Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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should Mobs be able to kill you?



  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    AurumVitae wrote: »
    Damokles wrote: »
    That kind of high-level AI would make it impossible to quest for solo players though^^

    It would make it more challenging. You couldn't solo the groups, but you could pick off the strays. Or just wait for it to reset. Or wait until one of the wandering groups stopped to attack something, and then take them out one by one.

    You would have to get creative, which is where the fun comes in!

    Lets be serious. No solo player would like it to wait for adds to "reset" so they could do their quests.
    It would maybe be okay for group quests, but even then the adds should not be smart enough to alert more then the surrounding adds.
    I know what you mean with the feeling that it can be a bit dumb, when you kill an add around 35m away from the next add and the aggro range is 30m.
    AurumVitae wrote: »
    It would also be something to consider when designing the system, like maybe limit NPC groups to 3, make sure they don't work together well, etc. As in the AI wouldn't just be fighting, but role playing appropriately to the monsters level.

    But for the most part, you would probably be right, and like I said, it's probably impossible to make work anyway.

    I can get behind the idea of roleplaying adds, because that would give the whole world some more depth, but that would require them to customize so many different dialogues between the NPCs, that it would not be efficient and would rather set the release back even further. ;D

    But trust me, the moment that someone invents the fulldive system, this should be totally implemented xD

  • MushinMushin Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Devs should look at Capcom games cause I feel they are the best at designing enemies. Monster hunter and dragons dogma are some examples.
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2019
    AurumVitae wrote: »
    Damokles wrote: »
    That kind of high-level AI would make it impossible to quest for solo players though^^

    It would make it more challenging. You couldn't solo the groups, but you could pick off the strays. Or just wait for it to reset. Or wait until one of the wandering groups stopped to attack something, and then take them out one by one.

    You would have to get creative, which is where the fun comes in!

    It would also be something to consider when designing the system, like maybe limit NPC groups to 3, make sure they don't work together well, etc. As in the AI wouldn't just be fighting, but role playing appropriately to the monsters level.

    But for the most part, you would probably be right, and like I said, it's probably impossible to make work anyway.

    In my experience, forcing a player to go slowly in the way you describe is more frustrating than challenging. Again it doesn't really make the fights harder, just more time-consuming because you spend more time waiting for the mobs to split up than actually killing them. Not only that but you need to consider the tools a player has available to them. Early on in the leveling process, characters usually don't have many abilities, which limits their options when handling groups of enemies. There's no point in having a level 10 spell caster mob that needs to be interrupted if you don't give the players an interrupt skill until level 20.
  • ChungChung Member, Settler, Kickstarter
    edited May 2019
    azathoth wrote: »
    Yes! I wouldn't consider it an RPG if death wasn't an option.
    Should perma-death be implemented? That would be different, and likely end with a mass exodus from the game.

    Chronicles of Elyria will have perma-death (you die of old age) which will result in a player having to spend real money for a new character. Luckily, perma-death only occurs about once every 12 months or so.
  • seaberseaber Member, Intrepid Pack
    No. It should be impossible to be killed by any mobs, even if you are afk with no gear. /s
    arzosah wrote: »
    absolutely, if there is no risk the game gets boring.
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    H8 me cuz u ain't me
  • AmistAmist Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Of course
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Yes mobs should be able to kill you. The idea of grabbing 3-30 mobs at a time is and surviving it is ludicrous unless they are as plentiful as blades of grass and give 1exp at most.
    Having to plan your fight and fight for your life is part of the fun. I want the challenge. I want extra mobs to get pulled from time to time and have to scramble to survive. Otherwise put a big red I win button on the log in screen so I can go do other stuff.
    I think there are plenty of ways to do this. Mobs that call for help or flee at double speed looking for help. What ever it take so the wilderness feels wild and dangerous. Others called out CC (god I hope so). Hope CC is needed often.
    Some of my fondest memories in MMO's come from the scramble and barley winning.
    Fist time my guild in SWTOR did Kragga's place raid. Was at the end of our time. We pulled just to see the fight was me healing and a melee DPS at the end running around trying to win. WE DID! Purely through the scramble and will to win.
    Same applies to the open world really hope it is dangerous.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
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