is that they need freedom and flexibility to perfomr their attacks according to the class lore,
What do you think? What do you expect? at the end a lot of us are waiting to see the armor skins and hoping for a transmog system in the game so, I think its a good topic to discuss :#






  • StreetCornerPoetStreetCornerPoet Member, Alpha Two
    Since there are going to be outfit skins I think armor should be practical. Add in skimpy male and female outfits and leave the armor functional.
  • KrylanceKrylance Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I think this has been brought up before and majority of people don't want the armors skimpy i dont think this game is for waifus
    I know me personally i want the armor and cosmetics not to be skimpy. Look at GoT arya and brienne thats what i want to see, full body armors.
  • AzryilAzryil Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Steven has come out and said that there won't be any hyper sexulaized armor.
    In my opinion I like to see a wide variety of armor appearances to allow players to make their characters look however they want. And as far as the "More females in video games" argument goes, with wow's transmog system, many of the most sexualized transmogs I saw were by the female gamers I played with.
  • sikubasikuba Member, Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    Easy rationalization for the lack of functionality: Enchantments/gemstones that ward a part or all of the body.

    Your loincloth/bikini instantly becomes equal to a full set of armor.
    Is it reasonable? - Yes -
    Is it a good idea? - lol Nope -
  • seaberseaber Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited April 2019
    Sikuba wrote: »
    Easy rationalization for the lack of functionality: Enchantments/gemstones that ward a part or all of the body.

    Your loincloth/bikini instantly becomes equal to a full set of armor.
    Is it reasonable? - Yes -
    Is it a good idea? - lol Nope -

    I hope the image works. I’ve never tried to add an image from my phone before
    Legendary Healer
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  • GemiiChanGemiiChan Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    I personally dont care for hyper sexy armor however, I would never want my choices to affect that of another gamers when it comes to fashion and vice versa. Fashion is a choice. Fashion is FREEDOM! Fashion is a players truth! Fashion is a staple in ANY game and making yourself look how you desire is sometimes more important then the actual stats it brings or its practicality.

    MMORPGs were derived from choice, and I say let people wear what they want. As seeing as how each slot will be customizable for skins no matter what the armor underneath looks like...there are still going to be those gamers who want to wear a bikini or a full suit a heat stroke metal plate!

    #justLETtheKIDSeatCAKE <3
  • seaberseaber Member, Intrepid Pack
    Am girl.
    Would very much not like to see battle bikinis in ashes.
    Would like there to be appropriate dresses and cute clothes tho
    Legendary Healer
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    Queen of Growlgate
    Kraken Tamer
    Super Cutie
    H8 me cuz u ain't me
  • amuriaamuria Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Lumbermark wrote: »
    There has been lots of discussion about the type of armor female character have to wear in a lot of games, with female population entering not only the gamer player base but also the videogame industry we became more and more aware that the idea of a character wearing only a metal bra, bikini and boots is kind of dumb

    I don't think anyone ever thought metal bikinis are an actual valid idea and not just for appeal or jokes no matter how high or low the female population in gaming communities is.

    Since MMORPGs are there for people to play fantasy characters and do what they want I rather have different styles through the board than locking it down.

    Personally, I like flowy with witch hats or and medium armour with some pieces of metal. I’m also a fan of scarfs. No true thief without your scarf.
  • voidshadowvoidshadow Member
    edited April 2019
    This was brought up in the previous forums and we all agreed on not having it in game i'm pretty sure.
    Where there is light, there is shadow. I am the shadow without the light. The shadow of nothingness. The VoidShadow
  • AzathothAzathoth Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I think there should be options for sexy armor. I don't think all armor that is equipped to a female avatar should automatically become sexy though. I consider it art, and sometimes I like my art risque. There is no reason that every female avatar in a game needs to look hyper-sexualized, but I am not seeing a reason why there can't be an option for sexy.

    It doesn't have to be skimpy and show cleavage and 90% of the skin.
    I can be form fitting and tailored for a female.
    Either way, it should be optional.

    Again, I am not supporting hyper-sexualized, which I assume would be most similar to the pictures posted above.
    +1 Skull & Crown metal coin
  • ValentineValentine Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    It fits some themes, druids would probably be stark naked if they could!!! (not just women~ =p ) I don't think it's a problem especially for cloth and leather. Plate can be silly as a battle bikini though so definitely not there...

    I think choice is more important though, there should be something for everyone! Form-fitting leather and hawt cloth, with feminine plate at least.
  • AmistAmist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    I honestly couldn't care less about there being skimpy armor in ashes, so long as there is a large variety of choices when it comes to how much skin you'd wanna show. I am female and I tend to like being both heavily armored in games as well as dressing up in "slutmogs" from time to time. Being able to customize your character is fun and the more options the better.

    I will probably go for a bulkier, heavily armored look in ashes tho
  • JjampongJjampong Member, Alpha Two
    Although I usually don't go for that type of outfit, I think it'd be fine to have skimpy cosmetics, as long as there is enough choice of non-skimpy outfits as well. Although seeing the cosmetics in the shop every month, I think it's already save to assume that there will be plenty non-skimpy cosmetics out there.

    As for armor. It is armor.... not a bikini... Of course it shouldn't only cover the areas that would otherwise make the game 18+ :s As that is what I feel female armor is mostly used for in too many MMORPG's.
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  • MakinojiMakinoji Member, Warrior of Old, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Make it an option to toggle on and off. Problem solved and everyone has their own taste.
  • JjampongJjampong Member, Alpha Two
    @makinoji Armor doesn't get remodeled automatically. This would mean Intrepid would have to make way more armor sets than necessary.
    [EU] Hand of Unity | PVX | Semi-Hardcore/Hardcore | Family
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  • GrinningJackGrinningJack Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Didn't Steven say there wont be any bikini armor? at least for plate?
  • JjampongJjampong Member, Alpha Two
    I think he did, but I'm not sure myself either.
    [EU] Hand of Unity | PVX | Semi-Hardcore/Hardcore | Family
    We are still recruiting. Come and have a chat with us at our Discord!
  • nalowahinenalowahine Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Another thing would be clothes made by magic. You might have a rough idea how long the clothes might last, but you are never sure and when someone is going to throw a disspell magic in your direction.
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    does this count


    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    I like choices, but when I'm fighting I want to feel like I'm protected. When I'm doing more mundane activities I would like clothes to go with it. I love some of the clothing in Aion, it was what I call flirty, but having armor with high heels is going too far. Give me plain clothes, plain armor, profession outfits, fancy clothes, fancy armors, holiday costumes, and I'll have plenty of choices of what to wear. Let me mix and match pieces, too.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • RokoRoko Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    As long as they give the player choices I will be fine with it. There should be plenty of choice across all appearances for both leveling and Bis gear so everyone can look the way they want.

  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nagash wrote: »
    does this count


    Not enough skin! :D
  • OrionOrion Member, Phoenix Initiative, Hero of the People, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I just hope there's no annoying virtue signaling like Mortal Kombat 11. They want to get rid of women wearing skimpy clothing because it's apparently "unrealistic" in a 1 v 1 setting, even though women in UFC wear a 2 piece. No mention of the men's clothing being too skimpy though, even though half the male characters have no shirt. Some even have a loincloth. The gaming industry keeps signaling to people who don't even play games.
  • seaberseaber Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited April 2019
    Orion wrote: »
    I just hope there's no annoying virtue signaling like Mortal Kombat 11. They want to get rid of women wearing skimpy clothing because it's apparently "unrealistic" in a 1 v 1 setting, even though women in UFC wear a 2 piece. No mention of the men's clothing being too skimpy though, even though half the male characters have no shirt. Some even have a loincloth. The gaming industry keeps signaling to people who don't even play games.

    Ever thought, just maybe, it's part of the reason less girls get into gaming?
    Legendary Healer
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  • AzryilAzryil Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    BCGiant wrote: »
    Didn't Steven say there wont be any bikini armor? at least for plate?

    multiple times.
  • EzenkrulEzenkrul Member, Phoenix Initiative, Hero of the People, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Options are good, allowing people to customize their character how they want. Just sad about the reasoning behind it some times..if you want to see half naked pixels....that is quite sad and there are other options for that.
    Ezenkrul - Phoenix Initiative
    Game for fun, not for life <3
  • KarthosKarthos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2019
    Girls can wear armor too
    (Tried to post picture of armor worn by Joan of Arc but this forum is fucking terrible for pictures on mobile)
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • KarthosKarthos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Thinking more this.
  • MakinojiMakinoji Member, Warrior of Old, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    muridious wrote: »
    @makinoji Armor doesn't get remodeled automatically. This would mean Intrepid would have to make way more armor sets than necessary.

    That's just a lazy response, considering Steven has admitted that there were armour sets created specifically for Apoc BR, Armour for races, armour for dungeons, armour for social orgs, pile more onto the already unnecessary armour sets/styles. I don't see the problem, everything else is already in limbo as it is.
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