Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

[NA] Silverwood | PVX | World/Server First, PVP, Economic | Semi/Hardcore | Active



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    reflectreflect Member
    edited July 2020
    All Glory to Shol!
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    dominikIWNLdominikIWNL Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Looking forward to seeing everyone's feedback and applications! :)
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    ElocxleElocxle Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    lets goooo :)
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    ElocxleElocxle Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Some of us plan to play in alpha 2, hope to see you there :smiley:
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    Alpha 2 gang
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    ayyyyyy, 2022 can't wait
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    -Frost-Frost Member
    edited July 2020
    Very surprised on how organized these guys were as one of the very few Ashes exclusive guilds. This is the place you want to be for world/server first attempts, a place to call home and a place that really appreciate the experience you may or may not have. Glad to say I am now a member of Silverwood!
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    Hope to be able to get Alpha 2 to fully join y'all.
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    Hype! Looking forward to meeting all these new faces and getting our grind on!
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    ClashedClashed Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    So glad I stumbled across this guild. Very much looking forward to chiseling out our piece of Verra with all of you!
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    KrazyKrazy Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Just joined this awesome group!!! Can't wait to play with everyone in Alpha 2!
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    dominikIWNLdominikIWNL Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Did a guild meeting with all of our members during the Q&A!
    Feedback was amazing! I can't wait to speak to you all on the 31st stream!
    Also looking forward to speak to new members who join us before then!
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    Hey really hype to play with these guys and the interview was a chill experience
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    AlanFr0stAlanFr0st Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Remarkable guild with incredibly amounts of MMO experience and organisation an instant join for any aspiring fans of Ashes of Creation.
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    Really chill interview and good dudes. Great choice for hardcore and more casual players like myself. Also, the discord is set up pretty well. Hope to get Alpha 2 and play with everyone!
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    dominikIWNLdominikIWNL Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Conducted a small meetup with a few guild members today, focusing on re-watching alpha footage and further plan activity structure! Continually enjoying the communication we've built in such a small amount of time, and looking forward to the progression of our guild!
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    Great guild, great people, great experience.
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    -Frost-Frost Member
    I am very glad to see more and more people interested in our guild, we are growing at a steady rate and have been really excited about each one of our new members as they all seem to be outstanding people that really want to contribute to something great. Very excited to see us get more like minded people!
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    OldMagic7OldMagic7 Member
    edited July 2020
    I joined this guild today. Signed up for an interview after filling out information on myself. The guild leaders are very cool and sound very fare with everyone. After the interview in discord, I was promoted to member. Seamless process to join and we have some hefty plans for AoC. We have hung together this afternoon and played games together had a really good time.
    Join us if you want a cool guild that plans to build a dominating force In AoC.
    Look forward to doing guild things in Alpha 2.
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    Love meeting all these new faces and cant wait to meet even more, keep it up Silverwood!
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    NovisNovis Member
    edited July 2020
    Not much to say but most members are here for the long run. Having fun and creating a community while we all get hyped up for this new upcoming game. Come chat and socialize with us!
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    ClashedClashed Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Hosted a few game nights in a row with more to come! Very solid group of people who are active on Discord.
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    ZaraZara Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Hey Silverwoord, welcome to the game :smile:
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    dominikIWNLdominikIWNL Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Zara wrote: »
    Hey Silverwoord, welcome to the game :smile:

    Appreciate the warm welcome! We're all really happy to be here, and are glad to be a part of the community :smile:
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    GizooderGizooder Member, Alpha One
    Super excited to be apart of this growing community. Everyone is super chill and eager to build and play together! Having a lot of fun playing with and getting to know everyone on a nightly basis. It's refreshing to have an active community again who strives to bring back "the old" way of gaming and community involvement! Looking forward to meet many new faces as the years, months and days go by.
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    ElocxleElocxle Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Its amazing being able to see all these new faces in the guild and playing games with them! Also looking forward to the dev update, 2nd guild meeting time :smile:
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    dominikIWNLdominikIWNL Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2020
    On the days of developer content reveals and updates by Intrepid Studios, we host guild meetings to discuss new information and keep our community engaged and ready for release.
    Yesterday, we held our 2nd Official Guild Meeting with an impressive 80% turnout!

    I'm grateful to all of those in my leaders team as well as the overall Silverwood roster; There is real commitment to this guild, and I couldn't have asked for anything more.

    We hope to see even more new faces in our next guild meeting! See you there!
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    Excited I stumbled across this guild. Just joined and already feel super welcomed by everyone. Can't wait until the release to experience this game with such a great community right out of the gate!
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    dominikIWNLdominikIWNL Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Really amazing to see new faces, for those who are wishing to join:

    Please don't feel discouraged by the interview process, this is just our way to see who you are as a person and see your experience/lack-thereof and your ability to improve.

    Looking forward to all the new applicants! Cheers!
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    ElocxleElocxle Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Reminder, we plan on having most of our guild play in alpha 2, and a couple in alpha 1 if they open it back up on the shop. Its not required to participate in any of these but if it interests you, check us out! :smile:
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