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Will there be any downsides to being royalty?

Will there be any "risks" to match all the "rewards" of being royalty, (mayor's, kings, etc)?

Maybe assassination contracts or certain vulnerabilitys out in the open world?

I agree it should have perks for all the work being put into it, but it should have counterbalance imo. What do you all think?


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    I mean, surely the work you put in is the counterbalance? You don’t even get that much for being royalty, the main drawpoint are the flying mounts.
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    The downside is the work you have to do to get it, and the responsibility of keeping it. You are in charge of things, you're going to have to work to keep it
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    3am3am Member
    But isn't most of the work for the actual city being done by the mass of players? ie procuring resources, questing, and dungeoning to upgrade nodes? Allocating those resources and working personally to become a mayor, in the different ways each society does, is a certain amount of work.( That could be circumvented and lessened by guilds and alliances) but the game is based on risk vs reward. You work extraordinarily hard to get legendary items that will degrade or could break through enchantment. You run a huge caravan that could turn into sunk costs if you get ganked. But if a guild lifts their gl up to a royalty position it comes with very little actual risk while providing considerable tactical advantages . I would say work is not at all a replacement for risk.

    Now I don't think that we should in any way reduce the prestige of the title. But in general royalty are usually huge targets as they are prestigious and powerful but taking one out should weaken that society or node to a certain extent imo.
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    darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    A full list of how the system works here. Seems to me like the main benefits are the flying mount, special abilities, the ability to declare war on a enemy node, and the fact that you decide what buildings to build.
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    Ya you have the potential to lose a lot of resources if they siege a node you are the leader of.

    U.S. East
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    LfmrLfmr Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Not to mention Kings / Mayors and other big names on the server are going to be prime targets for gankers and rivals. Have fun with that XP debt King, sure hope you get a lot of good drops. :)
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    Lfmr wrote: »
    Not to mention Kings / Mayors and other big names on the server are going to be prime targets for gankers and rivals. Have fun with that XP debt King, sure hope you get a lot of good drops. :)

    A lot of the downside is going to be community based. They'll have to be an effective leader, able to rally guilds and followers into protecting assets. And if they don't, then their reputation will suffer.

    Very similar to the Hero System in Archeage, except not.

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    3am3am Member
    Yuyukoyay wrote: »
    Ya you have the potential to lose a lot of resources if they siege a node you are the leader of.

    Yeah but aren't those the nodes resources? Not really the royalties. I'd like to see more stake in the position.
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    3am3am Member
    Lfmr wrote: »
    Not to mention Kings / Mayors and other big names on the server are going to be prime targets for gankers and rivals. Have fun with that XP debt King, sure hope you get a lot of good drops. :)

    As well they should be! I was thinking assassin contracts. One society could hire players to assassinate other society royals.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    How would an assassination in a game like this work?

    Get contract, find target, kill target, target respawns?

    One of the key aspects to the system is that once put in the position of leadership of a node, the only way to remove a player from that position is for the node to be destroyed. This limits the prospective implications an assassination can have.
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    3am3am Member
    edited August 2020
    noaani wrote: »
    How would an assassination in a game like this work?

    Get contract, find target, kill target, target respawns?

    One of the key aspects to the system is that once put in the position of leadership of a node, the only way to remove a player from that position is for the node to be destroyed. This limits the prospective implications an assassination can have.

    You could have assassination contracts leading up to sieges (since they are scheduled) and they could reward either side with advantages or disadvantages. (maybe dictating what special abilities and buffs the royalty of either side receive). It may be too ambitious, but it sounds sweet to have some things to do leading up to a siege. Certainly not removing the player from their position.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    3am wrote: »
    noaani wrote: »
    How would an assassination in a game like this work?

    Get contract, find target, kill target, target respawns?

    One of the key aspects to the system is that once put in the position of leadership of a node, the only way to remove a player from that position is for the node to be destroyed. This limits the prospective implications an assassination can have.

    You could have assassination contracts leading up to sieges (since they are scheduled) and they could reward either side with advantages or disadvantages. (maybe dictating what special abilities and buffs the royalty of either side receive). It may be too ambitious, but it sounds sweet to have some things to do leading up to a siege. Certainly not removing the player from their position.

    Castle sieges have smaller sieges leading up to them, so I'm not sure if this would be needed during these sieges specifically.

    If it were something that could be done pre-siege of nodes, the mayor of the node would have to have a reason to be out doing something though. Wouldn't be overly good content if it was in the node/mayors best interests to stay logged off from the game for those few days.
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    3am3am Member
    Yeah implementation would certainly be interesting! Maybe a sub objective of the smaller sieges would be to take out the royalty? By killing then maybe you disable their unique skills for a period. And if the royalty were too stay logged off they would be unable to use their unique skills and buffs making it harder to win sieges.
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    So if I'm a mayor and a siege is declared I just go offline till the siege starts gamed the system already
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    3am3am Member
    edited August 2020
    So if I'm a mayor and a siege is declared I just go offline till the siege starts gamed the system already

    If you do that your side of the sieges is at an immediate disadvantage as you won't be able to use your unique royalty abilities to buff and defend the area. In which case even if you win, public opinion could very well be enough to take you out of office, or you may simply lose out right.
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    MalcMalc Member
    I feel ''royalty/mayor'' players will need to be just in general, good leaders. With the size and scale of the way the nodes are looking to be, there will be a lot of micro management. I see a role like this being one that will take up a fair chunk of the chosen player's time, at the end of the day, that in itself is the major drawback. It would be no fun for the individual if they were forced to hide within their own node all day in fear of constantly being a target for ganks.
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    3am wrote: »
    So if I'm a mayor and a siege is declared I just go offline till the siege starts gamed the system already

    If you do that your side of the sieges is at an immediate disadvantage as you won't be able to use your unique royalty abilities to buff and defend the area. In which case even if you win, public opinion could very well be enough to take you out of office, or you may simply lose out right.

    Yeah but the siege doesn't start until 5 days and I understood the topic / suggestion in a way that means:

    1. Siege is declared
    2. Rogues / assassin's get a quest chain to assassinate high value targets
    3. If successful, the attackers get buffs and the defenders debuffs

    Therefore I either hide in my freehold or I just go offline in order to prevent that until the siege actually starts. By then the assassination will become way harder due to people being more observend
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    darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Lfmr wrote: »
    Not to mention Kings / Mayors and other big names on the server are going to be prime targets for gankers and rivals. Have fun with that XP debt King, sure hope you get a lot of good drops. :)

    If your in a guild strong enough to make you a mayor I'd assume you have enough guildmates nearby to deter most would be attackers. If they do attack backup is close by
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    AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    They say “heavy is the head that wears the crown” so I foresee potential encumbrance issues.
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    NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    A huge target for one

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
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    3am3am Member
    3am wrote: »
    So if I'm a mayor and a siege is declared I just go offline till the siege starts gamed the system already

    If you do that your side of the sieges is at an immediate disadvantage as you won't be able to use your unique royalty abilities to buff and defend the area. In which case even if you win, public opinion could very well be enough to take you out of office, or you may simply lose out right.

    Yeah but the siege doesn't start until 5 days and I understood the topic / suggestion in a way that means:

    1. Siege is declared
    2. Rogues / assassin's get a quest chain to assassinate high value targets
    3. If successful, the attackers get buffs and the defenders debuffs

    Therefore I either hide in my freehold or I just go offline in order to prevent that until the siege actually starts. By then the assassination will become way harder due to people being more observend

    But there are also minor sieges leading up to the major siege In which not having royalty would lead to a disadvantage. And who said you couldnt assassinate a target in their city?
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    BeekeeperBeekeeper Member
    edited August 2020
    Killing the enemy king is, in itself, already a great boon for your side. Pre-siege assassination for a buff during the siege would feel pretty meh to me if I was involved, because I had potentially no input into that at all. 3 days ago some numpty got ganked in the woods while questing, and now I can't properly defend my city? That can't feel right.
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