Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Also, for the less/more skilled side of this argument. Some players in an Action Combat will button mash and spam attacks, just like some players in a tab-target will set up a muscle memory rotation and be done. If Ashes does what the plan well, both combat types will feel natural/smooth and be equally effective.
There was a mention earlier about making some classes weighted one way or the other, I think that would be a bad idea. As we can see, the room is still divided on what they would prefer and weighting classes would limit some players options because of that.
I can see where you are coming from, and what you say makes sense. However, after playing league for so long part of me says your theory is wrong. Maybe that's just because of the way the combat is made in league. In LoL, if a Zed player gets caught out of position (usually from not paying attention to the minimap or his opponent), he can still escape due to his kit and the action combat system. On the other hand, if a Garen player gets caught out of position they have very little tools to escape with.
Again, maybe this is only because of the way the combat is implemented and how the map is laid out.
I think different classes also suit tab targeting such as healers and summoners
+1 Action Combat
For instance, in NWO, healers have to kill stuff in order to regain healing mana. NWO is all action combat. Sometimes other characters or mobs would block and/or spoil your aimed shot.
The Ashes devs want Clerics to be more active during combat than just standing in the back focused on heals. I expect them to have the same philosophy for Summoners.
So, even with healers and summoners - it's probably going to be up to each player to decide which form of combat they prefer.
that may be the case. I will have to judge it when I get my hands on it as apoc does not fill me with confidence
Some have bad combat with more targeting, like Bless.
Some have good combat with more targeting, like FFXIV.
Some have bad combat with more action, like Wildstar.
Some have good combat with more action, like AA.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
If its like final fantasy FFXIV or GW 2 I will be so happy
This is not what Steven means when he says 'hybrid combat'. You're probably referring to his talk with @jahlon regarding what he considers 'action'. The idea is to combine Apocalypse action combat with traditional tab target which we've never seen before.
some milk.
It's clear action-oriented skills that involve positioning, direction, and aim are most realistically simulated with action combat.
But any class could have a skill or spell that only requires line of sight to a target without aim; i.e. you see your target on the field but don't need to face them or point anything at them. In these cases I'd say tab targeting is a more realistic system for simulating that skill than the action system.
Line of Sight is a very simple (yet effective) way of adding depth to a tab-target combat system. Other ways of adding depth would be multi-tasking. When I played FFXIV I immediately gravitated towards the Summoner class because I knew that having a pet that I could use to attack separately from me added depth and would be more interesting than the other classes.
Your numbers and stats are flawed
Runescape has had over 200,000,000 accounts created.
League of Legends is not the most successful game of our time, not sure what statistic you are pulling but you need to qualify and quantify your numbers.
Plus, you've dragged all sort of numbers and genres all into one pot.
Its like saying apples are better than orangutans because purple smells like 7.
Secondly, I dragged all those numbers and genres into one pot only for comparison for people who may not know as well as to show how combat is important for most gamers in the world.
Lastly, I've never said 'this is better than that' - I merely stated that young people in general like games with an engaging combat and find tab target boring which is one of the reasons why they don't play MMOs (my personal opinion)
Are you feeling OK Jahlon?...Here are statistics you asked for 😒:
Agreed. Dunno if you remember but In the caravan video there was a rock ability. I asked Lieutenant Toast and she said it was a LoS ability.
Your numbers are also flawed because concurrent vs total players is an important distinction.
While LOL may have more average monthly players, they have less total accounts than Fortnite (250 million) and a lower concurrent player base (7.5 for LOL vs 10.8 for Fortnite)
Also look at the age of your numbers, 2015/2016.
Your argument gets derailed because you've taken statistics and just thrown them out there, but they have nothing to do with tab vs action.
Combat is but one part of an MMORPG, but you are trying to show the popularity of one type of combat (action ala First Person Shooter)
So really you need to go back and cut all of the extraneous and irrelevant numbers out of your question. They weren't needed to ask people if they prefer action or tab.
But since you started it as a survey, a survey that is flawed at step 1 can only, and will only produce flawed and unusable data.
False premise is the most used argument on the forums.
This argument is one of the most common on the forums.
Therefore this argument is a false premise.
It's so much fun!
Runescape's world record has nothing to do with the fact that League of Legends is the most popular game of our time. In the last 3 years things might have changed and Fortnite *might* have taken the throne of League but this does not disprove my point that young people enjoy engaging combat in fact it proves it even more.
Concurrent players, total players etc take your pick. Doesn't change the fact MMOs today are way down in the charts when it comes to popularity.
uhm good to know fortnite has more total accounts than league...I guess.
Unfortunately, it is very hard to find up to date data on this however, it would be silly to think in 3 years everything has changed. Besides, truth speaks for need to argue on that point.
As I said thrice, numbers are there to show the popularity of games and how engaging combat is important for young people who make up the majority of gamers today. Obviously, it is a pro action combat argument..Before that I also said 'tab target is successful and does work' as most popular MMOs are tab target. The numbers are there to show the state of the genre compared to games with engaging combat...Not that hard to get really
🤦♂️ I said the exact same thing. 'There's more to MMOs than just the combat, it's a living world'. And no, I gave examples from League which isn't FPS 🤨
You may think numbers weren't needed to ask people whether they prefer action or tab and I respect your opinion on that. However, I don't see how it would make the survey 'flawed'. I simply take the opinions of all people who comment here and jot it down. Thanks for your concern tho 😅
I do agree that engaging, meaningful, challenging combat is needed for an MMORPG to do well.
*slightly off point*
Maybe younger players (as previously mentioned) care more for MMO's that are not traditional RPGs. Ashes will be a more traditional RPG in that it will focus on your character's development with a story line and not focus on PvP Battles (yes, that's a part but not the main focus).
I only mention this because I don't always agree with "more people would prefer X, so you should add X." Mostly because of how I feel about most people though.
Here's the thing.
If you present a set of facts (in this case your numbers) and then those numbers are disputed, you either need to be able to double down and prove your numbers or you need to abandon them.
You say that the Runescape world record has *nothing* to do with the fact that League of Legends is the most popular game of our time. Except, by what standard?
I did just show you that there are more Runescape accounts than there are League of Legends accounts. So your fact is now disproven.
You also showed data from 2015 and 2016 about the popularity of League of Legends, however, Fortnite did not exist until September 26, 2017, which means using that data to claim "of our time" is likewise flawed. Now if you want to limit it to 2015 and 2016 Sure, that might work.
Except, then I'd have ask ask how PUBG had 229 monthly players as of June 2018 and Pokemon Go had 147 million players to League of Legends 100 million.
If you want to roll around and collect survey data, I personally thing that's GREAT. I love when people do data gathering.
However, I've pointed out the flaws in your data early because sometime in the future you are going to make a statement along the lines of "I polled people on the forums and what I got was....(fill in your responses" and you are going to get shut-down immediately when it gets pointed out that you started from a flawed position and therefore everything you gather from a flawed position is considered flawed.
The numbers you used are both inaccurate and irrelevant.
I do highly encourage you though to double back, rewrite the survey/question without the bias, give your starting point a solid foundation and then come up with some solid responses you can use.
PBAoEs, GTAoEs, linear skillshots, soft cc, invisibility, chain skills, directional protection, knock backs, linear teleports, summonable walls and leaving a trail are many of the skills in Apoc and they are all present in other hybrid(but probably what you call tab target) mmorpgs.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
Yeah with this you have to come to the realization that its been years and years since we've had a Pure Traditional "Tab" game. Most of what we have been playing is Tab+ and like you said Tab bordering on Hybrid.
Tab+ ? Tab bordering on Hybrid?
If it's 99% targeted and 1% calculated then it's a hybrid.
Only games that are 100% targeted or 100% calculated are not hybrids.
I've changed to saying calculated instead of action because that's what decides if something is 'tab' or 'action'. Targeted skills are simple player X takes Y damage. Calculated skills require area checks, ray tracing, or communication with many clients.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me
The only danger to that is damage and accuracy are also mathematically calculated in tab combat.
What I don't care about is the targetting scheme. You can have all of the above and still include tab-targetting, and I would consider it action-oriented.
And ugh, I really want to rant about the shooter mechanics Intrepid has been testing (headshots, really?) because I don't know if it'll work out or not. But maybe it'll be fine. I'll just say I have a lot of reservations about putting precise-aiming gameplay into an RPG. I'll wait for us to get our hands on the game before I lament any more.
I agree with everything you've said. They said headshots will count as a critical hit while people with mostly tab target oriented skills will always have a fixed chance of critical hit. So basically action combat allows you to rely less on RNG and more on skill.
Or not. And in 'action' combat or not.
That's the damage being calculated, not the skill.
Invincible Tank
Unrivalled Dps
Queen of Growlgate
Kraken Tamer
Super Cutie
H8 me cuz u ain't me