Any ideia when the EU store will get fixed?

As the title sugests does anyone have a clue when will the EU store get fixed? Been trying to get my hands on one of the packs and there seems to be no fix in site...


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Go direct to IS my friend, when EU Servers go live you will receive what you've bought direct.
  • LanianLanian Member
    edited August 2020
    If only the tax was reasonable.I would say to wait a bit maybe they will fix eu store this month so you dont have to pay 40$ to 100$ in tax.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2020
    Yeah the VAT part sucks. I wonder if we can get a refund for the VAT after the account is moved to EU...
  • halbarzhalbarz Member
    edited August 2020
    Nerror wrote: »
    Yeah the VAT part sucks. I wonder if we can get a refund for the VAT after the account is moved to EU...

    I would like to know this as well. I don't mind giving my hard-earned money but not to taxes :open_mouth:

    Weren't we going to get an update on the EU store?
  • XyphienXyphien Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I'm pretty sure that's up to the or w/e to determine that and not Intrepid.
  • There is potential for a new EU publisher as site hasn't been working for a few days now. Steven said he will update us on the topic.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I just called the Danish tax authorities, and as a private person, there's nothing we can do about the VAT apparently, even if the account is moved to the EU publisher. I am guessing the rules are similar for other EU countries, but feel free to check of course. So it's +25% for all packages for me :|
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I've paid VAT on some of my purchases since xsolla took over. Fortunately I am UK. If the EU want to tax me for using an EU Server then I would expect a UK Server.

    I would refuse to pay 2 lots of VAT.
  • HansrutgerHansrutger Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I would imagine that these things don't take 15 minutes to solve, he said he'll update us so I'm sure he will when things are settled.
  • People warned about but Steven didn't listen and now paying the price for it. There are lot of new EU players interested in AoC and want to pre-order but they can't since site does not work. A publisher who is unable to sell the game. Can it get worse than this?

    I hope Steven finds new publisher for EU soon...
  • People warned about but Steven didn't listen and now paying the price for it. There are lot of new EU players interested in AoC and want to pre-order but they can't since site does not work. A publisher who is unable to sell the game. Can it get worse than this?

    I hope Steven finds new publisher for EU soon...

    Paradox Gaming said that it wasnt theat steven didnt want another publisher for EU but all the others wanted Creative rights to the game.

    I wonder if they thought of Steam as a publisher?
    I know Amazon uses Steam to publish new world but i also know that Steam takes a 35% cut of each purchase. So i can see why Devs are reculant to to use steam.
    On the other hand you have 1 publisher that can marked world wide and has a massive player base.
  • Xenotor wrote: »
    People warned about but Steven didn't listen and now paying the price for it. There are lot of new EU players interested in AoC and want to pre-order but they can't since site does not work. A publisher who is unable to sell the game. Can it get worse than this?

    I hope Steven finds new publisher for EU soon...

    Paradox Gaming said that it wasnt theat steven didnt want another publisher for EU but all the others wanted Creative rights to the game.

    I wonder if they thought of Steam as a publisher?
    I know Amazon uses Steam to publish new world but i also know that Steam takes a 35% cut of each purchase. So i can see why Devs are reculant to to use steam.
    On the other hand you have 1 publisher that can marked world wide and has a massive player base.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't steam just a platform to sell your game on but the hosting is still done by the publisher aka a or intrepid themselves?
  • I think their heart was in the right place when selecting a publisher (creative control), hopefully they find a new publisher soon.
  • halbarzhalbarz Member
    edited August 2020
    Rexseven wrote: »
    I think their heart was in the right place when selecting a publisher (creative control), hopefully they find a new publisher soon.

    I would prefer kakao games more then and that is something I never thought I would say.
    They did a good job so far with bdo
  • XiraelAcaronXiraelAcaron Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Neurath wrote: »
    I've paid VAT on some of my purchases since xsolla took over. Fortunately I am UK. If the EU want to tax me for using an EU Server then I would expect a UK Server.

    I would refuse to pay 2 lots of VAT.

    You have to pay the EU VAT if you live in the EU. But the EU does not actually get the money, the member states get it. The EU only forces the member states to all raise such a tax in the same given rate bracket so they do not unfairly compete against one another by tax dumping.
    Whether you have to pay it or not depends on where you (the consumer) lives, not where the service/good is bought from. So changing the publisher would not change anything. The only thing you can do is move outside the EU. And then even your new country could also raise such a tax. Many countries do. However many also not not apply them to s-services as the EU member states do.
  • Time to get out of this thread :p , reading about the EU and taxes ... two things that irritate me :D

    But on a serious note, I am curious about what the news will be. If it is that is not an issue for me as long as we get the exact same service as the US.
  • XiraelAcaronXiraelAcaron Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Hehe, yes I got a little overboard.
  • Warth wrote: »

    Thx / bedankt ;) for posting this :smiley:
  • Thx for all the replys guys, take care! May luck be on EU players side hehe!
  • I don't really understand why IS is not publishing it themselves in EU.
    Every mmo publisher I know of in EU are a bunch of greedy b*stards, they'll probably ruin the project, one way or another by cutting costs if they don't get the rights to fill the game up with microtransactions.
    Oh and please, not gameforge, otherwise i'm not even gonna play the game, saw them ruin aion, I ain't gonna give them money to ruin another game.
  • Khana wrote: »
    I don't really understand why IS is not publishing it themselves in EU.
    Every mmo publisher I know of in EU are a bunch of greedy b*stards, they'll probably ruin the project, one way or another by cutting costs if they don't get the rights to fill the game up with microtransactions.
    Oh and please, not gameforge, otherwise i'm not even gonna play the game, saw them ruin aion, I ain't gonna give them money to ruin another game.

    They have said in the past that self publishing in EU would delay the game by 6 months for EU and add significant costs.

    As I'm sure you can understand, having 6 months gap for an mmorpg is not a good idea at all. Delaying it for everyone would just piss off people outside of EU.

    It's rough to get any decent publisher, but there certainly are better options than if they managed to apply their strict contract requirements to others.

    Maybe, just maybe another publisher got more interested after the game has gotten a lot of hype. Or they have somehow found a way to self publish without delays.
  • KhanaKhana Member
    edited August 2020
    Atiqa wrote: »
    Khana wrote: »
    I don't really understand why IS is not publishing it themselves in EU.
    Every mmo publisher I know of in EU are a bunch of greedy b*stards, they'll probably ruin the project, one way or another by cutting costs if they don't get the rights to fill the game up with microtransactions.
    Oh and please, not gameforge, otherwise i'm not even gonna play the game, saw them ruin aion, I ain't gonna give them money to ruin another game.

    They have said in the past that self publishing in EU would delay the game by 6 months for EU and add significant costs.

    As I'm sure you can understand, having 6 months gap for an mmorpg is not a good idea at all. Delaying it for everyone would just piss off people outside of EU.

    It's rough to get any decent publisher, but there certainly are better options than if they managed to apply their strict contract requirements to others.

    Maybe, just maybe another publisher got more interested after the game has gotten a lot of hype. Or they have somehow found a way to self publish without delays.

    6 extra month of delay? For the translation?
    If that's the case, the EU publisher will also need a delay to translate it, in that case it won't release in the same time either.

    Or, they can release the game in english only in EU, then bring the translations progressively. I'm sure that's a little sacrifice that people would be ready to make (play the game in english rather than in their native language for a few months) to avoid getting one of those scummy publishers that invaded the mmo market and made them what they currently are.
  • correct me if I am wrong but we pay for example 250 USD then an additional 19% VAT (Romania) on top?
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Its confusing because it depends on exchange rate. I pay £24 for a $25 dollar item with 20% VAT.

    It depends on VAT Rate, Exchange Rate and what you purchase.
  • halbarzhalbarz Member
    edited August 2020
    um ok, that would mean 48 USD extra for the 250 USD pack :open_mouth:

    Thank you @Neurath for the info!
  • Khana wrote: »
    Atiqa wrote: »
    Khana wrote: »
    I don't really understand why IS is not publishing it themselves in EU.
    Every mmo publisher I know of in EU are a bunch of greedy b*stards, they'll probably ruin the project, one way or another by cutting costs if they don't get the rights to fill the game up with microtransactions.
    Oh and please, not gameforge, otherwise i'm not even gonna play the game, saw them ruin aion, I ain't gonna give them money to ruin another game.

    They have said in the past that self publishing in EU would delay the game by 6 months for EU and add significant costs.

    As I'm sure you can understand, having 6 months gap for an mmorpg is not a good idea at all. Delaying it for everyone would just piss off people outside of EU.

    It's rough to get any decent publisher, but there certainly are better options than if they managed to apply their strict contract requirements to others.

    Maybe, just maybe another publisher got more interested after the game has gotten a lot of hype. Or they have somehow found a way to self publish without delays.

    6 extra month of delay? For the translation?
    If that's the case, the EU publisher will also need a delay to translate it, in that case it won't release in the same time either.

    Or, they can release the game in english only in EU, then bring the translations progressively. I'm sure that's a little sacrifice that people would be ready to make (play the game in english rather than in their native language for a few months) to avoid getting one of those scummy publishers that invaded the mmo market and made them what they currently are.

    not for the translation but for setting everything up within the law.
    There is a saying it takes 1 hour and 1000$ to set up a company in the Us but 50.000€ and 1 year to do the same in germany.
    Not sure how the other EU countrys fare in that regard but its a nightmare to open a company in germany.
    There is also the problem with EU laws and NAtional Laws. Both have to be held on tight.
    So if you publish you not only have to know all the relevant laws from the EU but also the relevant onces from each country in the EU.
    France may allow something that is forbidden in Germany etc.

    Its complicated to say the least.
    I do however wonder if they couldnt strike a deal with Star citizen. They do Publish in the EU themself (correct me if i am wrong)
    So maybe they would be open to publish AoC as well. Different genres and all that.
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