Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Feedback on the new sounds

HjerimHjerim Member, Leader of Men, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited October 2019 in General Discussion
Sorry, to say but mostly I feel that the many of the new sounds are overall displeasing, but mainly that is related to the UI sounds. It feels like they are out of place and unnecessary.

The first and most important change, The Lunge. This is one of the sounds that we have heard the most and that were absolutely fine, but for some reason was changed. There is now added a little "wooeish" sound to it, that feels so incredibly out of place and almost comical.
I enjoyed doing the lunge as many times as I possibly could before, but now I really dislike it due to this sound, could be I am just weird but that is really how I feel.

The other combat sounds, however, I do enjoy a lot! It feels like there is a lot of impact behind sword strikes and firing a bow sounds a lot better now. These sounds were an overall improvement compared to the old sounds.

Moving things in the inventory... I will make this short. it doesn't fit and I wondered for a solid minute what the heck just made that sound before i realized it was from moving an item in the inventory.

The weird high fantasy sound in the big tower on the map... Where does the sound come from?! - found out. It is the new waypoint sound. There is now a sound when you are close to waypoint.

Opening and closing the map sounds good, I honestly do not remember if it was better before, but I do not dislike this.

Anyone else have had this experience with the sounds or am I just weird?


  • ilisfetilisfet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I have not noticed many of the new sounds, save for the new low mana sound. It's more fitting, as opposed to the very "You have an unread message!" ping. Not noticing the sounds is probably a good sign, since it means they aren't jarringly bad to my ears, but maybe they were aiming to have them noticed more, in which case this is a failure.
  • The new sounds are annoying
  • edited October 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • HjerimHjerim Member, Leader of Men, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @Tsukasa I am so sorry...
    And now you will forever hear it too!!!!
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