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Summoner theory crafting..

Sum12hateSum12hate Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited January 2021 in General Discussion
Some of the summoner secondaries seem pretty cut and dry but I'm interested in what everyone believes will be different between them? Personally the summon/tank being called brood warden makes me think of spiders or dragons..

Edit: I just can't wait for more info on summoners so I've been rereading the entire wiki and checking out the faq's and poking around the discord and I'm curious how you guys plan on building your summoners so far. With the lack of class restrictions on weapons and armor plus the possibility to enchant them I've been mulling over a few concepts..

1) A Beast Master with a bow/crossbow. Summon team comp would be all about Cc and damage if I get trap skills from the ranger subclass even better.. if instead I get "turrets" for summons I may be going with the other choices.

2) An undying brood warden in full plate mail with a shield and mace enchanted with life steal summon team comp would be heal/cc/buffs if possible since we only know that the most we can summon is three for now.

3) A wild blade in all leather armor with high agi if there is a dodge mechanic, weapon either a two handed sword or two axes if dual wielding is possible. summon comp would be Cc/dmg/dmg if possible but in the off chance that wild blade summons are floating weapons then I would probably try for one of each damage type including my wielded weapon.

4) Shadowmancer this one depends on how the augments work honestly if its along the lines of gain rogue skills then I'll just be a rogue with pets.. instead if I gain summons that can stealth or use assassinate.. bwahahaha I'm hiding behind my teams tank

(Note) The others are just honorable mentions

5) Spellmancer.... I guess I would be summoning spells? So I'm a wizard...

6) Enchanter.. if I don't get to use seduce on a dragon then I'm gonna cry *enchanting gaze intensifies*

7) Conjurer lowered cooldowns or bigger summons is all I'm feeling from the name maybe a pokemon play style where I sit back and let the summons do all the work?

8) Necromancer.. I'm not gonna step on Nagash's toes


  • RaethiasRaethias Member, Alpha Two
    I'm actually wondering this myself, this archetype seems very intriguing, the whole class system and augments are intriguing actually, I guess we'll have to wait for more information about how it all works.
  • Sum12hateSum12hate Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Agreed I just hope they don't keep them as carbon copies and use augments to slightly change damage or something.. I mean beast master should get access to a higher quantity of summons but necromancer should have a higher quality healer summons if they go light route or add poison if it's a dark route, but again no telling till the game release right? (Would appreciate being able to see the summoner skill list on the wiki.. most other classes are displayed already)
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I would personally LOVE to see every summoner receive a different type of summon depending on the augmented secondary. This would honestly blow my mind already.

    Summoner/tank I would expect to either augment to keep the summoner alive or potentially provide mitigation buffs to the group/raid.

    Summoner/cleric had better life leech for the group! blood magic (fingers crossed)

    Summoner/mage could be dps or CC focused.

    Summoner/summoner should summon things (or more than one summon would be legit)

    Summoner/rogue dps focused summon that pokes a lot

    Summoner/fighter maybe a dps summon that could add movement perks to abilities?

    Summoner/ranger ranged dps summon to pew pew

    Summoner/bard summon that plays bardcore metal on electric guitar, opening rifts into hell and unleashing demons upon the world who enslave all of Verra. Or just party buffs or something of that nature.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Summoner/Tank: Summons that absorb damage for you and allies.
    Summoner/Mage: Summons that are elemental based. Thunder elemental, fire elemental, frost elemental for example. (Mage has fire, thunder, frost and arcane augmentation schools)
    Summoner/Cleric: Summons that cast HoT's or increase passive regeneration.
    Summoner/Ranger: Summons that increase damage done or put DoT's on the enemy. Maybe dart throwers or falcons that swarm the enemy.
    Summoner/Summoner: Summon walls, control the battlefield.
    Summoner/Rogue: Summon shadowcreatures and stalk your opponent and slow them.
    Summoner/Fighter: Summon swords and other weapons to fight for you.
    Summoner/Bard: Summon Musical instruments to buff allies.
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I love how no one talks about the necromancer. I'm so proud of you all ^^

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • "Some summoners may summon multiple things.
    Other summoners may only summon one powerful thing."
    ^ that's from the summoner wiki page, it makes me dream of the summoner/summoner calling final fantasy x aeons from the sky bringing destruction on everything lol.
  • Sum12hateSum12hate Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nagash wrote: »
    I love how no one talks about the necromancer. I'm so proud of you all ^^

    Necromancer: "Summon corpse!"
    Rest of party: " didn't work"
    Rogue with knife drawn behind mage: "yet.."
  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    ioniix wrote: »
    "Some summoners may summon multiple things.
    Other summoners may only summon one powerful thing."
    ^ that's from the summoner wiki page, it makes me dream of the summoner/summoner calling final fantasy x aeons from the sky bringing destruction on everything lol.

    I can imagine this for Mage/Summoner?
    The summons appear for like a second or two, do their magic and then vanish.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    ioniix wrote: »
    it makes me dream of the summoner/summoner calling final fantasy x aeons from the sky bringing destruction on everything lol.

    This link may help you:

  • Sum12hateSum12hate Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    So I've noticed the devs are super adamant about the only three summons limit I'm curious if the summons may be pickable through the skill tree and you can only put points into three or do they just mean three summons summoned at a time from your possible over all summons giving the player the ability to rotate between summons that they deem necessary at each time? I mean hopefully it's the second option but I haven't seen anything to confirm or deny.. If this question has already been asked and answered would someone be so kind as to drop the link?
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