I hope that ashes will do well.

NumilorNumilor Member
edited November 2019 in General Discussion
Because right now there really isn't a truly good mmo, most hover from decent or even good sometimes to absolute trash tier garbage, but never great.

If you manage to make a great game then i will play it for sure.

Recently i tried out archeage and i was disappointed, really bad gearing system, dailies and dailies and dailies, pvp is way too bursty, and it was hyped up to be the best pvp of any mmo, don't make me laugh, if that is good pvp then i'm the pope. Eso has way better pvp, when it actually works though, although it's neglected.

Pve is also not stellar, it's actually quite bad in my opinion.

Wow still has really good pve, but right now i just can't bring myself to play it for more than a few hours weekly, because of a few big problems.

Eso has great potential, but it's dying the death of a thousand cuts, with some really glaring problems, like lag, sweeping balance changes and the seemingly refusal to fix the actual problems.

The message is, if you nail it with ashes of creation, i think it will be extremely successful, because i see a lot of people that are frustrated about how mmos currently are.


  • NumilorNumilor Member
    edited November 2019
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I've also been very disappointed with a lot of more recent mmorpgs. Far too many of them rely on skinner box techniques to keep people playing instead of engaging them with good stories or deep gameplay.
  • VentharienVentharien Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    That's the hope man. I feel you about Archeage and WoW. Though, playing Archeage as a tank when a darkrunner tries to ace you, and you turn around and take them out is very satisfying.
  • NumilorNumilor Member
    edited November 2019
    Ventharien wrote: »
    That's the hope man. I feel you about Archeage and WoW. Though, playing Archeage as a tank when a darkrunner tries to ace you, and you turn around and take them out is very satisfying.

    I don't get how anyone would enjoy archeage pvp, it's the closest thing that iv'e seen to one shots.

    It's fine to have high burst, but if it comes down pretty much to who gets the first hit, then i do not like it.

    In eso if you get hit you have a chance to recover, you have heals, block, and all that stuff, you can kill pretty fast if the oher guy is not very good, but you also have a lot of ways to recover.

    In archeage, it's all about kill or get killed in 2 or 3 seconds, and i do not like that at all, i think it;s one of the worst pvp i have ever seen. So much for an mmo that was seemingly so praised for it's unmatched pvp....

    It's basically a game of trading coffins, you kill someone, you die after, the other guys who killed you dies also in a few seconds.
  • VmanGmanVmanGman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Oh man... I so hope that Intrepid pulls off Ashes of Creation. Not only has it been a very long and dry season in the MMO industry, but also Ashes seems to really have every aspect of gameplay and world building that I’ve ever dreamt of.

    Besides never actually getting to launch, my biggest concern with the game is that the combat and movement won’t feel good. I think the feel of those two aspects of a game can easily make or break a game.

    WoW’s responsiveness and fluidity is in my opinion one of its greatest assets. It just feels good to move and use abilities in that game. I hope that Ashes captures a similar level of responsiveness and feel.
  • How the characters move and feel in the environment is pretty much everything. At this point i am a little worried... Plenty of time to correct, what I feel like is, awkwardness of player movement in the world.. But it is a very personal and objective thing.

    I'm also not a fan of "hoppy-hoppy-catfall-boots-for-the-win"/"heroic jump" styled pvp gameplay either. It's just not really needed; at least at this point anyway; hopefully that is only an Apoc thing.

    But the long and short, I agree combat and movement is my biggest concern at this point.
  • Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I think that movement is fine. But, as stated above, that is a personal thing. I am not expecting real world smoothness in a game character movement.
    I hope that combat gets slowed down as sometimes it is too quick. One person gets a couple of good whacks in and it is a pretty foregone conclusion.
  • VentharienVentharien Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited November 2019
    Numilor wrote: »
    it's the closest thing that iv'e seen to one shots.

    That's why i stack armor health and resilience. They dump their load, i'm not dead and then i squish the little glass cannons.
  • VentharienVentharien Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    vmangman wrote: »
    my biggest concern with the game is that the combat and movement won’t feel good.

    Definitely the most important thing in an mmo. If it isn't fun and smooth no other bells and whistles will cover it up.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Shoklen wrote: »
    How the characters move and feel in the environment is pretty much everything. At this point i am a little worried... Plenty of time to correct, what I feel like is, awkwardness of player movement in the world.. But it is a very personal and objective thing.

    I'm also not a fan of "hoppy-hoppy-catfall-boots-for-the-win"/"heroic jump" styled pvp gameplay either. It's just not really needed; at least at this point anyway; hopefully that is only an Apoc thing.

    But the long and short, I agree combat and movement is my biggest concern at this point.
    I wouldn’t count on anything you dislike in APOC not being in AoC. After all we’ve been told countless times that APOC is chock full of MMO resources which is why it’s a perfect testbed for the game and not at all a waste of time desperate MT cash grab that’s delaying the release of the game everyone paid for and was promised.

    Expect the hoppy hoppy magic boots in the MMO. Because the MMO combat is getting tested, right?
  • Atama wrote: »
    I wouldn’t count on anything you dislike in APOC not being in AoC. After all we’ve been told countless times that APOC is chock full of MMO resources which is why it’s a perfect testbed for the game and not at all a waste of time desperate MT cash grab that’s delaying the release of the game everyone paid for and was promised.

    Expect the hoppy hoppy magic boots in the MMO. Because the MMO combat is getting tested, right?

    Very true, very true...
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Atama wrote: »
    Shoklen wrote: »
    How the characters move and feel in the environment is pretty much everything. At this point i am a little worried... Plenty of time to correct, what I feel like is, awkwardness of player movement in the world.. But it is a very personal and objective thing.

    I'm also not a fan of "hoppy-hoppy-catfall-boots-for-the-win"/"heroic jump" styled pvp gameplay either. It's just not really needed; at least at this point anyway; hopefully that is only an Apoc thing.

    But the long and short, I agree combat and movement is my biggest concern at this point.
    I wouldn’t count on anything you dislike in APOC not being in AoC. After all we’ve been told countless times that APOC is chock full of MMO resources which is why it’s a perfect testbed for the game and not at all a waste of time desperate MT cash grab that’s delaying the release of the game everyone paid for and was promised.

    Expect the hoppy hoppy magic boots in the MMO. Because the MMO combat is getting tested, right?

    While that is true it's also very hard to judge the quality of the mmorpg gameplay until all the pieces are put together.
  • VmanGmanVmanGman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Atama wrote: »
    Shoklen wrote: »
    How the characters move and feel in the environment is pretty much everything. At this point i am a little worried... Plenty of time to correct, what I feel like is, awkwardness of player movement in the world.. But it is a very personal and objective thing.

    I'm also not a fan of "hoppy-hoppy-catfall-boots-for-the-win"/"heroic jump" styled pvp gameplay either. It's just not really needed; at least at this point anyway; hopefully that is only an Apoc thing.

    But the long and short, I agree combat and movement is my biggest concern at this point.
    I wouldn’t count on anything you dislike in APOC not being in AoC. After all we’ve been told countless times that APOC is chock full of MMO resources which is why it’s a perfect testbed for the game and not at all a waste of time desperate MT cash grab that’s delaying the release of the game everyone paid for and was promised.

    Expect the hoppy hoppy magic boots in the MMO. Because the MMO combat is getting tested, right?

    Haha I hope you’re wrong, but it’s the facts we have and I have feeling you’re right unfortunately.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Atama wrote: »
    Shoklen wrote: »
    How the characters move and feel in the environment is pretty much everything. At this point i am a little worried... Plenty of time to correct, what I feel like is, awkwardness of player movement in the world.. But it is a very personal and objective thing.

    I'm also not a fan of "hoppy-hoppy-catfall-boots-for-the-win"/"heroic jump" styled pvp gameplay either. It's just not really needed; at least at this point anyway; hopefully that is only an Apoc thing.

    But the long and short, I agree combat and movement is my biggest concern at this point.
    I wouldn’t count on anything you dislike in APOC not being in AoC. After all we’ve been told countless times that APOC is chock full of MMO resources which is why it’s a perfect testbed for the game and not at all a waste of time desperate MT cash grab that’s delaying the release of the game everyone paid for and was promised.

    Expect the hoppy hoppy magic boots in the MMO. Because the MMO combat is getting tested, right?

    While that is true it's also very hard to judge the quality of the mmorpg gameplay until all the pieces are put together.

    So then you can call the game, Ashes of Creation or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Boots.
  • NumilorNumilor Member
    edited November 2019
    I think at the moment action combat in ashes is too barebones, we need abilities that are not only relegated to weapons.

    Like skillines with both action and tab targeting abilities.

    There isn't anything really exiting.
  • VentharienVentharien Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Numilor wrote: »
    I think at the moment action combat in ashes is too barebones, we need abilities that are not only relegated to weapons.

    Like skillines with both action and tab targeting abilities.

    You will have most of your skills from your classes. Though the abilities currently in the BR will be included under various classes. I can't remember if they said there would be additional abilities tied to weapons, or certain weapons.
  • HeartbeatHeartbeat Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    edited November 2019
    Honestly the combat will make or break the game for me, it sucks because the BR testing doesn't include the combat system they want in the MMO so i'm just waiting to see what is in store for us. Hopefully when alpha testing starts we see an awesome combat system that could potentially rival BDO as i fucking hate tab target and i absolutely hate the way skills/bows are treated in the BR at the moment.
    Numilor wrote: »
    I think at the moment action combat in ashes is too barebones, we need abilities that are not only relegated to weapons.

    There isn't anything really exiting.

    Having universal abilities that aren't tied to your weapons seems weird to me, the classes and weapons and abilities are what sets people apart and makes you feel unique in your build, and yeah right now we're not seeing anything exciting out of this BR, it got really stale really fast, hopefully the alpha testing starts fast and soon as the game on launch is gonna be a MMO anyway and this BR doesn't show us anything beyond graphics and models really.
  • NumilorNumilor Member
    edited November 2019
    Heartbeat wrote: »
    Honestly the combat will make or break the game for me, it sucks because the BR testing doesn't include the combat system they want in the MMO so i'm just waiting to see what is in store for us. Hopefully when alpha testing starts we see an awesome combat system that could potentially rival BDO as i fucking hate tab target and i absolutely hate the way skills/bows are treated in the BR at the moment.
    Numilor wrote: »
    I think at the moment action combat in ashes is too barebones, we need abilities that are not only relegated to weapons.

    There isn't anything really exiting.

    Having universal abilities that aren't tied to your weapons seems weird to me, the classes and weapons and abilities are what sets people apart and makes you feel unique in your build, and yeah right now we're not seeing anything exciting out of this BR, it got really stale really fast, hopefully the alpha testing starts fast and soon as the game on launch is gonna be a MMO anyway and this BR doesn't show us anything beyond graphics and models really.

    I think eso approach has it best, you have class abilities and weapon skillines etc...

    Right now it doesn't feel like an rpg game, this system is fine in games like fortnite or cod where how you play is completely decided by what weapon you have, but not here.

    An mmo should have abilities that are granted by things outside of weapons.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    Shoklen wrote: »
    How the characters move and feel in the environment is pretty much everything. At this point i am a little worried... Plenty of time to correct, what I feel like is, awkwardness of player movement in the world.. But it is a very personal and objective thing.

    I'm also not a fan of "hoppy-hoppy-catfall-boots-for-the-win"/"heroic jump" styled pvp gameplay either. It's just not really needed; at least at this point anyway; hopefully that is only an Apoc thing.

    But the long and short, I agree combat and movement is my biggest concern at this point.

    My concern as well.
    Their stance, movement and weapon handling is visually akward.
    And the combat resembles hack and slash so much that I cannot imagine the mmo combat. Will have to wait and see.

    I backed the game because of a single reason.
    It is made by a previous Line][Age player and I know that it will be the best mmorpg.
    However if I dont like my character I wont be able to play
  • leameseleamese Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Archeage was a great game, one of the best i've played. now that AA:unchained is out and p2w basicly gone. it must be great tho.. not playing it atm
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    leamese wrote: »
    Archeage was a great game, one of the best i've played. now that AA:unchained is out and p2w basicly gone. it must be great tho.. not playing it atm

    Yeah, it was a great game.

    You really would think AA:U would be fantastic... shame it's still the same people.
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